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PXI-8820 | 双核处理器 | 有两个一样功能的处理器核心



2.2 GHz双核处理器PXI控制器—PXIe-8820是用于PXI系统的Intel Celeron 1020E嵌入式控制器。 该控制可用于为工业控制、数据采集以及测试和测量应用创建基于PC的紧凑型和/或便携式平台。 PXIe-8820包含一个10/100/1000BASE-TX(千兆位)以太网端口和四个高速USB端口以及一个集成硬盘驱动器、串行端口和其他外设I/O。



PXI-8820  |  双核处理器  |  有两个一样功能的处理器核心



2.2 GHz双核处理器PXI控制器—PXIe-8820是用于PXI系统的Intel Celeron 1020E嵌入式控制器。 该控制可用于为工业控制、数据采集以及测试和测量应用创建基于PC的紧凑型和/或便携式平台。 PXIe-8820包含一个10/100/1000BASE-TX(千兆位)以太网端口和四个高速USB端口以及一个集成硬盘驱动器、串行端口和其他外设I/O。

双核处理器(Dual Core Processor)是指在一个处理器上集成两个运算核心,以提高计算能力。以下是关于双核处理器的详细解释:








优点:PXI-8820 双核处理器在处理多任务时具有较高的效率,能够更好地满足日常办公、娱乐等需求。此外,它还具有功耗低、价格适中等优点。



PXI controller

2.2GHz dual-core processor PXI Controller - The PXIe-8820 is an Intel Celeron 1020E embedded controller for PXI systems. The control can be used to create PC-based compact and/or portable platforms for industrial control, data acquisition, and test and measurement applications. The PXIe-8820 includes a 10/100/1000BASE-TX (Gigabit) Ethernet port and four high-speed USB ports as well as an integrated hard drive, serial ports, and other peripheral I/O.

Dual Core Processor (dual-core processor) Integrates two computing cores on one processor to improve computing capability. Here is a detailed explanation of dual-core processors:

Definition and how it works

Definition: The PXI-8820 dual-core processor is a processor based on a single semiconductor with two processor cores with the same function. This means consolidating two physical processor cores into a single core.

How it works: The PXI-8820 dual-core processor works mainly by extending parallel computing in a single core to multiple cpus. In a dual-core processor, you can optionally specify one as the primary CPU and the other as the secondary CPU. The primary CPU is responsible for task scheduling and a portion of computing, while the secondary CPU is mainly responsible for computing. When a task can be divided into two parallel tasks, the operating system or control software will assign one of the computing tasks to the slave CPU, the other tasks are completed by the master CPU, and the final result is summarized to the master CPU.

Technical background and status quo

Technical background: The concept of PXI-8820 dual-core processor was first proposed by IBM, HP, Sun and other high-end server manufacturers supporting RISC architecture. However, due to the high price and narrow application range of RISC servers, the concept has not attracted much attention. With the development of technology, dual-core technology based on X86 open architecture has gradually become the mainstream, among which Intel and AMD are the leaders in this field.

What we see now: Currently, AMD and Intel have different processor architectures. AMD was designed with multi-core support in mind from the start, with its processor cores directly connected to the same core, and the cores communicate with each other at chip speed, reducing latency between processors. Intel uses multiple cores to share the front-end bus.

Advantages and application scenarios

Advantages: The PXI-8820 dual-core processor has high efficiency when processing multi-tasks, which can better meet the needs of daily office and entertainment. In addition, it also has the advantages of low power consumption and moderate price.

Application scenario: The dual-core processor is suitable for daily office, web browsing, music playing and other light use scenarios, which can meet the needs of ordinary users.

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