


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SDCIG1AHB 单工接触输入端子板 提供了预接线背板




制造者 通用电气通用电气

系列 马克五世


产品类型 SDCI直流电源和仪表板


GE 直流电源和仪表板 DS200SDCIG1AHB 用作 DC2000 驱动器的接口。当您收到装有 DS200SDCIG1AHB 的装运箱时,您必须遵循一些准则。检查纸箱是否有损坏迹象。寻找纸箱中的凹痕、撕裂和划痕。还要寻找纸箱暴露在液体或雨中的证据。如果是这种情况,请联系托运人以获取更多信息。



DS200TCTGG1AFF (4).jpg

The GE DC power supply and instrument panel DS200SDCIG1AHB are used as interfaces for the DC2000 driver. When you receive a shipping box containing DS200SDCIG1AHB, you must follow some guidelines. Check the cardboard box for signs of damage. Look for dents, tears, and scratches in the cardboard box. Also look for evidence that the cardboard boxes are exposed to liquid or rain. If this is the case, please contact the shipper for more information.

Next, locate the shipping label on the outer side of the packaging box. It has the model and catalog number of the DS200SDCIG1AHB motherboard. Take some time to verify if it matches the content you ordered. The serial number is also on the label, and the best practice is to write down all the information on the label and provide a reference when you need to call the service. Open the cardboard box, collect all documents, flyers, and other information, and save them for future use when installing the motherboard. Remove the static protection material from the internal protective equipment during shipment. Place DS200SDCIG1AHB in a static protective bag or envelope. Remove the motherboard from the static protection bag immediately before installing it into the drive.

The model and other information are printed on the outer edge of the circuit board for your reference. Place the board on the top of the static protection bag, check the board and find the model. Verify if it matches the information outside the cardboard box.

S200SDCIG1AHB 常见问题

如何防止 DS200SDCIG1AHB 的电击?


DS5SDCIG200AHB 上的保险丝“FU1”有什么用?

DS5SDCIG200AHB 上的保险丝“FU1”是内部 NRX 10 A 现场和/或 MOV 组件的保险丝。

在哪里可以找到 DS200SDCIG1AHB 上跳线的定义?

DS2SDCIG200AHB 手册中的表 1 - 手册 GEI-100173 定义了 DS200SDCIG1AHB 上使用的跳线。

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