新畜电池在启用之前 ,极板表面会有一定程度的氧化。存放时间越长 ,氧化越严重。加入电解液后 ,会出现急剧升温现象 ,充电时会表现出较大的电阻 ,使充电困难。因此 ,启用新电池应做到 :加注电解液后 ,静放 6h左右 ,待电解液完全浸透极板 ,温度下降至 35℃以下 ,再接通电源进行充电 ;充电电流严格控制在规定范围内 ,如充电过程中升温过高 ,超过45℃ ,可减少充电电流或停止充电 ;进行 1~2次充、放电循环 ,以达到额定容量。
将电池正、负极分别接电源正、负极 ,首先用初充电电流充到电解液放出气泡 ,单格电压升到2.3~2.4V。然后将电流降为1/2初充电电流 ,继续充到电解液放出剧烈气泡 ,电液比重和电压连续 3h稳定不变为止。全部充电时间约为45~ 65h。充电过程中应常测量电解液温度 ,若温度过高 ,可用电流减半、停止充电或冷却的方法 ,将温度控制在35~40℃。初充电完毕 ,若电解液比重不合规定 ,应用蒸馏水或比重为 1.4的电解液进行调整后再充电 2h ,直至比重符合规定为止。新蓄电池***次充电后往往达不到额定容量 ,应进行充、放电循环。用额定容量1/20的电流放电至单格电压降到 1.75V ,然后再用补充充电电流充足。经过一次充、放电循环 ,若容量仍低于额定容量的 90%,应再进行一次充、放电循环。
a .蓄电池在使用过程中 ,水分蒸发及充电时水的电解均会使液面降低 ,因此夏季每隔 5~6天 ,冬季每隔10~15天应检查一次液面高度 ,并按需要加蒸馏水。除因泄漏造成的液面降低外 ,不允许添加电解液 ,否则电解液比重将高于1.300,以致缩短蓄电池的使用寿命。蓄电池液面应高出极板15mm ,液面过高易外溢 ,腐蚀周围零件 ,还有可能使正、负极桩导通 ,引起自行放电 ;液面过低 ,极板上部容易露出液面,不但会使蓄电池容量降低 ,而且外露的极板会很快硫化。
b .使用中的蓄电池因工作状况不同 ,常有充电不足现象(尤其是短途车辆)。出现下列情况之一时应进行补充充电 :①电解液比重降至 1.200以下 ;②冬季放电超过 25%;③夏季放电超过 50%;④灯光暗淡 ;⑤起动无力。补充充电分两个阶段进行。***阶段以额定容量1/10的电流充电 ,到单格电压为2.4V ,电解液开始放出气泡为止 ,一般需10~11h。第二阶段将电流减半直至充足为止 ,一般需 3~5h。如果电解液比重不合规定 ,应予以调整 ,其方法与初充电相同。c.冬季使用蓄电池应注意 :①保证电桩与导线接头联接牢固 ,接触良好 ;②在蓄电池上加装保温装置 ,以免温度太低 ,电阻增大 ;③按规定调整电解液比重 ;④在发动机运转 ,发动机向蓄电池充电时加蒸馏水 ,以免水和电解液混合不匀而引起结冰 ;⑤发动机冷起动时应进行预热 ,每次起动时间不超过5s,重复起动应间隔15s ,如果三次起动不成功 ,应进行检查 ,不要盲目再起动 ;⑥经常使蓄电保持在充足电状态 ,以防电解液比重降低而结冰 ,甚至损坏蓄电池。
4)蓄电池保养时怎样安全操作在保修蓄电池时 ,应遵守以下安全规定 :①搬动蓄电池时轻拿轻放 ,不可歪斜 ,以免电解液溅到衣服或皮肤上 ,引起腐蚀或烧伤。如被溅上 ,应立即用清水冲洗。②检查电解液比重和液面高度时 ,使吸管稍微离开电解液注入口即可 ,不要提得过高 ,以免电解液溅出。③禁止将油料容器及各种金属物放在蓄电池壳体上。④在配制电解液时 ,应使用陶瓷容器 ,并将硫酸慢慢倒入水中 ,***禁止将水倒入硫酸中 ,以免硫酸飞溅烧伤皮肤和衣物 ,甚至容器炸裂造成事故。
对新蓄电池进行充、放电循环及试验蓄电池的工作能力时 ,需按一定规范进行放电 ,以检验蓄电池是否达到额定容量。用蓄电池额定容量1/20的电流放电至每单格电池电压为1.75V ,并在开始放电后每2h测量一次电压 ,电压降到1.8V后因电压降低较快 ,应15~20mim测量一次电压 ,电压降到1.75V时 ,应立即停止放电 ,否则电压会急剧下降到“0”以致烧坏极板 ,并造成下次充电困难。放电方法很多 (如用灯炮放电、用可变电阻放电、用电解液放电以及用电压较低的蓄电池放电),可根据具体条件选用。在放电的线路中,必须串联接入电流表 ,并联上电压表 ,以便及时观测电压值 ,不失时机地停止放电。
