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IC693MDR390 可编程逻辑控制器 分立输入通道

GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8直流输入和8继电器输出模块提供了一种低成本的解决方案,通过使用直流信号控制多达8个独立的继电器电路。输出的工作电压可以在2个范围内工作:5至30伏直流或5至250伏交流50至60赫兹。模块的8个继电器输出分为2组,每组4个输出,根据需要,每组可以从不同的电源使用不同的电压范围供电。GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8直流输入和8继电器输出模块的输入和输出之间具有1500伏RMS的高隔离电压,输出组之间的RMS值较低,为500伏。ON和OFF的响应时间都不超过15毫秒。每个电路都有一个状态LED,指示继电器何时打开(正常状态)或关闭(通电状态)。



IC693MDR390 可编程逻辑控制器 分立输入通道





IC693MDR390是系列90-30可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)平台组件模块,作为分立输入和输出模块的组合。该模块具有八(8)个分立输入通道,设计用于接受输入信号电压范围为-30至+30 VDC,额定或标称电压为24 VDC,而典型输入电流为7.5 mA,额定电压。它还具有八(8)个分立输出通道,以常开(N.O.)继电器触点的形式设计,用于电压范围为5至30 VDC, 5-250 VAC以及50/60 Hz频率,每个输出触点能够提供2安培最大负载电流和4安培最大电流。IC693MDR390是一个单插槽模块,可安装在系列90-30底板的任意I/O插槽上。它可以与任何中央处理器(CPU)模块一起使用,例如嵌入式和模块化CPU。它可以安装在本地I/O基板上,CPU也可以安装在本地I/O基板上,或者安装在扩展板或远程I/O基板上。IC693MDR390输入通道的导通电压为15 ~ 32vdc,导通电流为4ma,关断电压范围为0 ~ 5vdc,关断电流为1.5 mA。输入通道对于开和关信号转换的典型响应时间为7ms。相反,对于两个信号转换,输出通道的典型响应时间为15 ms。当所有IO工作时,该模块的背板电流消耗为80 mA,当所有输出通电时,背板电流消耗为70 mA。

GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 I/O模块是专为GE Fanuc系列90-30 PLC产品线设计的固态I/O模块。这个I/O模块有8个直流输入和8个常开继电器输出电路。它是一个简单易用的8电路触发装置,它接受来自手动开关,按钮,限位开关和光电池的离散输入。每个输入对应于继电器输出电路,可用于控制用户定义的负载,如电机启动器,报警指示灯和电磁阀。GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8直流输入8继电器输出模块必须采用24v直流额定电源供电,可在-30 ~ + 32v直流额定电压范围内正常工作。

GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8直流输入和8继电器输出模块提供了一种低成本的解决方案,通过使用直流信号控制多达8个独立的继电器电路。输出的工作电压可以在2个范围内工作:5至30伏直流或5至250伏交流50至60赫兹。模块的8个继电器输出分为2组,每组4个输出,根据需要,每组可以从不同的电源使用不同的电压范围供电。GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8直流输入和8继电器输出模块的输入和输出之间具有1500伏RMS的高隔离电压,输出组之间的RMS值较低,为500伏。ON和OFF的响应时间都不超过15毫秒。每个电路都有一个状态LED,指示继电器何时打开(正常状态)或关闭(通电状态)。


IC693MDR390 可编程逻辑控制器 分立输入通道



The IC693MDR390 is a series 90-30 Programmable logic controller (PLC) platform component module that functions as a combination of discrete input and output modules. The module has eight (8) discrete input channels designed to accept input signals with a voltage range of -30 to +30 VDC with a rated or nominal voltage of 24 VDC, compared to a typical input current of 7.5 mA with a rated voltage. It also features eight (8) discrete output channels designed in the form of normally open (N.O.) relay contacts for voltage ranges from 5 to 30 VDC, 5-250 VAC, and 50/60 Hz frequencies, with each output contact capable of delivering a maximum load current of 2 amps and a maximum current of 4 amps. The IC693MDR390 is a single-slot module that can be installed in any I/O slot on the Series 90-30 baseplate. It can be used with any central processing unit (CPU) module, such as embedded and modular cpus. It can be installed on a local I/O substrate, and the CPU can also be installed on a local I/O substrate, or on an expansion board or remote I/O substrate. The IC693MDR390 input channel has a on-voltage of 15 ~ 32vdc, on-current of 4ma, off voltage range of 0 ~ 5vdc, and off current of 1.5 mA. The typical response time of the input channel for on and off signal conversion is 7ms. In contrast, for two signal conversions, the typical response time of the output channel is 15 ms. The backplane current consumption of this module is 80 mA when all IO is working, and 70 mA when all outputs are powered.

The GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 I/O module is a solid state I/O module designed specifically for the GE Fanuc series 90-30 PLC product line. This I/O module has 8 DC inputs and 8 normally open relay output circuits. It is a simple to use 8-circuit trigger device that accepts discrete inputs from manual switches, buttons, limit switches and photocells. Each input corresponds to the relay output circuit and can be used to control user-defined loads such as motor starters, alarm indicators, and solenoid valves. GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8 DC input 8 The relay output module must be powered by a rated 24v DC power supply and can work normally in the rated voltage range of -30 to + 32v DC.

The GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8 DC input and 8 relay output modules provide a low-cost solution for controlling up to 8 separate relay circuits by using DC signals. The output operating voltage can operate in 2 ranges :5 to 30 volts DC or 5 to 250 volts AC 50 to 60 Hz. The module's 8 relay outputs are divided into 2 groups of 4 outputs each, and each group can be powered from a different power supply using a different voltage range as required. The GE Fanuc IC693MDR390 8 DC input and 8 relay output modules have a high isolation voltage of 1500 volts RMS between the input and output, and a lower RMS value of 500 volts between the output groups. The response time for both ON and OFF is less than 15 milliseconds. Each circuit has a status LED that indicates when the relay is on (normal state) or off (powered state).

IC693MDR390 可编程逻辑控制器 分立输入通道









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