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139-NSF-V-TC GE 热容量计

由 139-NSF-V-TC 继电器编号末尾的 TC 字符表示,此型号的输出是热容量计。 当输送机或研磨系统中使用继电器的满载时,这种输出类型有助于确定继电器何时由于各种操作条件而接近跳闸。 此仪表类型将指示已充电的近似内存,因为它对应于电机的热量积聚。 有一个特定的功能可以指示继电器即将跳闸,该指标是接近 <>% 容量的仪表。 如果确实发生了跳闸,热容量计将指示内存中剩余的电量,剩余的电量将指示继电器上剩余锁定时间的估计值。



139-NSF-V-TC GE 热容量计


型号 139-NSF-V-TC

负载控制 % CR 安培响应 3 相有效值的平均值

安装方向 垂直安装

工作温度范围 -10 至 60°C

输出选项 热容量计量

过载快速跳闸 150/200/250/300

电源电压 120/240 伏交流电

控制电源负担 1 VA

频率范围 50-60赫兹


由 139-NSF-V-TC 继电器编号末尾的 TC 字符表示,此型号的输出是热容量计。 当输送机或研磨系统中使用继电器的满载时,这种输出类型有助于确定继电器何时由于各种操作条件而接近跳闸。 此仪表类型将指示已充电的近似内存,因为它对应于电机的热量积聚。 有一个特定的功能可以指示继电器即将跳闸,该指标是接近 <>% 容量的仪表。 如果确实发生了跳闸,热容量计将指示内存中剩余的电量,剩余的电量将指示继电器上剩余锁定时间的估计值。




继电器 139-NSF-V-TC 可用于各种应用,包括保护泵的机械和人身安全,其暗流功能可以检测关闭的排放阀或潜在的吸力损失。

该型号有几种继电器测试类型,包括启动定时器、不平衡、接地故障和调试继电器测试。 当然,在139-NSF-V-TC模型上测试这些功能有不同的方法。 为了测试接地故障,必须通过电流互感器的窗口连接单相,然后缓慢增加测试装置的电流,直到继电器跳闸;请注意,跳闸时接地故障指示灯将亮起。 电流应等于+0,-25%的设定值,这将导致接地故障跳闸。 如果启用警报,辅助继电器将在所选值的当前一半处激活。

关于 139-NSF-V-TC 的常见问题

139-NSF-V-TC Multilin GE 电机保护继电器包括哪些订购规格?

139-NSF-V-TC 包含额外的 TC 选项,该选项不会自动包含在基本 139 Multilin 继电器中。 为了将仪表连接到继电器,提供0-1 mA输出,以从端子<>和<>驱动热容量表。 此TC选项的精度不受引线长度的影响。

139-NSF-V-TC Multilin GE电机保护继电器的不平衡控制功能是什么?

如果工厂中出现不平衡情况,有时会导致第三阶段电机电流不平衡。 这可能导致连接松动和快速旋转磁场,从而导致旋转中产生有害热量。 这种不平衡控制有助于防止这种不稳定情况的后果,这种不稳定情况可能对电机产生不可预测的影响。

139-NSF-V-TC Multilin GE 电机保护继电器中的启动定时器用途是什么?

启动定时器是 139-NSF-V-TC 的一项功能,可针对转子锁定情况、多次启动情况或电机启动期间负载过大的情况提供保护。 在上述每种情况下提供保护都有助于在这些长时间启动情况下最大限度地减少过大的负载电流。

139-NSF-V-TC GE 热容量计


Model 139-NSF-V-TC

Load Control % CR ampere response The average value of effective phase 3

Installation direction Vertical installation

Operating temperature range -10 to 60°C

Output option heat capacity metering

Overload quick trip 150/200/250/300

Power supply voltage 120/240 volts AC

Control power load 1 VA

Frequency range 50-60 Hz

Product description

Represented by the TC character at the end of the 139-NSF-V-TC relay number, the output of this model is a heat capacity meter. When a relay is used at full load in a conveyor or grinding system, this output type helps determine when the relay is close to tripping due to various operating conditions. This meter type will indicate the approximate memory that has been charged, as it corresponds to the heat buildup of the motor. There is a specific function that indicates that the relay is about to trip, and that indicator is the meter that is close to <>% capacity. If a trip does occur, the heat capacity meter will indicate the amount of power remaining in memory, and the amount of power remaining will indicate an estimate of the remaining lock time on the relay.

Heat capacity meter is an instrument used to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance, based on the principle of heat transfer, by measuring the heat absorbed or released by a substance at a constant temperature to calculate the specific heat capacity.

The heat capacity meter consists of two main parts: the sample chamber and the heat flow meter. The sample chamber is an enclosed space where the substance to be tested is placed. During the experiment, the sample chamber is isolated from the surrounding environment to prevent interference from external heat. A heat flux meter is used to measure the heat change in the sample chamber.

Heat capacity meter is widely used to study the physical properties and chemical reactivity of materials

The relay 139-NSF-V-TC can be used for a variety of applications, including protecting the mechanical and personal safety of pumps, and its dark current function can detect closed discharge valves or potential suction losses.

This model has several relay test types, including start timer, unbalance, ground fault, and debug relay tests. Of course, there are different ways to test these features on the 139-NSF-V-TC model. In order to test the ground fault, the single phase must be connected through the window of the current transformer, and then the current of the test device must be slowly increased until the relay trips. Please note that the ground fault light will light up when tripping. The current should be equal to +0, -25% of the set value, which will cause the ground fault to trip. If the alarm is enabled, the auxiliary relay activates at the current half of the selected value.

Frequently Asked Questions about 139-NSF-V-TC

139-NSF-V-TC Multilin GE Motor Protection Relays include what order specifications?

The 139-NSF-V-TC includes an additional TC option that is not automatically included in the basic 139 Multilin relay. To connect the meter to the relay, a 0-1 mA output is provided to drive the heat capacity meter from the terminals <> and <>. The accuracy of this TC option is not affected by the length of the lead.

139- What is the unbalance control function of NSF-V-TC Multilin GE Motor protection Relays?

If there is an imbalance in the plant, it sometimes leads to an imbalance in the third stage motor current. This can lead to loose connections and rapid rotation of the magnetic field, which can lead to harmful heat in the rotation. This unbalance control helps prevent the consequences of this unstable situation, which can have unpredictable effects on the motor.

139-NSF-V-TC Multilin GE Motor protection Relay What is the use of the start timer?

The Start timer is a feature of the 139-NSF-V-TC that provides protection against rotor lock, multiple starts, or excessive load during motor startup. Providing protection in each of the above cases helps minimize excessive load currents during these long start-up situations.



1756-IM16IBENTLY3500/42M 140734-02

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