蓄电池充电后 ,使用时间不长就存电不足 ,起动机转动无力 ,发动机起动困难 ,喇叭、音响音量降低 ,灯光暗淡 ,用高率放电计检查单格电池 ,电压低于 1 . 5V ,即为蓄电池容量降低。应先检查发电机容量是否合适、调节器电压是否过低、蓄电池是否因长期存放自行放电、是否使用起动机太频繁、是否因电解液液面过低而常用电解液代替蒸馏水加入蓄电池 ,如果不存在上述问题 ,应将蓄电池盖打开 ,检查电解液是否缺少。若液面过低且时间过长 ,使露出来的部分极板硫化 ,则应抽出极板检查。如在极板的表面上呈现出一层白色的硫酸铅 ,说明已经硫化。如抽出极板后 ,倒出电解液 ,在蓄电池底壳存有过多脱落的极板活性物质或其它杂质 ,说明是由这些物质造成极板间短路,引起容量不足。 7)怎样诊断蓄电池蓄电能力下降故障
蓄电能力下降俗称“跑电”,主要现象是 :头天收车时存电尚足 ,第二天起动机就转动无力 ;发动机熄火时间稍长 ,再起动就有困难 ;灯光暗淡 ,喇叭不响。应检查蓄电池的导线有无搭铁。若不搭铁 ,可用高率放电计检查每个单格电压 ,每小时检查一次。如开始电压达到某一数值 ,瞬即迅速下降 ,严重时下降至0 ,说明极板之间有短路故障。应打开蓄电池盖 ,用玻璃管提取电解液 ,如电解液混浊 ,说明电解液含有杂质。此时应取出极板 ,抽出隔板观察 ,如隔板有穿孔现象 ,说明故障是隔板穿孔所致。此外还应检查蓄电池表面是否太脏和是否有电解液溢出。
新蓄电池在初充电、放电过程中 ,水被分解 ,产生大量的氢气和氧气 ,若不及时放出 ,遇到火花蓄电池就会爆炸。①应经常检查并疏通蓄电池盖塞上的通气孔 ,保证内部产生的气体及时排放出去 ;②蓄电池内部连接和电桩上的连接要牢固 ,以免产生电火花 ;③尽量避免在蓄电池电桩上刮火,以免引爆 ;④先打开蓄电池塞盖 ,再用高率放电计检查。
汽车没有蓄电池或蓄电池损坏时 ,可用6~8节干电池代替。方法是 :将干电池串联起来 ,用硬纸卷成一体 ,一端搭铁,另一端用导线接点火线圈上的开关接线柱 ,然后用手摇柄快摇曲轴 ,即可起动发动机。待发动机达到一定转速 ,确信发电机能供电时 ,再拆除.
Use and maintenance:
1) How to start a new battery
Before the new battery is used, there will be a certain degree of oxidation on the surface of the plate. The longer the storage time, the more serious the oxidation. After adding the electrolyte, there will be a sharp heating phenomenon, and the charging will show a large resistance, making the charging difficult. Therefore, the new battery should be enabled: after filling the electrolyte, static discharge for about 6h, until the electrolyte is completely soaked into the plate, the temperature drops below 35 ° C, and then switch on the power supply for charging; The charging current is strictly controlled within the specified range. If the temperature rises too high during the charging process, exceeding 45 ° C, the charging current can be reduced or the charging can be stopped. Carry out 1 ~ 2 charge and discharge cycles to reach the rated capacity.
