


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

GTO 配电板 DS200GGXAG1A 可以实现对大功率负载的精确控制

DS200GGXAG1A GTO 配电板通常由多个 GTO 晶闸管、散热器、电容器、电抗器、控制电路等组成。它的主要功能是将高压交流电转换为可调节的直流电,用于驱动电动机、变压器、电抗器等负载。

DS200GGXAG1A GTO 配电板的优点是开关速度快、控制精度高、损耗小、效率高。它可以实现对大功率负载的精确控制和快速响应,适用于工业领域中的电力传动、电力变换等应用。



GTO 配电板  DS200GGXAG1A 可以实现对大功率负载的精确控制


DS200GGXAG1A AC2000 GTO配电板

DS200GGXAG1A 是通用电气制造的 GTO 配电板,用于 Mark V 系统。Mark V 是 GE 最后推出的 Speedtronic 燃气/蒸汽轮机控制系统之一。它具有内置诊断、在线维护和 TMR 架构,可显著减少硬件导致的停机时间。Mark V 系统也可以在更适合的情况下以单工形式进行设置。AX Control 提供该DS200GGXAG1A作为经过全面测试的翻新电路板。请注意,DS200 系列主板不包括固件或组件的更新;如果您的系统需要这些更新,请在我们的网站上搜索类似的 DS215 主板。

GTO(Gate Turn-Off)配电板是一种高压电力电子设备,用于控制和分配大功率电力。GTO 是一种可关断的晶闸管,它具有高电压、大电流和快速开关的特点。

DS200GGXAG1A GTO 配电板通常由多个 GTO 晶闸管、散热器、电容器、电抗器、控制电路等组成。它的主要功能是将高压交流电转换为可调节的直流电,用于驱动电动机、变压器、电抗器等负载。

DS200GGXAG1A GTO 配电板的优点是开关速度快、控制精度高、损耗小、效率高。它可以实现对大功率负载的精确控制和快速响应,适用于工业领域中的电力传动、电力变换等应用。

需要注意的是,DS200GGXAG1A GTO 配电板是一种高压电力电子设备,操作和维护时需要遵循相关的安全规定和操作规程,以确保人身安全和设备正常运行。

总之,DS200GGXAG1A GTO 配电板是一种用于控制和分配大功率电力的高压电力电子设备,它具有开关速度快、控制精度高、损耗小、效率高等优点,适用于工业领域中的电力传动、电力变换等应用。

GTO 配电板  DS200GGXAG1A 可以实现对大功率负载的精确控制


DS200GGXAG1A AC2000 GTO switchboard

The DS200GGXAG1A is a GTO switchboard manufactured by General Electric for the Mark V system. The Mark V was one of the last Speedtronic gas/steam turbine control systems introduced by GE. It has built-in diagnostics, in-line maintenance, and a TMR architecture that significantly reduces hardware-caused downtime. The Mark V system can also be set up in simplex form where more appropriate. AX Control offers the DS200GGXAG1A as a fully tested refurbished circuit board. Please note that the DS200 series motherboards do not include firmware or component updates; If your system needs these updates, please search for a similar DS215 motherboard on our website.

A GTO (Gate Turn-Off) switchboard is a high-voltage power electronic device used to control and distribute high-power electricity. GTO is a kind of thyristor that can be turned off. It has the characteristics of high voltage, high current and fast switching.

The DS200GGXAG1A GTO switchboard is usually composed of a plurality of GTO thyristors, radiators, capacitors, reactors, control circuits, etc. Its main function is to convert high-voltage alternating current into adjustable direct current for driving motors, transformers, reactors and other loads.

The advantages of DS200GGXAG1A GTO switchboard are fast switching speed, high control accuracy, low loss and high efficiency. It can achieve accurate control and fast response to high-power loads, and is suitable for power transmission, power conversion and other applications in the industrial field.

It should be noted that the DS200GGXAG1A GTO switchboard is a high-voltage power electronic equipment, and the relevant safety regulations and operating procedures must be followed during operation and maintenance to ensure personal safety and normal operation of the equipment.

In short, DS200GGXAG1A GTO switchboard is a kind of high-voltage power electronic equipment used to control and distribute high-power power. It has the advantages of fast switching speed, high control accuracy, low loss and high efficiency, and is suitable for power transmission, power conversion and other applications in the industrial field.


ABB5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101

EMERSONSE3008 KJ2005X1-MQ2 13P0072X082TRICON4000093-310
WOODWARD2301E 8273-1011BENTLY3500/22M 138607-01

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