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  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330
  •  F3330

HIMA F3330 8折输出模块,安全相关

  • 制造商 : 希马
  • 产品编号 : F 3330
  • 产品类型 : 8折输出模块,安全相关
  • 阻性负载或感性负载高达 500 mA (12 W),灯连接高达 4 W,带集成安全关断功能,带安全隔离功能,无输出信号,电源要求等级 AK 1 ...6
  • 输出 500 mA,k 短路保护
  • 最大内部压降 : 2 mA 负载时为 500 V
  • 允许的线路电阻(输入+输出):最大 11 欧姆
  • 欠压跳闸:= 16 V
  • 名额要求 : 4 TE
  • 工作数据 : 5 V DC = 110 mA, 24 V DC = 180 mA 在附加负载中
  • 装运重量 : 5 公斤



HIMA   F3330  8折输出模块,安全相关输入输出模块也称为控制模块,在有控制要求时可以输出信号,或者提供一个开关 量信号,使被控设备动作,同时可以接收设备的反馈信号,以向主机报告,是题灾报警联动系统中重要的组成部分。输入输出模块也称为控制模块,在有控制要求时可以输出信号,或者提供一个开关 量信号,使被控设备动作,同时可以接收设备的反馈信号,以向主机报告,HIMA   F3330  8折输出模块,安全相关题灾报警联动系统中重要的组成部分。市场上的输入输出模块都可以提供-对无源常开/常闭触点, 用以控制被控设备,部分厂家的模块可以通过参数设定,设置成有源输出(如海湾GST-LD-8305), 相对应的还有双输入输出模块、 多输入输出模块等等。模块输入端如果设置为 “常.开检线”状态输入,模块输入线末端(远离模块端)必须并联一个4.7kQ的终端电阻; 模块输入端如果设置为“常闭检线”状态输入模块输入线末端(远离模块端)必须串联一个4.7k2的终端电阻。 模块为有源输出时,有源输出端应并联-个4.7kQ的终端电阻, 并串联一个IN4007二极管 。HIMA   F3330  8折输出模块,安全相关









The HIMA F3330 8-fold output module, also known as the control module, is an important component of the disaster alarm linkage system. It can output signals or provide a switch signal when there are control requirements to activate the controlled equipment, and can receive feedback signals from the equipment to report to the host. The input and output module, also known as the control module, can output signals or provide a switching signal when there are control requirements to activate the controlled equipment. At the same time, it can receive feedback signals from the equipment to report to the host. The HIMA F3330 8-fold output module is an important component of the safety related disaster alarm linkage system. The input and output modules on the market can provide a pair of passive normally open/normally closed contacts to control the controlled equipment. Some manufacturers' modules can be set to active output through parameter settings (such as Gulf GST-LD-8305), corresponding to dual input and output modules, multiple input and output modules, and so on. If the module input terminal is set to the "normal. open inspection line" state input, a 4.7kQ terminal resistor must be connected in parallel at the end of the module input line (away from the module end); If the input terminal of the module is set to the "normally closed detection line" state, a 4.7k2 terminal resistor must be connected in series at the end of the input terminal of the module (away from the module end). When the module is an active output, the active output terminal should be connected in parallel with a 4.7kQ terminal resistor and connected in series with an IN4007 diode. HIMA F3330 8-fold output module, safety related

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