


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SLCCG2ACC GE局域网通讯卡极速电子马克五



DS200SLCCG2ACC GE局域网通讯卡极速电子马克五


DS200SLCCG2ACC模块可用作GEMark V系统中的局域网通信模块。Mark V是通用电气公司后来发布的用于工业燃气轮机或蒸汽轮机的Speedtronic控制系统之一,也是少数可用于单工或三重模块化冗余系统的控制系统之一。我们公司为Speedtronic系统保留了许多更换零件的库存,包括此LAN通信模块的多个版本;请务必为您的应用订购正确的版本,完美复制您之前的电路板 ID。例外情况是,如果您需要在 U6 和 U7 上更换 EPROM;该板出厂时通常不带这些EPROM,因为通常的做法是将这些IC从旧板移到新板。

DS200SLCCG2ACC 板安装在 Mark V 系统内的 SDCC 板上。两块板使用 KPPL 连接器连接在一起。DS200SLCCG2ACC板配有16位字母数字显示,以及多个集成芯片、伯格跳线、跳线器、电阻、电阻网络阵列、电容和二极管。该板还具有多个连接器,并在每个角落钻孔以接受支架进行安装。


GE DS200DSPCH1ADA(5).jpg

The DS200SLCCG2ACC module can be used as a LAN communication module in the GEMark V system. Mark V is one of the Speedtronic control systems later released by General Electric for industrial gas or steam turbines, and is also one of the few control systems available for simplex or triple modular redundant systems. Our company has retained inventory of many replacement parts for the Speedtronic system, including multiple versions of this LAN communication module; Please make sure to order the correct version for your application and perfectly replicate your previous circuit board ID. The exception is if you need to replace the EPROM on U6 and U7; The board usually leaves the factory without these EPROMs, as the usual practice is to move these ICs from the old board to the new board.

The DS200SLCCG2ACC board is installed on the SDCC board within the Mark V system. The two boards are connected together using KPPL connectors. The DS200SLCCG2ACC board is equipped with a 16 digit alphanumeric display, as well as multiple integrated chips, Berger jumpers, jumpers, resistors, resistor network arrays, capacitors, and diodes. The board also has multiple connectors and drilled holes in each corner to receive brackets for installation.

Before removing the motherboard or its connections, be sure to turn off the power to the drive. This limits the possibility of equipment damage. Before reinserting the circuit board into the driver or reconnecting the circuit, be sure to follow the same steps. We suggest that you label the cable before disconnecting it to simplify reconnection

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