


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200SDCIG1A GE SDCI直流电源和仪表板



DS200SDCIG1A 技术指标

制造者 通用电气通用电气

系列 马克五世

部件号 DS200SDCIG1A

产品类型 SDCI直流电源和仪表板


GE 直流电源和仪表板 DS200SDCIG1A 用作 DC2000 驱动器的接口。电路板的故障排除和可用性得到改进,因为每个保险丝都有一个 LED 指示灯,指示与其关联的保险丝何时熔断。您必须完成以下步骤才能查看开发板并检查指示灯 LED 灯是否亮起。

打开安装主板的机柜并检查电路板并注意所有亮起的 LED 灯。DS200SDCIG1A电路板上存在高压的可能性,因此请勿触摸电路板或电路板周围的任何组件。记下有关保险丝标识符的任何信息。然后,从驱动器中取出所有电流。打开机柜并测试主板,以确保已从主板上断开所有电源。您可能需要留出一些时间让所有电源退出电路板以避免损坏。


The GE DC power supply and instrument panel DS200SDCIG1A are used as interfaces for the DC2000 driver. The troubleshooting and usability of the circuit board have been improved, as each fuse has an LED indicator light indicating when its associated fuse has blown. You must complete the following steps to view the development board and check if the indicator LED lights up.

Open the cabinet where the motherboard is installed and inspect the circuit board, paying attention to all lit LED lights. There is a possibility of high voltage on the DS200SDCIG1A circuit board, so do not touch the circuit board or any components around it. Write down any information about the fuse identifier. Then, remove all current from the driver. Open the cabinet and test the motherboard to ensure that all power has been disconnected from the motherboard. You may need to leave some time for all power supplies to exit the circuit board to avoid damage.

You can check the DS200SDCIG1A circuit board for wiring errors or short circuits, depending on which fuse has blown. It is possible that the circuit board is defective and must be disassembled and replaced. When removing the motherboard for inspection, please prevent it from coming into contact with other motherboards or devices in the drive. Also avoid touching the panel, cables, or plastic clips that secure the circuit board in place. Also, be sure to carefully remove all cables. Do not pull the ribbon cable apart. On the contrary, hold both connectors with your fingers and disconnect the ribbon cable from the connector.

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DS200SDCIG1A 常见问题


DS200SDCIG1A 包括以下电路: +5 VDC, 4A;+/-15 伏直流电,0.4 安;+/-24 VDC 和 115 VAC、0.4 A 电源、电机励磁电源电路、电枢 SCR 门控驱动器电路和 DS200SDCIG1A 包括用于检测大量交流线路和直流电机信号的电路,包括:电枢电流和电压、励磁电流和交流线路电流、电压幅度和相序。

DS200SDCIG1A 是什么版本?

DS200SDCIG1A 是 G1 版本的 SDCI。您可以通过DS1SDCIG200A型号中的“G1”来了解这一点。DS200SDCIG1A是G1版本的SDCI,包括用于内部小于或等于10 A的励磁器的电路。

DS200SDCIG1A 有哪些类型的跳线?

DS200SDCIG1A 具有 Berg 型跳线,这是一种可手动移动的跳线,由 JP 命名法标识。DS200SDCIG1A 上的这些跳线用于制造测试或客户选项

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