


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SSBAG1ARP 缓冲卡 与 DC300/2000 驱动器配合使用



DS200SSBAG1ARP  缓冲卡  与 DC300/2000 驱动器配合使用







GE DC300 驱动器缓冲板 DS200SSBAG1ARP 具有一个 2 针连接器、3 个电容器和四个用于连接电缆的柱子。GE DC300 驱动器缓冲板 DS200SSBAG1ARP 上的四个柱子中的三个设计用于连接到板上组件的三根电缆。当您从工厂收到原始电路板时,印刷材料描述了如何将三根电缆连接到端子。第四个端子连接到驱动器中存在的电线。

首先,当您收到更换板时,您必须首先检查有缺陷的板上的三根电缆,并确保更换板上的电缆连接到相同的端子。如果第四根电缆连接到有缺陷的电路板,请在上面贴上带有端子 ID 的标签。如果有电缆连接到 2 针连接器,请使用印在板上的连接器 ID 标记电缆并将其连接到电缆。这将使将电缆连接到更换板上变得更快、更容易。用一只手卸下四个螺钉,用另一只手支撑板子。然后,用两只手握住板的两侧并将其从驱动器中取出。请仔细观察板柜,不要让它撞到或撞到机柜开口的侧面。将其放在清洁干燥的表面上。例如,书桌或长凳。

The GE DC300 driver buffer board DS200SSBAG1ARP has a 2-pin connector, 3 capacitors, and four columns for connecting cables. Three of the four pillars on the GE DC300 driver buffer board DS200SSBAG1ARP are designed to connect three cables to the components on the board. When you receive the original circuit board from the factory, the printed material describes how to connect the three cables to the terminals. The fourth terminal is connected to the wire present in the driver.

Firstly, when you receive a replacement board, you must first check the three cables on the defective board and ensure that the cables on the replacement board are connected to the same terminals. If the fourth cable is connected to a defective circuit board, please label it with a terminal ID. If there is a cable connected to a 2-pin connector, mark the cable with the connector ID printed on the board and connect it to the cable. This will make connecting the cables to the replacement board faster and easier. Remove the four screws with one hand and support the board with the other hand. Then, hold both sides of the board with both hands and remove it from the drive. Please carefully observe the cabinet and do not let it collide or hit the side of the cabinet opening. Place it on a clean and dry surface. For example, a desk or bench.

GE DS200DSPCH1ADA(3).jpg

有关 DS200SSBAG1ARP 的常见问题

DS200SSBAG1ARP 与哪些硬盘配合使用?

DS200SSBAG1ARP 与 DC300/2000 驱动器配合使用。

DS200SSBAG1ARP 上有哪些电池?

DS200SSBAG1ARP 有两节电池。DS200SSBAG1ARP 的电池是 AZ CAP K90017-437 电池。DS200SSBAG1ARP 上的这些电池是 660 VAC。

DS200SSBAG1ARP 的连接器有多少针?

DS200SSBAG1ARP 具有 2 针 FCPL 连接器。

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