


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CGR935  GE 处理器 用于冗余控制器配置

GE Fanuc IC697CGR935 CPU 是配备 80486DX4 处理器的 CPU。它与 GE 90-30 系列和 90-70 系列 PLC 系统完全兼容。它能够进行浮点计算,并广泛用于工业应用。CPU 使用带有 MS-DOS 或 Windows 编程软件的个人计算机进行编程。它以 5 伏的电源电压运行。它的额定电流为 3.1 安培。CPU 使用 1 MB 的 CMOS RAM 进行处理。内存由电池备份。IC697CGR935可编程 CPU 配备 2 个端口,分别称为端口 1 和 2。AS693232SNP电缆可以连接到任一端口。



IC697CGR935  GE 处理器 用于冗余控制器配置

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90-70系列的IC697CGR935-EB GE热备用CPU厂商:GE


的热备用CPU预计装运尺寸尺寸: 263×58× 28mm

重量:.4.3 kg


描述: IC697CGR935是 90-70 系列处理器,来自 Emerson Automation,以前由 GE Fanuc 提供。此处理器用于冗余控制器配置。它是一个单插槽CPU,配备96 MHz,80486DX4微处理器,布尔处理速度为0.4微秒;1 MB 快速内存;支持 12K 输入/12K 输出的任意组合,并能够实现高达 8K 的模拟 I/O。它专为主 CPU 和辅助 CPU 之间的无颠簸传输而设计。

GE Fanuc IC697CGR935 CPU 是配备 80486DX4 处理器的 CPU。它与 GE 90-30 系列和 90-70 系列 PLC 系统完全兼容。它能够进行浮点计算,并广泛用于工业应用。CPU 使用带有 MS-DOS 或 Windows 编程软件的个人计算机进行编程。它以 5 伏的电源电压运行。它的额定电流为 3.1 安培。CPU 使用 1 MB 的 CMOS RAM 进行处理。内存由电池备份。IC697CGR935可编程 CPU 配备 2 个端口,分别称为端口 1 和 2。AS693232SNP电缆可以连接到任一端口。

IC697CGR935 CPU 的正面有 LED 状态指示灯,可针对不同事件呈绿色常亮。如果电缆连接到任一端口,LED 会亮起。左中间的 LED 指示处理器的功能,底部的 LED 显示 I/O 活动。除了这些 LED 之外,还包括一个与 LED 相对应的 3 位开关。在顶部位置,开关允许所有功能。如果开关切换到中间位置,所有输出将被禁用,当切换到底部位置时,开关将导致 CPU 退出 RUN 模式。IC697CGR935 CPU 只能在温度范围在 0 到 50 摄氏度之间的位置运行。对于超过 50 摄氏度的温度,需要采用强制冷却方法。IC697CGR935 CPU 配备了一个 RJ 45 端口,用于网络和通信连接。

IC697CGR935  GE 处理器 用于冗余控制器配置

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90-70 series IC697CGR935-EB GE Hot Standby CPU Manufacturer :GE

Model :IC697CGR935-EB Additional information :90-70 series

The estimated shipping size of the hot standby CPU dimensions: 263 x 58 x 28mm


Country of Origin: USA

Description: The IC697CGR935 is a 90-70 series processor from Emerson Automation, previously supplied by GE Fanuc. This processor is used for redundant controller configuration. It is a single-socket CPU with a 96 MHz, 80486DX4 microprocessor and a Boolean processing speed of 0.4 microseconds; 1 MB fast memory; It supports any combination of 12K input /12K output and is capable of analog I/O up to 8K. It is designed for bump-free transfers between the primary and secondary cpus.

The GE Fanuc IC697CGR935 CPU is a CPU with an 80486DX4 processor. It is fully compatible with GE 90-30 series and 90-70 series PLC systems. It is capable of performing floating-point calculations and is widely used in industrial applications. The CPU is programmed using a personal computer with MS-DOS or Windows programming software. It operates at a supply voltage of 5 volts. It has a rated current of 3.1 amps. The CPU uses 1 MB of CMOS RAM for processing. The memory is backed up by the battery. The IC697CGR935 programmable CPU is equipped with two ports, called ports 1 and 2. The AS693232SNP cable can be connected to either port.

The front of the IC697CGR935 CPU has a LED status indicator, which can be green on for different events. If the cable is connected to either port, the LED lights up. The left center LED indicates the processor's capabilities, and the bottom LED shows I/O activity. In addition to these leds, a 3-bit switch corresponding to the LED is also included. In the top position, the switch allows all functions. If the switch switches to the middle position, all output will be disabled, and when switched to the bottom position, the switch will cause the CPU to exit RUN mode. The IC697CGR935 CPU can only operate in a temperature range between 0 and 50 degrees Celsius. For temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, a forced cooling method is required. The IC697CGR935 CPU is equipped with an RJ 45 port for networking and communication connections.


ABBPCD530A102 3BHE041343R0102ABBLM80.A
ABBPPC907BE 3BHE02457 7R0101ABBUAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002
ABB .KUC755AE117 3BHB005243R0117ABBPPC907BE101 3BHE024577R0101
GERS-FS9001 362A1052P404ABBPPC905AE101 3BHE014070R0101
BENTLY3500/42M 176449-02GEITM11A8XJ036645

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