


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SDCIG2 通用电气直流电源和仪表板 保护电路板元件免受电流过载



DS200SDCIG2 技术指标

制造者 通用电气通用电气

系列 马克五世

部件号 DS200SDCIG2

产品类型 SDCI直流电源和仪表板


通用电气直流电源和仪表板DS200SDCIG2用作DC2000驱动器的接口。DS200SDCIG2上有多个保险丝,有助于保护电路板元件免受电流过载、意外电气短路、MOV组件缺陷和SCR封装缺陷的影响。保险丝熔断可能表示电路板有故障。帮助排除故障的一个功能是每个保险丝都有一个 LED 灯,当保险丝熔断时,该灯会亮起。这有助于识别问题。

但是,由于 LED 仅在向电路板供电时才可见,因此必须遵循安全程序才能查看 LED。DS200SDCIG2安装在驱动柜中另一块电路板后面,因此查看LED需要几个步骤。

首先,关闭DS200SDCIG2驱动器以启动驱动器的受控断电。从电源上卸下保险丝以断开所有电源。打开机柜并向前倾斜机柜中的第一块板。现在,您可以清楚地看到DS200SDCIG2。将电流应用于驱动器并执行重新启动过程。打开机柜并检查主板上是否点亮了 LED 灯。要卸下DS200SDCIG2,请先卸下所有电缆。如果带状电缆连接到电路板,请抓住带状电缆上的塑料连接器和电路板上的连接器,然后将它们拉开来断开连接。切勿从带状电缆上拉下以断开连接至关重要。色带可能会断裂或损坏。

The General Electric DC power supply and instrument panel DS200SDCIG2 are used as interfaces for the DC2000 driver. There are multiple fuses on the DS200SDCIG2 to help protect circuit board components from current overload, accidental electrical short circuits, MOV component defects, and SCR packaging defects. A blown fuse may indicate a malfunction in the circuit board. One function that helps troubleshoot is that each fuse has an LED light that lights up when the fuse blows. This helps identify the problem.

However, since LEDs are only visible when supplying power to the circuit board, safety procedures must be followed to view LEDs. The DS200SDCIG2 is installed behind another circuit board in the drive cabinet, so checking the LED requires several steps.

Firstly, turn off the DS200SDCIG2 drive to initiate a controlled power outage of the drive. Remove the fuse from the power supply to disconnect all power sources. Open the cabinet and tilt the first board forward in the cabinet. Now, you can clearly see the DS200SDCIG2. Apply current to the driver and perform a restart process. Open the cabinet and check if the LED lights on the motherboard are lit. To remove the DS200SDCIG2, first remove all cables. If the ribbon cable is connected to the circuit board, grasp the plastic connectors on the ribbon cable and the connectors on the circuit board, and then disconnect them by pulling them apart. It is crucial not to pull off the ribbon cable to disconnect it. The ribbon may break or be damaged.

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DS1SDCIG200 上的保险丝“FU2”有什么用?

DS1SDCIG200 上的保险丝“FU2”是 115TB 的 3 VAC 电源的保险丝。DS1SDCIG200 上的“FU2”可保护供客户使用的 115 VAC 电源。

DS200SDCIG2 使用什么类型的跳线?

DS200SDCIG2 使用伯格型或可手动移动的跳线,由 JP 命名法标识。

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