


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SDCIG2A GE电路板 每个通道都可以单独编程



DS200SDCIG2A 技术指标

制造者 通用电气通用电气

系列 马克五世

部件号 DS200SDCIG2A

产品类型 SDCI直流电源和仪表板


GE 直流电源和仪表板 DS200SDCIG2A 用作 DC2000 驱动器的接口。DS200SDCIG2A是静电敏感器件,这意味着其中积聚的任何静电都可能损坏电路板或安装该器件的驱动器。您可以遵循一些适用于在安装主板之前处理主板的准则。静电会在您和设备中积聚,因此在安装前尽量避免四处走动。当您触摸电路板时,只能握住它的边缘,不要触摸焊料或组件,并确保只有一个人触摸电路板以限制暴露于静电.重要的是,仅在安装之前从防静电包装中取出电路板并将其直接插入驱动器。

当您检查DS200SDCIG2A时,您会注意到该板有5个保险丝,可保护电路板免受过流情况、短路以及有缺陷的MOV组件和SCR封装的影响。作为加快故障排除过程的一项功能,每个保险丝都有一个 LED,该 LED 会在保险丝熔断时亮起。DS200SDCIG2A在驱动器柜中有一个专用插槽,位于另一块主板后面,因此在点亮时看不到 LED。如果您怀疑一个或多个保险丝已熔断,您可以卸下电路板并将其放在干净的表面或工作台上。合格的人员可以向电路板施加电流并使 LED 亮起。

The GE DC power supply and instrument panel DS200SDCIG2A are used as interfaces for the DC2000 driver. DS200SDCIG2A is an electrostatic sensitive device, which means that any accumulated static electricity may damage the circuit board or the driver where the device is installed. You can follow some guidelines that apply to handling motherboards before installing them. Static electricity can accumulate in you and your device, so try to avoid walking around before installation. When you touch the circuit board, only hold its edges, do not touch solder or components, and ensure that only one person touches the circuit board to limit exposure to static electricity. It is important to only remove the circuit board from the anti-static packaging and insert it directly into the driver before installation.

When you check DS200SDCIG2A, you will notice that the board has 5 fuses that can protect the circuit board from overcurrent conditions, short circuits, and defective MOV components and SCR packaging. As a function of accelerating the troubleshooting process, each fuse has an LED that lights up when the fuse blows. The DS200SDCIG2A has a dedicated slot in the drive cabinet, located behind another motherboard, so the LED cannot be seen when lit. If you suspect that one or more fuses have blown, you can remove the circuit board and place it on a clean surface or workbench. Qualified personnel can apply current to the circuit board and turn on the LED.

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DS200SDCIG2A 包含以下电路: +5 VDC, 4A;+/-15 伏直流电,0.4 安;+/-24 VDC 和 115 VAC、0.4A 电源、电机功率场电路、电枢 SCR 模块的驱动电路,以及用于检测大量交流线路和直流电机信号的电路。

DS200SDCIG2A 的用途是什么?

DS200SDCIG2A 用于为输入电压高达 2000 VAC 的 DC600 驱动器提供逻辑电源和接口电路。


DS3SDCIG200A上的保险丝“FU2”是-24和-5 VDC信号电平电源的保险丝。DS200SDCIG2A 上的保险丝为 7 A,2 AG。

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