Product Description
Model IS200BPIBG1AEB is an IGBT Drive Bridge Personality Interface Board manufactured by General Electric and used in the Mark VI IS2000 series. When the model is being used, it will supply signal conditioning to the P1 connector logic level digital control signals to three or potentially six Gate Driver/Shunt Feedback boards as well as isolated VCO feedback circuits, which will, in turn, monitor the DC link and VBC and VAB phase output voltages. Another feature of the IS200BPIBG1AEB model is that it can capture faults uncovered by the Gate Driver boards and then reports the fault information. The logic signals that are sent to or from the attached Gate Drive board will be double optocoupled with an isolated voltage of 5 V interim supply which is derived from the 17.7 Vac feed.
There are six available power supplies on the IS200BPIBG1AEB model; these power supplies are derived from the secondaries of three transformers, one per phase. There is a voltage alternating current of 17.7 Vac; this Vac is a square wave input and will be supplied to the transformer primaries supplied from the P1 connector. A second secondary can also rectify and filter a fullwave to provide an isolated voltage of 12 V that is required by the voltage feedback VCO circuitry. There is a control logic on the BPIB model that is 5 V and will be supplied through the P1 connector.
This model can control faults for upper and lower gate drivers and is individually latched per phase. When an adjoining IGBT has been commanded to turn ON, the latched faults associated with the driver circuit will be annunciated on the suitable phase P fault line. For more information concerning the IS200BPIBG1AEB fault controls, refer to page three of the GEI-100266 Instruction Manual.