


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

169-100P-120 GE 管理继电器

GE Multilin的169-100P-120是一款电机管理继电器,用于控制和保护三相电机系统。继电器通过检测系统中的危险情况并被动地保护这些组件免受伤害,延长了系统寿命并减少了停机时间。每个电机只需要一个继电器,169可以单独安装,也可以与其他保护继电器一起安装。



169-100P-120 GE 管理继电器



制造地点: 加拿大安大略省万锦市

型号 :169-100P-120

继电器触点最大工作电流: 10 安培

继电器触点最小允许负载: 5 伏直流,100 毫安

RTD 跳闸/报警设定值范围 0 至 200°C

显示工作范围 0°C 至 +55°C


GE Multilin的169-100P-120是一款电机管理继电器,用于控制和保护三相电机系统。继电器通过检测系统中的危险情况并被动地保护这些组件免受伤害,延长了系统寿命并减少了停机时间。每个电机只需要一个继电器,169可以单独安装,也可以与其他保护继电器一起安装。

169-100P-120 继电器相对容易设置,因为它出厂时已经为普通大型电机系统设计了设定点。随着用户更好地了解其系统的独特需求,可以进一步编辑这些值。一些可配置的设置包括接地故障设定点、欠流设定点、机械堵塞设定点、短路设定点和不平衡设定点。用户可以指定系统激活跳闸或警报的阈值和时间间隔,从而以最佳方式屏蔽给定系统。

继电器最多可采用六个 RTD(电阻温度检测器)来评估电机定子温度、环境空气温度和承重相关温度等值。所需的RTD类型应在订购时指定,因为有一个可选的铂RTD(100 Ω)。如果没有为继电器分配定子RTD以供使用,则169将不会收到实际冷却时间,并将默认根据用户定义的预设值进行计算。用户必须使用相同长度的电线才能从电阻温度检测器接收准确的读数。

169-100P-120 的常见问题

什么是 169-100P-120?

169-100P-120 是一款电机管理继电器,用于监控、保护和保障电机系统。它还提供统计记录保存、通信选项以及气流和吸力损失的指示。

169 Plus 系列电机管理继电器和 Multilin 169 继电器有什么区别?

虽然GE Multilin 169继电器(如169-100P-120)和169 Plus继电器系列具有相似的功能,可以提供全面的电机保护,但169 PLUS系列包括其他功能,以区分169 Plus和169系列。Multilin GE 169 Plus的附加功能包括除了基本169型号附带的八个曲线选项外,还可以选择自定义曲线。这种自定义曲线功能使用户能够在提供的八条过载曲线与应用不完全匹配的情况下,创建针对最终应用量身定制的独特定制曲线。这种自定义曲线功能扩展了保护范围,包括独特的情况,例如风扇驱动器的保护,这些驱动器往往与转子和热容量有很大不同。作为 169 型号,100-120P-169 将无法产生适合风扇驱动应用的曲线。

除了 169 Plus 型号的自定义曲线功能外,Plus 型号还能够通过记录电机参数随时间的变化来适应手头的应用。Multilin Plus 继电器记录冷却速率、加速度、时间、电机浪涌电流值以及给定电机特有的其他特性,以便“学习”电机值,从而定制保护特定电机参数。相比之下,Multilin 169继电器只能“学习”电机的浪涌电流。







169-100P-120 GE 管理继电器


Manufacturer: General Electric Multilin (GE)

Manufacturing Location: Markham, Ontario, Canada

Model :169-100P-120

Maximum working current of relay contact: 10 amps

Minimum allowable load on relay contacts: 5 V DC, 100 MA

RTD trip/alarm Settings range from 0 to 200°C

Display operating range 0°C to +55°C

Product description

GE Multilin's 169-100P-120 is a motor management relay designed to control and protect three-phase motor systems. Relays extend system life and reduce downtime by detecting hazardous conditions in the system and passively protecting these components from harm. Only one relay is required for each motor, and 169 can be installed alone or in conjunction with other protective relays.

The 169-100P-120 relay is relatively easy to set up because it comes with a set point already designed for common large motor systems. These values can be further edited as users better understand the unique requirements of their system. Some configurable Settings include ground fault set points, undercurrent set points, mechanical blockage set points, short circuit set points, and unbalanced set points. Users can specify thresholds and time intervals for system activation trips or alerts to optimally shield a given system.

Relays can use up to six RTDS (resistance temperature detectors) to assess motor stator temperature, ambient air temperature and load bearing related temperature equivalents. The desired RTD type should be specified at the time of ordering, as there is an optional platinum RTD (100Ω). If the relay is not assigned a stator RTD for use, the 169 will not receive the actual cooling time and will default to a user-defined default value. The user must use the same length of wire to receive an accurate reading from the resistance temperature detector.

FAQ for 169-100P-120

What is 169-100P-120?

The 169-100P-120 is a motor management relay designed to monitor, protect and secure motor systems. It also provides statistical record keeping, communication options, and indications of airflow and suction losses.

What is the difference between the 169 Plus Series motor management relay and the Multilin 169 relay?

While the GE Multilin 169 relays (such as the 169-100P-120) and the 169 Plus relay series have similar features to provide comprehensive motor protection, the 169 PLUS series includes additional features to distinguish the 169 Plus from the 169 series. Additional features of the Multilin GE 169 Plus include the option to customize curves in addition to the eight curve options that come with the basic 169 model. This custom curve feature enables users to create unique custom curves tailored to the final application in cases where the eight overload curves provided do not exactly match the application. This custom curve feature extends the range of protection to include unique cases, such as the protection of fan drivers, which often differ greatly from the rotor and heat capacity. As the 169 model, the 100-120P-169 will not be able to produce curves suitable for fan-driven applications.

In addition to the 169 Plus model's custom curve function, the Plus model is able to adapt to the application at hand by recording changes in motor parameters over time. Multilin Plus relays record cooling rate, acceleration, time, motor surge current values, and other characteristics unique to a given motor in order to "learn" motor values and thus customize protection of specific motor parameters. In contrast, the Multilin 169 relay can only "learn" the surge current of the motor.

Product details

1) New

2) Warranty period :12 months!

3) Packaging: original packaging and carton.

4) Delivery time: Delivery within 3 days after payment

5) All goods will be tested before shipment.


1794-IE12BENTLY3500/42M 176449-02
1794-OE12BENTLY3500/22M 138607-01
1794-OB32PBENTLY3500/40M 176449-01
1794-IB32BENTLY3500/22M 138607-01
1769-ECR .BENTLY3500/40M 176449-01
1756-IF16BENTLY3500/92 136188-02 通讯模块
1756-IB32BENTLY3500/92 136180-01
1738-AENT SER.BBENTLY135489-04
1764-LSPBENTLY3500/33 149986-01 继电器模块

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