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控制器 ds200tcpsg1ane 控制电动机的启动、调速等

ds200tcpsg1ane 控制器分组合逻辑控制器和微程序控制器,两种控制器各有长处和短处。组合逻辑控制器设计麻烦,结构复杂,一旦设计完成,就不能再修改或扩充,但它的速度快。微程序控制器设计方便,结构简单,修改或扩充都方便,修改一条机器指令的功能,只需重编所对应的微程序;要增加一条机器指令,只需在控制存储器中增加一段微程序,但是,它是通过执行一段微程。具体对比如下:组合逻辑控制器又称硬布线控制器,由逻辑电路构成,完全靠硬件来实现指令的功能。



控制器 ds200tcpsg1ane  控制电动机的启动、调速等


GE通用电气 DS200TCPSG1ANE 控制器

ds200tcpsg1ane 控制器(controller)是指按照预定顺序改变主电路或控制电路的接线和改变电路中电阻值来控制电动机的启动、调速、制动和反向的主令装置。由程序计数器、指令寄存器、指令译码器、时序产生器和操作控制器组成,它是发布命令的“决策机构”,即完成协调和指挥整个计算机系统的操作。

ds200tcpsg1ane 控制器分组合逻辑控制器和微程序控制器,两种控制器各有长处和短处。组合逻辑控制器设计麻烦,结构复杂,一旦设计完成,就不能再修改或扩充,但它的速度快。微程序控制器设计方便,结构简单,修改或扩充都方便,修改一条机器指令的功能,只需重编所对应的微程序;要增加一条机器指令,只需在控制存储器中增加一段微程序,但是,它是通过执行一段微程。具体对比如下:组合逻辑控制器又称硬布线控制器,由逻辑电路构成,完全靠硬件来实现指令的功能。

ds200tcpsg1ane 基本组成:

1、指令寄存器用来存放正在执行的指令。指令分成两部分:ds200tcpsg1ane 操作码和地址码。操作码用来指示指令的操作性质,如加法、减法等;地址码给出本条指令的操作数地址或形成操作数地址的有关信息(这时通过地址形成电路来形成操作数地址)。有一种指令称为转移指令,它用来改变指令的正常执行顺序,这种指令的地址码部分给出的是要转去执行的指令的地址。


3、时序电路:ds200tcpsg1ane 用来产生时间标志信号。在微型计算机中,时间标志信号一般为三级:指令周期、总线周期和时钟周期。微操作命令产生电路产生完成指令规定操作的各种微操作命令。这些命令产生的主要依据是时间标志和指令的操作性质。该电路实际是各微操作控制信号表达式(如上面的A→L表达式)的电路实现,它是组合逻辑控制器中最为复杂的部分。

控制器 ds200tcpsg1ane  控制电动机的启动、调速等


GE GE DS200TCPSG1ANE controller

ds200tcpsg1ane controller (controller) refers to the master device that changes the wiring of the main circuit or control circuit and changes the resistance value in the circuit to control the start, speed regulation, braking and reverse of the motor in accordance with the predetermined sequence. Composed of program counter, instruction register, instruction decoder, timing generator and operation controller, it is a "decision mechanism" that issues commands, that is, to complete the coordination and command of the operation of the entire computer system.

ds200tcpsg1ane controller is divided into combinational logic controller and microprogram controller, the two controllers have their strengths and weaknesses. Combinatorial logic controller design is troublesome, complex structure, once the design is completed, it can not be modified or expanded, but its speed is fast. Microprogram controller is convenient in design, simple in structure, easy to modify or expand, modify the function of a machine instruction, only need to reprogram the corresponding microprogram; To add a machine instruction, one simply adds a microprogram to the control memory, but it does so by executing a microprogram. The specific comparison is as follows: The combined logic controller, also known as the hard-wired controller, is composed of logic circuits and completely relies on hardware to achieve the function of instructions.

Basic components of ds200tcpsg1ane:

1. The instruction register is used to store the instructions being executed. The instruction is divided into two parts: ds200tcpsg1ane operation code and address code. The operation code is used to indicate the operation nature of the instruction, such as addition, subtraction, etc. The address code gives the operand address of this instruction or information about forming the operand address (in this case, the address formation circuit is used to form the operand address). There is an instruction called the transfer instruction, which is used to change the normal execution order of the instruction, the address code part of this instruction gives the address of the instruction to be forwarded to the execution.

2, the operation code decoder: used to decode the operation code of the instruction, generate the corresponding control level, and complete the function of analyzing the instruction.

3. Timing circuit: ds200tcpsg1ane is used to generate time signal. In the microcomputer, the time sign signal is generally three levels: instruction cycle, bus cycle and clock cycle. The microoperation command generation circuit generates various microoperation commands to complete the operation specified by the instruction. These commands are mainly based on the time stamp and the operational nature of the instruction. The circuit is actually the circuit realization of each microoperation control signal expression (the A→L expression above), which is the most complex part of the combinatorial logic controller.


GEVMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7 750-746001350-027750-746001 P
GEVMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7 750-734001350-027750-734001 K
GEVMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7 750-746001350-027750-746001 P

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