


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 
  • IC695CRU320 

GE IC695CRU320  中央处理器模块

公羊64 兆字节
兼容性PACSystems RX3i
系列RX3i 包装系统
电源要求1.3 伏直流时为 3 安培,1 伏直流时为 2.5 安培
工作温度0 至 60 摄氏度



IC695CRU320是PACSystems RX3i产品系列中的冗余处理器。该处理器由GE Fanuc / Emerson自动化制造,被归类为可编程自动化控制器(PAC)。

IC695CRU320特别适用于冗余或热备用配置。通过这种控制器配置,可用性显著提高。两 (2) 个控制器机架,其配置功能与主(活动)和辅助(备用)机架相似。当单个机架发生故障时,主要是由于IC695CRU320检测到的错误或IC695CRU320处理器本身的错误,主动控制器职责会自动转移到辅助(待机)。辅助机架成为主机架,故障机架移至辅助机架。此外,还可以手动切换。

控制器切换在最多 1 次逻辑扫描中执行,最小切换时间为 3.133 毫秒。它支持高达 IC695RMX128/228 同步链路,能够传输高达 2MB 的数据。凭借具有 1GHz 处理速度和 64MB 用户内存的赛扬 M 处理器,该控制器非常适合用于具有更高关键级别的大型复杂应用。此外,最多可以保存 512 个程序块到此处理器,每个块大小可能达到 128 KB。

IC695CRU320处理器安装在RX3i背板上,直接安装到外围组件互连(PCI)插槽。与总线的其他模块连接也通过 PCI 2.2 或更高版本进行。此PCI插槽可在背板内快速传输和共享数据。IC695CRU320还支持90-30系列I/O模块,用于分阶段迁移。

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IC695CRU320 is a redundant processor in the PACSystems RX3i product series. This processor is manufactured by GE Fanuc/Emerson Automation and is classified as a Programmable Automation Controller (PAC).

IC695CRU320 is particularly suitable for redundant or hot standby configurations. Through this controller configuration, availability is significantly improved. Two (2) controller racks with configuration functions similar to the main (active) and auxiliary (backup) racks. When a single rack fails, mainly due to errors detected by IC695CRU320 or errors in the IC695CRU320 processor itself, the responsibility of the active controller will automatically shift to auxiliary (standby). The auxiliary rack becomes the main rack, and the faulty rack is moved to the auxiliary rack. In addition, manual switching is also possible.

Controller switching is performed in a maximum of 1 logical scan, with a minimum switching time of 3.133 milliseconds. It supports up to IC695RMX128/228 synchronous links and can transmit up to 2MB of data. With a Celeron M processor with 1GHz processing speed and 64MB user memory, this controller is highly suitable for large and complex applications with higher critical levels. In addition, a maximum of 512 program blocks can be saved to this processor, each block size may reach 128 KB.

The IC695CRU320 processor is installed on the RX3i backplane and directly into the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) slot. The connection to other modules of the bus is also done through PCI 2.2 or higher. This PCI slot can quickly transmit and share data within the backplane. IC695CRU320 also supports the 90-30 series I/O modules for staged migration.

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