2) How to charge the new battery
Connect the positive and negative terminals of the battery to the positive and negative terminals of the power supply respectively. First, charge the initial charging current to the electrolyte to release the bubble, and the single cell voltage rises to 2.3 ~ 2.4V. Then the current is reduced to 1/2 of the initial charging current, and continues to charge until the electrolyte releases violent bubbles, and the electro-hydraulic specific gravity and voltage remain stable for 3h. The full charging time is about 45 ~ 65h. The temperature of the electrolyte should be measured during the charging process. If the temperature is too high, the temperature can be controlled at 35 ~ 40℃ by halving the current, stopping the charging or cooling. After the initial charge is completed, if the specific gravity of the electrolyte is not specified, use distilled water or electrolyte with a specific gravity of 1.4 to adjust and then charge for 2h until the specific gravity meets the requirements. The new battery is often less than the rated capacity after the first charge, and should be charged and discharged. Discharge the current with 1/20 of the rated capacity until the single cell voltage is reduced to 1.75V, and then use the supplementary charging current to be sufficient. After a charge and discharge cycle, if the capacity is still less than 90% of the rated capacity, a charge and discharge cycle should be carried out again.
3) How to maintain the battery
a. During the use of the battery, water evaporation and water electrolysis during charging will reduce the liquid level, so the liquid level height should be checked every 5 to 6 days in summer and every 10 to 15 days in winter, and distilled water should be added as needed. In addition to the reduction of the liquid level caused by leakage, the electrolyte is not allowed to be added, otherwise the specific gravity of the electrolyte will be higher than 1.300, which will shorten the service life of the battery. The liquid level of the battery should be 15mm higher than the plate, the liquid level is too high and easy to spill, corrode the surrounding parts, and may make the positive and negative piles conductive, causing self-discharge; The liquid level is too low, and the upper part of the plate is easy to expose the liquid level, which will not only reduce the battery capacity, but also the exposed plate will be quickly vulcanized.
b. The battery in use is often under-charged due to different working conditions (especially short-distance vehicles). When one of the following situations occurs, supplementary charging should be carried out :① the specific gravity of the electrolyte is reduced to below 1.200; ② Discharge exceeds 25% in winter; ③ Discharge in summer is more than 50%; ④ The light is dim; ⑤ Weak starting. Supplementary charging takes place in two stages. At the first stage, the current of 1/10 of the rated capacity is charged, until the single cell voltage is 2.4V, and the electrolyte begins to release bubbles, it generally takes 10 ~ 11h. The second stage halves the current until it is sufficient, which generally takes 3 to 5h. If the specific gravity of the electrolyte is not specified, it should be adjusted, and the method is the same as the initial charge. c. The use of batteries in winter should pay attention to :① ensure that the electric pile and the wire joint are firmly connected and in good contact; (2) Install a thermal insulation device on the battery to avoid too low temperature and increased resistance; ③ Adjust the specific gravity of the electrolyte according to the regulations; (4) When the engine is running and the engine is charging the battery, distilled water is added to avoid the uneven mixing of water and electrolyte and causing icing; ⑤ The engine should be preheated when cold starting, each starting time does not exceed 5s, repeated starting should be 15s interval, if three starts are unsuccessful, should be checked, do not blindly start again; ⑥ Often keep the battery in a state of sufficient electricity to prevent the electrolyte from freezing and even damaging the battery.
4) How to operate the battery when maintaining the battery, you should comply with the following safety regulations :① Handle the battery gently when moving it, do not tilt it, so as to avoid splashing the electrolyte on clothes or skin, causing corrosion or burns. If splashed, rinse immediately with water. ② Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte and the height of the liquid level, so that the straw slightly away from the electrolyte injection port, do not lift too high, so as not to splash the electrolyte. ③ It is forbidden to place oil containers and various metal objects on the battery shell. When preparing the electrolyte, ceramic containers should be used, and the sulfuric acid should be slowly poured into the water, and it is forbidden to pour the water into the sulfuric acid, so as to avoid the sulfuric acid splash burn skin and clothing, and even the container burst causing an accident.
