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169-10C-120169-10C-120 GE 电流输入转换


虽然电机管理可能是一项艰巨的任务,需要大量的辅助计量和保护设备,但GE Multilin的169-10C-120169-10C-120通过在一个紧凑的单元中提供一系列强大的功能来减少无关的连接。169-10C-120169-10C-120能够监控、管理和保护电机系统,可减少系统停机时间、维护成本和故障排除时间。



169-10C-120169-10C-120 GE 电流输入转换


型号 169-10C-120169-10C-120


制造地点: 加拿大安大略省万锦市

控制功率 最大功耗 :40 伏安

特征 48 个字符的字母数字显示,自适应学习

手动 1601-0003-A4

继电器触点最大工作电流:10 安培

机箱特点 :抽出结构

通信: RS422 端口

控制工频: 50/60赫兹

GE Multilin的通过在一个紧凑的单元中提供—系列强大的功能来减少外来连接。169-10C-120169-10C-120 能够监控、管理和保护电机系统,可减少系统停机时间、维护成木和故陪排除时间。


虽然电机管理可能是一项艰巨的任务,需要大量的辅助计量和保护设备,但GE Multilin的169-10C-120169-10C-120通过在一个紧凑的单元中提供一系列强大的功能来减少无关的连接。169-10C-120169-10C-120能够监控、管理和保护电机系统,可减少系统停机时间、维护成本和故障排除时间。

当与抽出式底盘一起订购时,继电器被封装在防尘、耐用的外壳中,允许在不触发电机关闭的情况下将继电器从服务中取出,从而能够以最小的中断对其进行维修、测试、更换或校准。继电器紧贴外壳,防止外壳在日常操作中不可预测地移动。在这种情况下,继电器的长度约为 11.5 英寸,宽度约为 7.5 英寸,高度约为 5 英寸。

该面板具有 48 个字符的字母数字显示屏、一系列五个 LED 和一个键盘。48 个字符的字母数字显示屏可在 32°F 至 131°F 的温度范围内工作。 它可以显示系统数据以及用于配置设定值。键盘可与显示屏配合使用,对设定值进行编程并查看系统测量的值。最后,LED 标记为跳闸、报警、辅助 1、辅助 2 和服务;前四个指示上述进程是否处于活动状态,因为服务 LED 指示继电器何时无法进行自我评估并需要用户干预。

关于169-10C-120169-10C-120 的常见问题

什么是 169-10C-120?

169-10C-120169-10C-120 是一款电机管理继电器,可为电机系统提供多种保护功能,可延长系统寿命并减少系统停机时间。继电器提供精确的转子热和定子建模,使电机能够在其热限制内运行,同时提供最大的所需输出。

订单规格 10C 为169-10C-120169-10C-120 GE Multilin 电机管理继电器提供了什么?

169-10C-120 是一款 169 型号的 GE Multilin 电机管理继电器,带有 RTD 传感器,由 10 欧姆铜组成。此区域设置的其他订单选项是 100P、100N 或 120N。这些订购选项将 RTD 感官成分分别指定为 100 欧姆铂、100 欧姆镍或 120 欧姆镍。可以在零件号订购号中指定的其他功能是继电器的控制电压。在这种情况下,169-10C-120169-10C-120 具有 120 AC(120 伏交流电),由部件号中的端子 120 数字表示。169-10C-120169-10C-120不是抽出型继电器 (D/O),因此部件号中未标明故障安全或触点布置的名称。在这种情况下,故障安全代码可以在现场编程。169 只有两个用于 TRIP 和 ALARM 输入的区域设置,每个区域设置可以是 FS(故障安全)或 (NFS) 不故障安全,总共有四种可能性。然而,169 Plus型号有两个额外的区域设置(AUX 1和AUX2)。因此,169 Plus 中继的故障安全代码共有八种可能性,因为每个区域设置也可以指定为 FS 或 NFS。同样,只要Multilin 169或169 Plus继电器不是D/O版本,这些故障安全组合就可以现场选择。

