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IC698CHS009A GE IO机架 单插槽模块

描述:GE Fanuc IC698CHSO09 Rx7ilIO机架专为Rx7i PACsystem而设计。这款9插槽IO机架可通过软件进行配置,支持所有Rx7i CPU和IO配置、90-70系列IO和VME模块。



IC698CHS009A  GE IO机架 单插槽模块

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GE FanuclC6S8CHS009 Rx71I/O机架是用于RiZ7iPACsystem系列的9插槽IⅣO机架。这款后置ⅣO机架与所有RxTiCPU和I0O设备、90-70系列IO和VME模块兼容。IC698CHS8009机架具有插槽感应功能,支持软件配置,无需DIP开关或跳战别可进行IO寻址。IC658CHS109机架还提供中断确认和总线授予信号的自动菊花糙连接,无需插槽跳线,并支持Rx7电源插件。C6S8CHS009机架有9个IO插槽,用于安装Ri7CPU、O模块和电源模块。编号为1到8的插槽宽度为20毫米,仅支持单插槽模块。插槽9宽40.6毫米,支持双宽模块。插槽1编号仅保留给CPU,“插槽0'宽61毫米,用于电源模块。

IC898CHS0O9机架支持10瓦和350瓦额定电源。使用100瓦电源时,IC698CHS009机架的最大额定电流为20安培(5伏直流电)和1安培(-12伏直流电)之一,使用350瓦电源时,它的最大额定电流为60安培(5伏直流电)和4安培〈-12伏直流电)。IC698CHSO09机架支持软件配置。IO插禧寻址是使用MachineEitionLogic Developer-PLC软件实现的。IC698CHS009机架支持使用可选的风扇组件,如ICS8CPEO20CREO20组件,以增演冷却效果。C698CHS109 Rack;是一种开放式设计设备,需要标准的IP54外壳才能在任何工厂车间提供保护。它的工作温度范围为0至60摄氏度,总尺寸为283× 320 x190毫米.

IC698CHSO09A是GE Fanuc Series 90-70 PLC的机箱,用于安装和保护PLC模块。以下是该产品的说明、参数和规格;

说明:1C698CH5S009A是一个19英寸机箱,具有12个插槽,可容纳GE Fanuc Series $90-70PLC模块。它是一个可扩展的机箱,可以通过添加扩展机箱来增加插槽数量。该机箱具有可拆卸的端子板,方便安装和维护。





IC698CHS009A  GE IO机架 单插槽模块

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The GE FanuclC6S8CHS009 Rx71I/O rack is a 9 slot I IV O rack for the RiZ7iPACsystem series. This rear IV O rack is compatible with all RxTiCPU and I0O devices, 90-70 series IO and VME modules. The IC698CHS8009 rack features slot sensing, software configuration support, and IO addressing without DIP switches or hops. The IC658CHS109 rack also provides automatic Daisy connections for interrupt acknowledgement and bus grant signals without the need for slot jumpers, and supports Rx7 power plugins. The C6S8CHS009 rack has nine I/O slots for installing the Ri7CPU, O module, and power module. Slots numbered 1 to 8 are 20 mm wide and support only single-slot modules. Slot 9 is 40.6 mm wide and supports dual-width modules. Slot 1 numbers are reserved for cpus only, "Slot 0' is 61 mm wide and is used for power modules."

The IC898CHS0O9 rack supports 10 watt and 350 Watt power ratings. The IC698CHS009 frame has a maximum rated current of one of 20 amps (5 volts DC) and 1 amp (-12 volts DC) when using a 100 watt power supply, and it has a maximum rated current of 60 amps (5 volts DC) and 4 amps < -12 volts DC) when using a 350 Watt power supply. The IC698CHSO09 rack supports software configuration. IO plug addressing is implemented using MachineEitionLogic Developer-PLC software. The IC698CHS009 rack supports the use of optional fan components, such as the ICS8CPEO20CREO20 component, for increased cooling. C698CHS109 Rack; It is an open design device that requires a standard IP54 housing to provide protection on any factory floor. It operates in a temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius and has a total size of 283 x 320 x190 mm.

The IC698CHSO09A is a chassis for GE Fanuc Series 90-70 PLC, which is used to install and protect PLC modules. The following is the description, parameters and specifications of the product;

Description :1C698CH5S009A is a 19-inch chassis with 12 slots that can accommodate GE Fanuc Series $90-70PLC modules. It is an expandable chassis and the number of slots can be increased by adding an expansion chassis. The chassis has a removable terminal board for easy installation and maintenance.


Chassis material: Aluminum alloy, chassis color: black, chassis weight: about 5.5kg

· Terminal board material: glass fiber reinforced polyimide · Terminal board color: green

. Weight: Class 05ka


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