5) How to discharge the battery
When charging and discharging the new battery and testing the working capacity of the battery, it is necessary to discharge according to certain specifications to check whether the battery reaches the rated capacity. Use the current of 1/20 of the rated capacity of the battery to discharge to the voltage of each cell is 1.75V, and measure the voltage every 2h after the start of discharge. After the voltage drops to 1.8V, due to the faster voltage reduction, the primary voltage should be measured by 15-20mim. When the voltage drops to 1.75V, the discharge should be stopped immediately Otherwise, the voltage will drop sharply to "0", which will burn out the plate and cause difficulty in charging the next time. There are many discharge methods (such as discharge with lamp cannon, discharge with variable resistance, discharge with electrolyte and discharge with low voltage battery), which can be selected according to specific conditions. In the discharge line, the ammeter must be connected in series and the voltmeter in parallel so as to observe the voltage value in time and stop the discharge without losing time.
6) How to reduce the battery capacity
After the battery is charged, the use of time is not long enough to save power, the starter rotation is weak, the engine is difficult to start, the speaker, the sound volume is reduced, the light is dim, the single cell battery is checked with a high rate discharge meter, the voltage is lower than 1.5V, that is, the battery capacity is reduced. Should first check whether the generator capacity is appropriate, whether the regulator voltage is too low, whether the battery is self-discharging due to long-term storage, whether the use of the starter is too frequent, whether the electrolyte level is too low and commonly used instead of distilled water to add the battery, if there is no such problem, the battery cover should be opened to check whether the electrolyte is missing. If the liquid level is too low and the time is too long, the exposed part of the plate is vulcanized, then the plate should be extracted for inspection. If a layer of white lead sulfate appears on the surface of the plate, it indicates that it has been vulcanized. If the electrolyte is poured out after the plate is extracted, there is too much falling off the plate active substance or other impurities in the battery bottom shell, indicating that these substances cause short circuit between the plates, resulting in insufficient capacity. 7) How to diagnose the failure of battery storage capacity decline
The decrease of electric storage capacity is commonly known as "running electricity", the main phenomenon is: the first day when the car is still enough to save electricity, the second day the starting motor is weak to rotate; If the engine shuts off for a little longer, it will be difficult to start again. The lights were dim and the horn was silent. Check whether the battery wires are connected with iron. If not, use a high rate discharge meter to check the voltage of each cell, check once an hour. If the initial voltage reaches a certain value, it decreases rapidly, and drops to 0 in serious cases, indicating that there is a short circuit fault between the plates. Open the battery cover and use a glass tube to extract the electrolyte. If the electrolyte is cloudy, it indicates that the electrolyte contains impurities. At this time, the plate should be removed and the partition board should be drawn out for observation. If the partition board is perforated, it indicates that the fault is caused by the partition board perforation. In addition, check whether the battery surface is too dirty and whether there is electrolyte overflow.
8) How to prevent battery explosion
The new battery in the initial charge, discharge process, water is decomposed, produce a lot of hydrogen and oxygen, if not released in time, encounter spark battery will explode. ① The vent hole on the battery cover plug should be regularly checked and dredged to ensure that the gas generated inside is discharged in time; ② The internal connection of the battery and the connection on the electric pile should be firm to avoid electric spark; ③ Try to avoid scratching the fire on the battery electric pile to avoid detonating; ④ First open the battery plug cover, and then check with a high rate discharge meter.
9) How to use dry batteries instead of batteries
When the car has no battery or the battery is damaged, 6 to 8 dry batteries can be used instead. The method is: the dry battery is connected in series, rolled into a body with hard paper, one end of the iron, the other end of the wire is connected to the switch terminal on the ignition coil, and then the crank shaft is quickly shaken by the hand crank to start the engine. When the motor reaches a certain speed and is sure that the generator can supply power, it is removed.
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