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数字式发动机控制系统 5501-381 主要特点是可以热更换

5501-381 板的位置将位于 MicroNet TMR 主控电源机箱中,该机箱最多可容纳两块 TMR 电源板,但当一起使用时,它们必须位于两个单独的机箱中,但通过带状电缆连接。该板的一个主要特点是可以热更换,热更换意味着在卸下 5501-381 板时,控制机箱不必停止运行。



数字式发动机控制系统 5501-381 主要特点是可以热更换



5501-381 板由伍德沃德公司制造,是 MicroNet 数字控制系列的一部分。该板是另一款主要的三重模块化冗余 (TMR) 电源板,可在 220 伏的交流电下运行。该板具有在不发生任何错误或故障的情况下运行该模块所需的规格,其中之一是最大输入功率为 1250 VA。该板还具有特定的输入断路器/电源保险丝断开,这与其他 TMR 电源板不同,这将是 10 A 的时间延迟。

5501-381 板的位置将位于 MicroNet TMR 主控电源机箱中,该机箱最多可容纳两块 TMR 电源板,但当一起使用时,它们必须位于两个单独的机箱中,但通过带状电缆连接。该板的一个主要特点是可以热更换,热更换意味着在卸下 5501-381 板时,控制机箱不必停止运行。

在 5501-381 板的前面板上,有四个 LED,这四个 LED 分别是输入故障、电源故障、过热和 OK LED。电路板上唯一的绿色指示灯是 OK LED,该指示灯亮起以指示电源正在根据需要运行,并且没有发生任何错误或故障。

数字式发动机控制系统(Digital Engine Control System,DECS)是一种用于控制发动机运行的电子系统。它使用数字信号处理技术来监测和控制发动机的各项参数,例如油门开度、空气流量、燃油喷射量、点火时机等。

5501-381 DECS 通常由一个或多个微处理器、传感器、执行器和控制软件组成。传感器用于监测发动机的各项参数,例如氧气含量、温度、压力等。微处理器根据传感器提供的信息和预设的算法,计算出最佳的燃油喷射量和点火时机等控制参数,并通过执行器来控制发动机的运行。

5501-381 DECS 具有高精度、高可靠性、快速响应等优点,能够提高发动机的效率和性能,降低排放和噪音,并提高车辆的燃油经济性和驾驶舒适性。它广泛应用于各种类型的发动机,例如汽车发动机、航空发动机、船舶发动机等。

数字式发动机控制系统 5501-381 主要特点是可以热更换


Product description

Panels 5501-381 are manufactured by Woodward and are part of the MicroNet family of digital controls. The board is another major triple modular redundancy (TMR) power board that operates at 220 volts AC. The board has the specifications required to run the module without any errors or failures, one of which is a maximum input power of 1250 VA. The board also has A specific input circuit breaker/power fuse disconnect, which is different from other TMR power boards, which will be 10 A time delay.

The location of the 5501-381 board will be in the MicroNet TMR Master Power supply case, which can accommodate up to two TMR power supply boards, but when used together, they must be located in two separate cases but connected by a ribbon cable. One of the main features of the board is that it can be hot replaced, which means that the control case does not have to stop operating when the 5501-381 board is removed.

On the front panel of the 5501-381 board, there are four leds, which are input failure, power failure, overheating and OK LED. The only green indicator on the board is the OK LED, which lights up to indicate that the power supply is running as needed and that no errors or failures have occurred.

A Digital Engine Control System (DECS) is an electronic system used to control the operation of an engine. It uses digital signal processing technology to monitor and control various parameters of the engine, such as throttle opening, air flow, fuel injection amount, ignition timing, etc.

The 5501-381 DECS typically consists of one or more microprocessors, sensors, actuators, and control software. Sensors are used to monitor various parameters of the engine, such as oxygen content, temperature, pressure, etc. According to the information provided by the sensor and the preset algorithm, the microprocessor calculates the best control parameters such as the fuel injection amount and the ignition time, and controls the operation of the engine through the actuator.

The 5501-381 DECS features high precision, high reliability, and fast response to improve engine efficiency and performance, reduce emissions and noise, and improve vehicle fuel economy and driving comfort. It is widely used in various types of engines, such as automotive engines, aircraft engines, Marine engines and so on.


ABBSYN5201A-Z,V277 3BHB006714R0277FOXBOROFCP270
VIBRO-METER200-510-076-114 200-510-111-034 VM600 MPC4EMERSONSLS1508
ABB DAPI100 3AST000929R109GEIC698CHS009A

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