VMIVME-7750搭载英特尔奔腾III处理器,处理器到VME,提供处理器速度高达1.26 GHz。的奔腾III处理器具有32位寻址和64位数据公共汽车。它的超标量架构允许三个指令并行每个时钟周期执行。动态分支预测单元;独立指令和数据缓存,以及MMX™技术也提高了处理器的性能。奔腾III处理器还提供256kbyte (1.26 GHz有512kbyte)的容量高级传输缓存(芯片上,全速2级缓存)使用双独立总线架构,用于高带宽和表演。这个二级缓存在同一个时钟上运行频率作为处理器,从而提高性能。
微处理器:VMIVME-7750搭载英特尔奔腾III处理器,处理器到VME,提供处理器速度高达1.26 GHz。的奔腾III处理器具有32位寻址和64位数据公共汽车。它的超标量架构允许三个指令并行每个时钟周期执行。动态分支预测单元;独立指令和数据缓存,以及MMX™技术也提高了处理器的性能。奔腾III处理器还提供256kbyte (1.26 GHz有512kbyte)的容量高级传输缓存(芯片上,全速2级缓存)使用双独立总线架构,用于高带宽和表演。这个二级缓存在同一个时钟上运行频率作为处理器,从而提高性能。
VMIVME-7750前面板。串行通道有一个16bFIFO支持波特率高达115 k波特。
选项允许:n I/O空间,并且是完全的不可屏蔽中断(NMI)
优先级(PRI):010050 - 001。
键盘和鼠标接口:VMIVME-7750-746有一个梳子PS / 2 keyb包括在内。
闪存:VMIVME-7750提供高达1gb的IDE通过辅助ID访问的CompactFlash存储器端口。VMIVME-7750 BIOS包括单板从Flash内存启动。
看门狗定时器:VMIVME-7750-746提供了一个软件可编程看门狗定时器。使能看门狗定时器在软件控制下。一旦看门狗定时器被启用,软件必须在指定的定时器周期内访问定时器否则将出现超时。用户跳线允许超时为导致复位。独立于跳线,软件可使能看门狗超时或VMEbus SYSFAIL。
Model: VMIVME-7750-746
Microprocessor: The VMIVME-7750 is powered by an Intel Pentium III processor
Processor to VME, offering processor speeds up to 1.26 GHz. The Pentium III processor has 32-bit addressing and 64-bit data bus. Its superscalar architecture allows three instructions to be executed in parallel per clock cycle. Dynamic branch prediction unit; Separate instruction and data caches, as well as MMX™ technology, also improve processor performance. The Pentium III processor also offers 256kbyte (1.26GHz with 512kbyte) capacity Advanced transfer cache (on chip, full speed level 2 cache) using a dual independent bus architecture for high bandwidth and performance. This secondary cache exists on the same clock running at the same frequency as the processor, thus improving performance.
• Comprehensive diagnosis
• Local boot is optional
• Dual boot option lets users choose network or local boot
Serial port: Two 16550 compatible serial ports
VMIVME-7750 Front panel. Serial channels have a 16bFIFO supporting baud rates up to 115k baud.
Board and mouse connector. The cable of the Y-type adapter is E
Option allows :n I/O space and is fully non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
d Configuration: High-performance PCI-to-VME interface
Priority (PRI): 010050-001.
Keyboard and mouse interface: The VMIVME-7750-746 has a comb PS / 2 keyb included.
Flash: The VMIVME-7750 offers a CompactFlash memory port for up to 1gb IDE access via secondary ID. The VMIVME-7750 BIOS includes boards that boot from the Flash memory.
Timer: The VMIVME-7750 offers users two 16-bit timer timers and two 32-bit timers (in addition to the system timer). These timers are mapped as i software programmable.
Watchdog Timer :VMIVME-7750-746 provides a programmable watchdog timer with software . Enable the watchdog timer under software control. Once the watchdog timer is enabled, the software must access the timer within the specified timer period or it will time out. The user jumper is allowed to time out, causing a reset. Independent of the jumper, the software can enable watchdog timeout or VMEbus SYSFAIL.
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