


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SHVMG1A 电路板 可将分流信号转换为差分频率输出



DS200SHVMG1A 电路板 可将分流信号转换为差分频率输出

S200SHVMG1A 技术规格

制造者 通用电气通用电气

系列 马克五世

部件号 DS200SHVMG1A

产品类型 可控硅高压M型框架接口板


通用电气DS200SHVMG1A是一款高压M型框架接口板。该装置是 Mark V 系列可选板和更换板的成员。安装后,此卡提供从 M 机架驱动器的 SCR 桥到电源板(DCFB 或 SDCI)以及电源连接卡 (PCCA) 的接口介质。许多GE品牌的励磁器和驱动器都可以在其机柜中安装该板。

安装后,DS200SHVMG1A 可为硬盘提供一系列功能。-500 至 500 mV 之间的分流信号转换为 0 至 500 kHz 之间的差分频率输出。然后将这些信号发送到DCFB或SDCI板或PCCA卡。使用直流正负浮动分流器,VCO(压控振荡器)电路充当电压的转换点。该卡还为交流线路电流提供 10:1 的电流互感器衰减。衰减可由用户使用17个板载可配置跳线进行选择。如果交流线路电压范围为 240 至 600 V,请旁路衰减器。如果电压范围在 601 至 1000 V 之间,则应包括它们。

General Electric DS200SHVMG1A is a high-voltage M-type frame interface board. This device is a member of the Mark V series optional and replacement boards. After installation, this card provides interface media from the SCR bridge of the M-frame drive to the power board (DCFB or SDCI) and power connection card (PCCA). Many GE brand exciters and drivers can install this board in their cabinets.

After installation, DS200SHVMG1A can provide a series of functions for the hard drive- The shunt signal between 500 and 500 mV is converted into a differential frequency output between 0 and 500 kHz. Then send these signals to the DCFB or SDCI board or PCCA card. Using a DC positive and negative floating shunt, the VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) circuit serves as the voltage conversion point. The card also provides a 10:1 current transformer attenuation for AC line currents. Attenuation can be selected by the user using 17 onboard configurable jumpers. If the AC line voltage range is 240 to 600 V, please bypass the attenuator. If the voltage range is between 601 and 1000 V, they should be included.

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关于 DS200SHVMG1A 的常见问题

DS200SHVMG1A 提供接口的用途是什么?

DS200SHVMG1A 为从 M 机架驱动器的 SCR 桥接到 DCFB 或 SDCI 电源板和 PCAA 电源连接卡的信号提供接口。连接后,DS200SHVMG1A可将分流信号转换为差分频率输出,发送至DCFB或SDCI板,DS200SHVMG1A可集成硬件跳线可选的10:1电流互感器,以增强电流衰减能力,DS200SHVMG1A可提供交流线路、电机电枢和SCR电桥电压的衰减。

DS200SHVMG1A 包含哪些硬件?

DS200SHVMG1A 的硬件包括可配置的跳线、接线插头连接器和防刺连接器。您可以在 DS200SHVMG1A 手册 - 手册 GEI-200 中找到 DS1SHVMG100174A 硬件各部分的说明。

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