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F8650E HIMA 安全系统中央模块

F8650E当前的(Ex) i模块有2种结构型号:一无涂漆,带印刷电路板覆盖层,涂有印刷电路板覆盖物,任何型号都可以配备在—起,之间没有空闲插槽。非上漆(Ex)i模块可与非(Ex) i模块结合使用没有任何限制的杜勒斯。左侧也不需要空闲插槽或在右侧。



F8650E HIMA  安全系统中央模块





预计运输尺寸尺寸: 2.0" x 5.0" x 8.0"

(5.1 cm x 12.7 cm x 20.3 cm)重量:1磅6.0盎司(0.6千克)

F8650E当前的(Ex) i模块有2种结构型号:一无涂漆,带印刷电路板覆盖层,涂有印刷电路板覆盖物,任何型号都可以配备在—起,之间没有空闲插槽。非上漆(Ex)i模块可与非(Ex) i模块结合使用没有任何限制的杜勒斯。左侧也不需要空闲插槽或在右侧。

带涂漆(Ex) i模块的PCB覆盖正确的插槽必须与非(Ex)i模块结合使用时保持自由,或者必须配备F8650E带隔板M2214的面板。这也适用于插槽。

硬件安全模块(hardware security module,缩写HSM)是一种用于保护和管理强认证系统所使用的密钥,并同时提供相关密码学操作的计算机硬件设备。硬件安全模块一般通过扩展卡或外部设备的形式直接连接到电脑或网络服务器。HSM提供篡改留证(tamper evidence/proof)、篡改抵抗(tamper evidence)两种方式的防篡改功能,前者设计使得篡改行为会留下痕迹,后者设计使得篡改行为会令HSM销毁密钥一类的受保护信息。


一些HSM具备双电源、无需停机更换配件(如冷却风扇)等设计,以确保在数据中心等环境中的高可用性要求。少数HSM可以让用户在其内部处理器上运行专门开发的模块。在一些场景下,这种设计相当实用,例如用户可以在这种安全、受控的环境下运行一些特殊的算法或者业务逻辑,哪怕攻击者取得了计算机的完全控制权限,存储在HSM (连接到计算机)中的程序也无法被提取或篡改。


厦门雄霸的广泛库存包括Reliance Electric、ABB,Alstom,本特利,Emerson,GE, Honeywell, Rolls Entronic, Siemens,Triconex,西屋,and伍德沃德和数百家其他制造商。如果您需要特定型号在我们的网站上没有看到,可随时联系我们销售团队。

F8650E HIMA  安全系统中央模块



Security system central module

Manufacturer :HIMA

Estimated shipping Size Size: 2.0" x 5.0" x 8.0"

(5.1 cm x 12.7 cm x 20.3 cm) Weight :1 lb 6.0 oz (0.6 kg)

The current (Ex) i module of the F8650E is available in two structural models: no paint, with a printed circuit board overlay

- Coated with a printed circuit board covering, any model can be equipped with - no free slots in between. Non-painted (Ex)i modules can be used with non-painted (Ex)i modules in Dulles without any restrictions. The left side also does not need a free slot or on the right side.

PCBS with painted (Ex)i modules covering the correct slots must remain free when used in combination with non-(Ex)i modules, or must be equipped with F8650E panels with partition M2214. This also applies to slots.

A hardware security module (HSM) is a computer hardware device that protects and manages the keys used by a strong authentication system while providing related cryptographic operations. Hardware security modules are usually connected directly to a computer or network server in the form of expansion cards or external devices. HSM provides tamper evidence/proof (tamper evidence) and tamper evidence resistance (tamper evidence). The former is designed so that tampering will leave traces, and the latter is designed so that tampering will make HSM destroy protected information such as keys.

Each HSM includes one or more security coprocessors to prevent tampering or bus detection. Many HSM systems provide a reliable key backup mechanism that allows confidential data to be securely processed or transferred via smart cards or other devices. Because HSMS are often part of a critical infrastructure such as public key infrastructure (PKI) or online banking, multiple HSMS are often used simultaneously to achieve high availability.

Some HSMS are designed with dual power supplies and no downtime to replace accessories, such as cooling fans, to ensure high availability requirements in environments such as data centers. A few HSMS allow users to run specially developed modules on their internal processors. In some cases, this design is quite useful, such as the user can run some special algorithms or business logic in this secure, controlled environment, even if the attacker gains full control of the computer, the program stored in the HSM (connected to the computer) cannot be extracted or tampered with.

02 Massive inventory

Xiamen Xiongba's extensive inventory includes Reliance Electric, ABB,Alstom, Bentley, Emerson,GE, Honeywell, Rolls Entronic, Siemens,Triconex, Westinghouse, and Woodward and hundreds of other manufacturers. If you need a specific model that is not seen on our website, you can contact our sales team at any time.


8440-18185X00241G02ABB  DSTD  110A  57160001-TZDS200SIOBH1AAA
8440-18315X00481G01ABB  PFSK  102  YM322001-EGDS200SIOBH1ABA
531X129SNCG16DD1683-0CC0505 LST 9907-810DS200SIOBH1ACA
531X132APGACG16ES7626-2DG04-0AE3ABB  DSQC  369DS200SLCCG1AEE
531X133PR0APG11394-SJT22-AABB  DSQC  630DS200SLCCG1AFG
1785-L40B2102-1201ABB  DSQC  266HDS200TBQDG1AFF
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1785T-PMPP-17009907-028CI547ABB  DSAI  110  57120001-DP
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