


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

3805E TRICONEX 数字模拟输出控制系统




3805E TRICONEX 数字模拟输出控制系统





TRICONEX 3805E DCS控制系统选型


2.1.TRICONEX 3805E 在选择DCS控制系统时要优先考虑有在类似机组上良好运行业绩的控制系统,这样的成套控制系统通过了工厂试验和实际投运,其可靠行得到了时间的检验。同时要尽可能多地了解不同DCS在其他电厂的使用情况,尤其是主要出现的重大问题,以便在招标中进行比对和取舍。




另外,在 TRICONEX 3805E  DCS控制系统选型时,还要充分考虑到以下各个方面:为了确保控制系统的安全可靠性,该投入资金不能少,以充分发挥DCS技术优势。比如,控制器对数不能太低,以便于控制功能分配的合理分配;IO模块的数量要合理,以便在分配IO通道时既可以避免重要信号的过度集中,以确保各IO模件的余量合理等。



3805E TRICONEX 数字模拟输出控制系统

3805E TRICONEX 数字模拟输出控制系统


Model: 3805E


The Triconex Invensys 3805E Analog Output (AO) module receives the output signal from the autonomous processor module on each of the three channels. Each set of data is then voted on and a healthy channel is selected to drive the eight outputs. Triconex Invensys 3805E This module monitors its own current output (as input voltage) and maintains an internal voltage reference to provide self-calibration and module health information.

TRICONEX 3805E DCS control system selection

No matter in the new unit or the old unit of the control system transformation, are faced with the problem of choosing the ideal control system as high quality and low cost as possible. Here, we put aside the price of the control system, only from the perspective of improving reliability to consider, in the DCS control system selection process need to pay attention to the following aspects of the problem:

2.1. In the selection of the TRICONEX 3805E DCS control system, priority should be given to control systems with good performance on similar units, such control systems have passed factory tests and actual operation, and their reliability has been tested over time. At the same time, it is necessary to understand as much as possible about the use of different DCS in other power plants, especially the major problems that occur, so as to compare and choose in the bidding.

2.2. The hardware of the control system - must have high reliability, mature technology is used in all aspects of the production process of electronic components, and it is best to hot-plug electronic modules. The calculation and storage capacity of the controller should be sufficient, and the IO card has a strong anti-interference ability.

2.3. The control system should fully adopt redundancy technology from the structure. The controller and network communication of the control system must be redundant, and the redundant devices must be able to realize undisturbed switching. The use of redundant structure can not only avoid the expansion of local faults of the control system, ensure the safe and stable operation of the unit, but also ensure the online elimination of equipment faults, thus eliminating the hidden dangers of accidents.

2.4. Better maintainability of control system software. In particular, the following aspects: the stability of the program and software is good, and there will be no problems such as system or single controller crash; The system self-diagnosis is good: the controller and IO signal have error alarm; Man-machine exchange friendly: can modify the program and lower online; Spare parts have a reliable guarantee: easy to purchase within 15 years and short cycle, low price; Whether the function is powerful. The readability of the software of the control system is good, and whether the types of the configuration function blocks can easily achieve the needs of various process functions of the DCS control system.

In addition, when selecting the TRICONEX 3805E DCS control system, the following aspects should be fully considered: In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the control system, the investment should not be less, so as to give full play to the advantages of DCS technology. For example, the logarithm of the controller cannot be too low in order to facilitate the reasonable distribution of the control function distribution; The number of IO modules should be reasonable, so that when allocating IO channels, it can avoid excessive concentration of important signals to ensure that the margin of each IO module is reasonable.

PLC hardware composition

The hardware of PLC is mainly composed of central processing unit (CPU), memory, input unit, output unit, communication interface, expansion interface, power supply and so on. Among them, CPU is the core of PLC, and commands PLC to work methodically according to the function given by the system program


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