


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316
  • 5466-316


5466-316可编程序操控器programmable logic controller在厂主动化中占有无足轻重的位置。技能的不断发展地了基于plc为中心的操控体系在操控功用、操控水平等方面的进步。一起对其操控方法、 运转水平的要求也越来越高,因而交互式操作界面、报警记载和打印等要求也成为整个操控体系中重要的内容。5466-316关于 那些工艺进程较杂乱,操控参数较多的工控体系来说,特别显得重要。新-代工业人机界面的呈现,关于在构建plc工控体系时完结上述功用,提供了-种简洁可行的途径。



5466-316工业人机界面human machine interface,简称hmi,又称接触屏器,是-种智能化操作操控显现装置。 工业人机界面以特别规划的计算机体系32位risc cpu芯片为中心,在stn、tft液晶显现屏或eI电发光显现器上罩盖有通明的5466-316电阻网络式接触屏。触动屏幕时,电阻网络上的电阻和电压发作变化并由软件计算出接触位置。nmi的主要功用有:数据的输入与显现;体系或设备的操作状况方面的实时信息显现;在hmi上设置接触控件可把hmi作为操作面板进行操控操作;报警处理及打印;此外,新-代工业人机界面还具有简略的编程、对输入的数据进行处理、数据登录及配方等智能化操控功用。当hmi用于plc操控体系时,hmi与plc之间经过串口以direct link (直 接连接)方法进行通讯。在该方法下,hmi依据要求直接读入pIc的数据或把数据写入plc相应的地址中。因为内装通讯协议,因而无须编制通讯程序,只需所用plc类型即通讯协议,运转时便可完结通讯。因而大大减少了pIc用户程序的担负。在体系规划时,直接操控部件与其对应plc的输入输出(i/o) 、 寄存器(r) 、中心寄存器(m)的地址,运转时hmi就能主动和pIc进行数据交换。直接读取或改写plc相应地址的内容,并据此改变画面上显现内容。一起经过对hmi的接触操作, 可向plc相应的地址输入数据。








5466-316 industrial human-machine interface, abbreviated as hmi or contact screen device, is an intelligent operation and control display device. The industrial human-machine interface is centered around a specially planned 32-bit RISC CPU chip in the computer system, and is covered with a clear 5466-316 resistive network type contact screen on the STN, TFT LCD display screen, or eI electroluminescent display. When the screen is touched, the resistance and voltage on the resistance network change and the software calculates the contact position. The main functions of nmi include: data input and display; Real time information display on the operational status of the system or equipment; Setting contact controls on hmi allows for manipulation and operation of hmi as an operation panel; Alarm processing and printing; In addition, the new generation of industrial human-machine interfaces also have intelligent control functions such as simple programming, processing of input data, data logging, and formulas. When hmi is used in the PLC control system, communication between hmi and PLC is carried out through a serial port using the direct link method. In this method, hmi directly reads the data of pIc or writes the data to the corresponding address of the PLC according to the requirements. Due to the built-in communication protocol, there is no need to develop a communication program. Only the type of PLC used, i.e. the communication protocol, can complete communication during operation. Therefore, it greatly reduces the burden on the pIc user program. During system planning, by directly manipulating the input/output (I/O), register (r), and center register (m) addresses of the components and their corresponding PLCs, hmi can actively exchange data with pIc during operation. Directly read or rewrite the content of the corresponding address of the PLC, and change the displayed content on the screen accordingly. Through the contact operation of hmi together, data can be input to the corresponding address of the PLC.

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