


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC693APU300  GE 高速计数器 用于脉冲输入

IC693APU300是属于90-30系列PLC的高速单槽计数器。该模块可用于脉冲输入速率大于 PLC 输入能力或需要 PLC 处理能力很大一部分的情况。

高速计数器允许直接处理高达 1 MHz 的快速脉冲信号,适用于工业应用,例如物料搬运、仪表验证和速度测量。凭借直接处理能力,高速计数器可以检测输入、计数并响应输出,而无需与 CPU 通信。它可以配置为向上或向下计数,向上和向下计数,或者计算两个变量之间存在的差异。该模块可以配置为提供 1 个复数计数器、2 个相同且复数的计数器或 4 个相同且独立的简单计数器。该模块带有 12 个正源输入,输入电压范围为 5 V DV 或 10 至 30 V DC。此外,您还会发现 4 个正向源输出、内部模块诊断和现场接线期间使用的可拆卸端子板。IC694APU300模块在 RX3i 系统中使用时提供两种操作模式:经典模式和增强模式。默认情况下,该模块在经典模式下运行。但是,如果您希望使用增强功能,请使用机器版本配置工具选择“增强模式”。



IC693APU300   GE 高速计数器 用于脉冲输入

IC693APU300 .jpg

品牌 : GE Fanuc

产品编号: IC693APU300

产品类型 : 90-30系列高速计数器

生命周期状态 : 成熟

模块类型 : 高速计数器

计数率:高频 - 80 kHz; 低频 - 20 Hz 机构批准选项:00 = 无批准


关断状态漏电流:每点 10 μA

输出保护:所有点的 3 安培保险丝

计数器操作:A型 - 独立于上行或下行 Pulse-4 计数器;B 型 - 两者兼而有之 方向-A QUAD B 编码器输入-2 计数器;C 型 - 两者的区别 2 个变化值-A QUAD B 编码器 输入 -1 计数器

输入滤波器(可选):高频滤波器 - 2.5 μS; 低频滤波器 - 12.5 ms

可选开/关 输出预设:每个计数器有 2 个当前点, 开和关

每个时基的计数器 :每个计数器存储数字 已发生的计数 在指定的时间内。时基 价值测量来自 1 ms 至 65535 ms 是可配置的。

频闪寄存器:每个计数器有一个或多个 选通寄存器,用于捕获 电流累加器值 选通输入转换 上次选择的方向 模块的配置。

本地快速输入:(12) 5 VDC 或 10 至 30 VDC

本地快速输出:(4) 10 至 30 VDC @ 500 mA(最大值) 最大 4.75 至 6 VDC @ 20 mA

连接器类型 : 接线端子 (20 螺丝), 包含在模块中。

使用的内部电源:250 mA @ 5 VDC

重量 : 3 kg

IC693APU300是属于90-30系列PLC的高速单槽计数器。该模块可用于脉冲输入速率大于 PLC 输入能力或需要 PLC 处理能力很大一部分的情况。

高速计数器允许直接处理高达 1 MHz 的快速脉冲信号,适用于工业应用,例如物料搬运、仪表验证和速度测量。凭借直接处理能力,高速计数器可以检测输入、计数并响应输出,而无需与 CPU 通信。它可以配置为向上或向下计数,向上和向下计数,或者计算两个变量之间存在的差异。该模块可以配置为提供 1 个复数计数器、2 个相同且复数的计数器或 4 个相同且独立的简单计数器。该模块带有 12 个正源输入,输入电压范围为 5 V DV 或 10 至 30 V DC。此外,您还会发现 4 个正向源输出、内部模块诊断和现场接线期间使用的可拆卸端子板。IC694APU300模块在 RX3i 系统中使用时提供两种操作模式:经典模式和增强模式。默认情况下,该模块在经典模式下运行。但是,如果您希望使用增强功能,请使用机器版本配置工具选择“增强模式”。

