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Delta Tau PMAC 2 数据系统 ACC 28A 5V 32 位原型BD



Delta Tau PMAC 2 数据系统 ACC 28A 5V 32 位原型BD

品牌:Delta Tau

型号:ACC 28A 

离散 I/O2 K(任意组合)

电压输入5 伏直流电

模拟量 I/O8 K


布尔执行每个布尔函数 0.4 微秒

工作温度0 至 60 摄氏度

内存512 KB

电流输入3.1 安培


21-0394003由Delta Tau Systems, Inc.为PMAC 2 Data Systems系列设计和制造。21-0394003被归类为ACC 28A 5V 32位原型BD。

21-0394003是PMAC32的2位原型BD,代表Delta Tau System,Inc.的可编程多轴控制器2系列。PMAC2 系列是一系列高性能伺服运动控制器,能够以非常高的复杂程度同时指挥多达 2 个运动轴。凭借数字信号处理器 (DSP) 的强大功能,PMAC2 系列为多轴控制提供了市场上前所未有的性价比。PMAC56002的CPU是摩托罗拉的DSP2,它能够同时对所有八个轴的PMAC<>系统进行所有计算。

PMAC2 系列有六个版本的硬件:PMAC2 PC、PMAC2 PC Ultralite、PMAC2 VME、PMAC2 VME Ultralite、PMAC2 Lite 和 PMAC2 Mini。所有这些卡彼此不同,特别是在外形尺寸、某些输入/输出端口的可用性以及总线接口的性质方面。但是,就板载固件而言,该卡的所有版本基本相同,因此为任何版本的PMAC2系列编写的任何PMAC2程序都可以在PMAC2系列的任何版本上执行,没有任何问题。

PMAC 2-PCI   603367-104-8.jpg

21-0394003 was designed and manufactured by Delta Tau Systems, Inc. for the PMAC 2 Data Systems series. 21-0394003 is classified as ACC 28A 5V 32-bit prototype BD.

21-0394003 is a 2-bit prototype BD of PMAC32, representing the Delta Tau System, Inc. programmable multi-axis controller 2 series. PMAC2 series is a series of high-performance servo motion controller that can command up to two motion axes at the same time with very high complexity. With the powerful capabilities of digital signal processors (DSP), the PMAC2 series provides unprecedented cost-effectiveness for multi-axis control in the market. The CPU of PMAC56002 is Motorola's DSP2, which can perform all calculations on all eight axis PMAC<>systems simultaneously.

The PMAC2 series comes in six versions of hardware: PMAC2 PC, PMAC2 PC Ultralite, PMAC2 VME, PMAC2 VME Ultralite, PMAC2 Lite, and PMAC2 Mini. All of these cards are different from each other, especially in terms of overall dimensions, availability of certain input/output ports, and the nature of bus interfaces. However, in terms of onboard firmware, all versions of the card are basically the same, so any PMAC2 program written for any version of the PMAC2 series can be executed on any version of the PMAC2 series without any issues.

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