


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

燃气/蒸汽轮机管理系统 DS200ACNAG1ACC 提供人机界面

DS200ACNAG1ACC是GE Mark V组件,用作附加资源计算机网卡或ARCNET。Mark V 是 GE 在 1990 年代开发的燃气/蒸汽轮机管理系统,是其成功的 Speedtronic 系列的一部分。虽然 Speedtronic 系统自 1960 年代以来一直在管理重型涡轮机,但技术的重大进步使 MKV 具有在线维修其三重冗余控制器、完整的涡轮发电机监控、数字阀门定位和增强的诊断功能,帮助技术人员将故障隔离到卡级别。



燃气/蒸汽轮机管理系统 DS200ACNAG1ACC 提供人机界面


DS200ACNAG1ACC是GE Mark V组件,用作附加资源计算机网卡或ARCNET。Mark V 是 GE 在 1990 年代开发的燃气/蒸汽轮机管理系统,是其成功的 Speedtronic 系列的一部分。虽然 Speedtronic 系统自 1960 年代以来一直在管理重型涡轮机,但技术的重大进步使 MKV 具有在线维修其三重冗余控制器、完整的涡轮发电机监控、数字阀门定位和增强的诊断功能,帮助技术人员将故障隔离到卡级别。

该DS200ACNAG1ACC有助于在更大的系统内进行ARCNET LAN通信。 放置该板以接收来自主处理器板 (LDCC) 的信号并将其传递到涡轮机控制操作员界面,反之亦然。该系统使用同轴电缆。ACNA 卡设计为接受两根同轴电缆。同样重要的是要注意,该板上与涡轮控制器建立了<状态> S数据链路连接。



1. 监测:通过传感器对轮机的运行参数进行实时监测,如温度、压力、流量、转速等。

2. 控制:根据监测到的参数,通过控制器对轮机的运行进行控制,如调节燃料供应、调节蒸汽流量、调节轮机转速等。

3. 保护:对轮机的运行进行保护,如超温、超压、超速等保护。

4. 故障诊断:对轮机的故障进行诊断,如故障报警、故障定位等。

5. 人机界面:提供人机界面,以便操作人员对轮机的运行进行监测和控制。


燃气/蒸汽轮机管理系统 DS200ACNAG1ACC 提供人机界面


The DS200ACNAG1ACC is a GE Mark V component used as an additional resource computer network card or ARCNET. The Mark V is a gas/steam turbine management system developed by GE in the 1990s as part of its successful Speedtronic family. While Speedtronic systems have been managing heavy-duty turbines since the 1960s, significant advances in technology have enabled MKV to have its triple-redundant controller serviced online, complete turbomotor monitoring, digital valve positioning, and enhanced diagnostic capabilities that help technicians isolate failures to the card level.

The DS200ACNAG1ACC facilitates ARCNET LAN communication within larger systems. The board is placed to receive the signal from the autonomous processor Board (LDCC) and pass it to the turbine control operator interface and vice versa. The system uses coaxial cables. ACNA cards are designed to accept two coaxial cables. It is also important to note that a < status > S data link is established with the turbine controller on this board.

The DS200ACNAG1ACC Gas/Steam Turbine Management system is a system for monitoring and controlling the operation of a gas or steam turbine. It is usually composed of sensors, controllers, actuators and human-machine interfaces, which can realize the monitoring, control, protection and fault diagnosis of the turbine.

Key features of DS200ACNAG1ACC gas/steam turbine management system include:

1. Monitoring: real-time monitoring of the operating parameters of the turbine through the sensor, such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, speed, etc.

2. Control: According to the monitored parameters, the operation of the turbine is controlled by the controller, such as regulating the fuel supply, regulating the steam flow, regulating the turbine speed, etc.

3. Protection: Protect the operation of the turbine, such as over-temperature, over-pressure, overspeed and other protection.

4. Fault diagnosis: Diagnose the fault of the turbine, such as fault alarm, fault location, etc.

5. Man-machine interface: Man-machine interface is provided for the operator to monitor and control the operation of the turbine.

The application of DS200ACNAG1ACC gas/steam turbine management system can improve the operating efficiency, reliability and safety of the turbine, and reduce the operating cost and maintenance cost. It is widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, aerospace and other fields.


ABBCMA130 3DDE300411ABB5SHY3545L0011
ICS TRIPLEXT8111CBently3500/42M
WATL OWCLS216-10000000ABBAI04

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