


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

MVME6100-0163 | MVME6100-0161 | 处理器


配置:(类似于 MVME6100-0163)

• MPC7457 1.267 GHz 处理器

• 128 MB 闪存

• 512 MB SDRAM

• IEEE手柄



MVME6100-0163  |    MVME6100-0161  | 处理器 


配置:(类似于 MVME6100-0163)

• MPC7457 1.267 GHz 处理器

• 128 MB 闪存

• 512 MB SDRAM

• IEEE手柄


2eSST VMEbus 协议,跨 VMEbus 的传输速率为 320MB/s

从现有摩托罗拉 VMEbus 平台迁移的路径

高性能 MPC7457 PowerPC 处理器,运行频率为 1.267 GHz


高达 1GB 的板载 DDR ECC 内存

两个 33/66/100 MHz PMC-X 站点允许添加行业标准的专用模块


128MB 闪存,位于两个 64MB 存储体中

摩托罗拉 MVME6100 VME 单板计算机是第一款使用 Tundra Tsi148 VMEbus 设计的 VMEbus 单板计算机 (SBC) 提供 2eSST VMEbus 性能的接口芯片。2eSST(双边沿源同步传输)协议 在大多数情况下,使 VMEbus 以 320MB/s 的实际带宽运行。2eSST 协议已经存在 一段时间(试用标准草案于 1999 年发布,并于 2003 年作为 ANSI 标准发布),但 到目前为止,2eSST板无法在标准VMEbus背板中工作,因为现有的VMEbus收发器 无法支持所需的 VMEbus 2eSST 信令速度。德州仪器 (TI) 开发了新的 VMEbus 支持 2eSST 协议所需的 VMEbus 信号切换速度的收发器。两者的结合 新的德州仪器 (TI) VMEbus 收发器和 Tsi148 VMEbus 传统协议支持允许用户 将 MVME6100 系列集成到现有基础设施中,提供向后兼容性。

Model: MVME6100-0163

Configuration: (similar to MVME6100-0163)

• MPC7457 1.267 GHz processor

• 128 MB flash memory

• 512 MB SDRAM

• IEEE controller


2eSST VMEbus protocol, the transmission rate across VMEbus is 320MB/s

Migration path from the existing MOTOROLA VMEbus platform

The high-performance MPC7457 PowerPC processor runs at 1.267 GHz

128-bit AltiVec coprocessor for parallel processing

Up to 1GB of on-board DDR ECC memory

Two 33/66/100 MHz PMC-X sites allow the addition of industry-standard dedicated modules

Dual Gigabit Ethernet interface

128MB flash memory in two 64MB storage bodies

The MOTOROLA MVME6100 VME single-board computer is the first interface chip to provide 2eSST VMEbus performance using the Tundra Tsi148 VMEbus designed VMEbus VBC. The 2eSST (Bilateral Synchronous Transmission along the Source) protocol allows the VMEbus to operate at an actual bandwidth of 320MB/s in most cases. The 2eSST protocol has been around for some time (a draft trial standard was published in 1999 and published as an ANSI standard in 2003), but so far, 2eSST boards have not been able to work in standard VMEbus backplanes. Because existing VMEbus transceivers cannot support the required VMEbus 2eSST signaling speeds. Texas Instruments (TI) has developed a new VMEbus transceiver that supports the VMEbus signal switching speed required by the 2eSST protocol. The combination of the new Texas Instruments (TI) VMEbus transceiver and Tsi148 VMEbus legacy protocol support allows users to integrate the MVME6100 series into their existing infrastructure, providing backward compatibility.

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