


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IS220PRTDH1B | 处理器板 | 双 RJ45 以太网连接器用于输出





尺寸: 17.71 × 13.77 × 7.87 厘米

工作温度:-30 至 65 摄氏度

系列: Mark VIe



IS220PRTDH1B  |  处理器板  |   双 RJ45 以太网连接器用于输出





尺寸: 17.71 × 13.77 × 7.87 厘米

工作温度:-30 至 65 摄氏度

系列: Mark VIe

IS220PRTDH1B 功能说明

PRTD 包仅支持单工操作。该电池组由三针电源输入和一个 DC-37 针连接器供电,该连接器直接连接到相关的端子板连接器。双 RJ45 以太网连接器用于输出。LED 指示灯提供视觉诊断。I/O 包可以处理多达 8 个 RTD 输入,而 TRTD 端子板可以处理多达 16 个 RTD 输入。


信号路径中使用的 I/O 包数量称为控制模式:

Simplex 使用单个 I/O 包和一个或两个网络连接。

Dual 采用两个 I/O 包,带有一个或两个网络接口。

TMR 使用三个 I/O 包,每个 I/O 包都有一个网络连接。

TRD 输入电路的电流隔离由 PRTD 提供。这需要对端子板瞬态保护进行更改,该保护在 TRTDH1D 板和 TRTDH2D板上可用。该板的 H1D 版本包括与 PRTD 的标准扫描速率兼容的滤波。当选择PRTD的快速扫描速率时,H2D版本的端子板提供较少的滤波,以实现适当的性能。如果将 PRTD 安装在 TRTD 板的早期版本上,则会报告不兼容情况,但不会发生物理损坏。


处理器板连接到专用于 I/O 包或模块功能的采集板。当施加输入电源时,软启动电路会增加处理器板上的可用电压。

本地电源按顺序打开,处理器重置被禁用。完成自检程序后,处理器从闪存中加载特定于 I/O 包或模块类型的应用程序代码。应用代码读取板子 ID 信息,确保应用代码、采集板和端子板都正确匹配。

当匹配良好时,处理器会尝试建立以太网通信,从网络地址请求开始。地址请求利用行业标准的动态主机配置协议 (DHCP) 和终端板的唯一标识。

以太网初始化后,处理器对板载逻辑进行编程,运行应用程序,并允许采集板开始操作。处理器应用代码包含 I/O 包从一个或两个以太网输入运行所需的所有逻辑。当使用两个以太网输入时,两个网络路径始终处于活动状态。

任一网络的故障都不会影响 I/O 包或模块的运行,故障将由正常工作的网络连接指示。与传统的热备份系统相比,此配置具有更强的容错能力,传统的热备份系统仅在主端口发生故障时才使用第二个端口。

处理器上的以太网端口可在 10 MB/s 和 100 MB/s 速度之间自动协商,并在半双工和全双工操作之间自动协商。

Model: IS220PRTDH1B

Category: Processor board

Finish: new, not new,

Stock: Yes

Size: 17.71 × 13.77 × 7.87 cm

Operating temperature: -30 to 65 degrees Celsius

Series: Mark VIe

IS220PRTDH1B Function Description

The PRTD package supports only simplex operations. The battery pack is powered by a three-pin power input and a DC-37 pin connector that connects directly to the associated terminal board connector. Dual RJ45 Ethernet connectors are used for output. LED indicators provide visual diagnosis. The I/O packet can handle up to 8 RTD inputs, while the TRTD terminal board can handle up to 16 RTD inputs.


The number of I/O packets used in the signal path is called the control mode:

Simplex uses a single I/O packet and one or two network connections.

Dual uses two I/O packets with one or two network interfaces.

TMR uses three I/O packets, each with a network connection.

The current isolation of the TRD input circuit is provided by the PRTD. This requires a change to the terminal board transient protection, which is available on TRTDH1D boards and TRTDH2D boards. The H1D version of the board includes filtering that is compatible with the PRTD's standard scan rate. When the fast scan rate of the PRTD is selected, the H2D version of the terminal board provides less filtering to achieve appropriate performance. If the PRTD is installed on an earlier version of the TRTD board, incompatibilities are reported, but no physical damage occurs.

IS220PRTDH1B processor features

The processor board is connected to a capture board dedicated to the I/O package or module function. When an input power supply is applied, the soft start circuit increases the available voltage on the processor board.

Local power is turned on sequentially and processor reset is disabled. After completing the self-test program, the processor loads application code from the flash memory that is specific to the type of I/O package or module. The application code reads the board ID information to ensure that the application code, acquisition board, and terminal board are correctly matched.

When the match is good, the processor tries to establish Ethernet communication, starting with a network address request. The address request utilizes the industry-standard Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and the unique identification of the terminal board.

After the Ethernet is initialized, the processor programs the onboard logic, runs the application, and allows the acquisition board to begin operations. The processor application code contains all the logic needed to run an I/O packet from one or two Ethernet inputs. When two Ethernet inputs are used, both network paths are always active.

A failure of either network will not affect the operation of I/O packets or modules and will be indicated by a working network connection. This configuration is more fault-tolerant than traditional hot backup systems, which only use the second port if the primary port fails.

The Ethernet port on the processor can automatically negotiate between 10 MB/s and 100 MB/s speeds, and between half-duplex and full-duplex operations.

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