169-10C-120169-10C-120 GE 电流输入转换


Model 169-10C-120169-10C-120

Manufacturer: General Electric Multilin (GE)

Manufacturing Location: Markham, Ontario, Canada

Maximum power consumption: 40 volt-ampere

Feature 48-character alphanumeric display, adaptive learning

Manual 1601-0003-A4

Maximum working current of relay contact: 10 amps

Chassis features: extraction structure

Communication: RS422 port

Control power frequency: 50/60 Hz

GE Multilin reduces external connections by delivering a series of powerful features in a compact unit. The 169-10C-120169-10C-120 monitors, manages, and protects motor systems to reduce system downtime, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Product description

While motor management can be a daunting task, requiring a large number of auxiliary metering and protection equipment, GE Multilin's 169-10C-120169-10C-120 reduces irrelevant connections by providing a range of powerful features in a compact unit. The 169-10C-120 monitors, manages, and protects motor systems, reducing system downtime, maintenance costs, and troubleshooting time.

When ordered with a drawout chassis, the relay is packaged in a dust-proof, durable housing that allows the relay to be taken out of service without triggering the motor to shut off, enabling it to be serviced, tested, replaced or calibrated with minimal disruption. The relays fit snugly against the housing, preventing the housing from moving unpredictably during daily operation. In this case, the relay is about 11.5 inches in length, 7.5 inches in width, and 5 inches in height.

The panel features a 48-character alphanumeric display, a series of five leds, and a keyboard. The 48-character alphanumeric display operates in a temperature range of 32°F to 131°F. It can display system data and is used to configure Settings. The keyboard can be used in conjunction with the display to program the set values and view the values measured by the system. Finally, the leds are labeled Trip, alarm, Assist 1, Assist 2, and Service; The first four indicate whether the above process is active, as the service LED indicates when the relay is unable to perform a self-assessment and requires user intervention.

Frequently Asked Questions about 169-10C-120169-10C-120

What is 169-10C-120?

The 169-10C-120169-10C-120 is a motor management relay that provides multiple protection functions for motor systems, extending system life and reducing system downtime. Relays provide accurate rotor heat and stator modeling, allowing the motor to operate within its thermal limits while providing the maximum desired output.

What does Order Specification 10C provide for 169-10C-120169-10C-120 GE Multilin Motor management relays?

The 169-10C-120 is a model 169 GE Multilin motor management relay with an RTD sensor and consists of 10 ohms of copper. Other order options for this locale are 100P, 100N, or 120N. These ordering options specify RTD sensory ingredients as 100 ohm platinum, 100 ohm nickel or 120 ohm nickel, respectively. Another function that can be specified in the part number ordering number is the control voltage of the relay. In this case, the 169-10C-120169-10C-120 has 120 AC (120 volts AC), which is represented by the terminal 120 number in the part number. 169-10C-120169-10C-120 is not a withdrawing-type relay (D/O), so the name of the fail-safe or contact arrangement is not indicated in the part number. In this case, fail-safe code can be programmed in the field. 169 There are only two locales for TRIP and ALARM inputs, each of which can be FS (fail-safe) or (NFS) fail-safe, for a total of four possibilities. However, the 169 Plus model has two additional regional Settings (AUX 1 and AUX2). Thus, there are a total of eight possible fail-safe codes for the 169 Plus relay, since each locale can also be specified as FS or NFS. Again, as long as the Multilin 169 or 169 Plus relays are not D/O versions, these fail-safe combinations can be selected on-site.


1756-IF16BENTLY3500/92 136188-02 通讯模块
1756-IB32BENTLY3500/92 136180-01
1738-AENT SER.BBENTLY135489-04
1764-LSPBENTLY3500/33 149986-01 继电器模块
1768-L43BENTLY3500/42M 140734-02

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