增强功能包括支持来自外部设备的高达 1 MHz 的输入频率和时钟输入 1 处高达 2 MHz 的内部振荡器、支持 32 位计数器和 Z 输入事件、可配置输出、翻滚检测标志以及支持从 RX3i CPU 通过背板进行固件更新。IC693APU300还具有窗口功能,允许用户定义一系列计数器累加器值,其中选通被识别为有效输入。如果计数器累加器超出此范围,则忽略选通输入。由于该模块被认为是开放式设备,因此应将其安装在污染最小的外壳中。对于接线连接,请使用最低额定值为 90 摄氏度的铜线。如果允许使用两根电线,则它们应该属于同一类型。在接线、更换模块、电池、保险丝或任何其他可维修组件之前,建议关闭电源。这是为了避免可能发生的任何事故。此外,产品应安装在经认证可用于 Zone 2、Group IIC 且最低防护等级为 IP54 的外壳中。在现场接线时,连接到IC694APU300高速计数器的所有电缆都必须使用屏蔽电缆。屏蔽电缆应在距离IC694APU300模块 6 英寸范围内具有高频接地。

IC693APU300   GE 高速计数器 用于脉冲输入

IC693APU300 .jpg

Brand: GE Fanuc

Product number: IC693APU300

Product type: 90-30 series high-speed counter

Life cycle status: Mature

Module type: High speed counter

Counting rate: high frequency -80 kHz; Low-frequency -20 Hz mechanism approval options: 00 = No approval

Input/Output type: positive logic

Off state leakage current: 10μA per point

Output protection: 3 amp fuses at all points

Counter operation: Type A - independent of up or down Pulse-4 counter; Type B - both directions -A QUAD B encoder input -2 counter; Type C - Difference between the two 2 variable values -A QUAD B encoder input -1 counter

Input filter (optional) : High frequency filter -2.5μS; Low frequency filter - 12.5ms

Optional On/Off output presets: Each counter has 2 current points, on and off

Counters per timebase: Each counter stores the number of counts that have occurred within a specified time period. Timebase value measurements from 1 ms to 65535 ms are configurable.

Stroboscopic registers: Each counter has one or more strobe registers that capture the current accumulator value strobe input to convert the configuration of the last selected direction module.

Local quick input: (12) 5 VDC or 10 to 30 VDC

Local fast output: (4) 10 to 30 VDC @ 500 mA (Max) 4.75 to 6 VDC @ 20 mA Max

Connector type: Terminal (20 screws), included in the module.

Internal power supply used: 250 mA @ 5 VDC

Weight: 3 kg

The IC693APU300 is a high speed single slot counter belonging to the 90-30 series PLC. The module can be used in situations where the pulse input rate is greater than the PLC input capacity or where a significant portion of the PLC processing capacity is required.

High-speed counters allow direct processing of fast pulse signals up to 1 MHz and are suitable for industrial applications such as material handling, instrument validation and speed measurement. With direct processing capabilities, high-speed counters can detect inputs, count, and respond to outputs without having to communicate with the CPU. It can be configured to count up or down, count up and down, or calculate the difference that exists between two variables. The module can be configured to provide 1 complex counter, 2 counters that are identical and complex, or 4 simple counters that are identical and independent. The module comes with 12 positive source inputs in the voltage range of 5 V DV or 10 to 30 V DC. In addition, you will find 4 forward source outputs, internal module diagnostics and detachable terminal boards for use during field wiring. The IC694APU300 module provides two modes of operation when used in RX3i systems: Classic mode and Enhanced mode. By default, the module runs in classic mode. However, if you want to use enhancements, select "Enhanced Mode" using the machine version Configuration tool.

Enhancements include support for input frequencies up to 1 MHz from external devices and internal oscillators up to 2 MHz at clock input 1, support for 32-bit counters and Z input events, configurable outputs, roll detection flags, and support for firmware updates from the RX3i CPU via the backplane. The IC693APU300 also has a window feature that allows the user to define a series of counter accumulator values where the gating is recognized as a valid input. If the counter accumulator is outside this range, the strobe input is ignored. Since the module is considered an open device, it should be installed in a housing with the least contamination. For wiring connections, use copper wire with a minimum rating of 90 degrees Celsius. If two wires are allowed, they should be of the same type. It is recommended to turn off the power before wiring, replacing modules, batteries, fuses, or any other repairable component. This is to avoid any accidents that may occur. In addition, the product should be installed in a housing certified for use in Zone 2, Group Iics and with a minimum protection class of IP54. When wiring in the field, all cables connected to the IC694APU300 high speed counter must use shielded cables. The shielded cable should have high-frequency grounding within 6 inches of the IC694APU300 module.


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