


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC660HHM501H | 手持式监视器 | 提供长达 6 小时的运行时间










IC660HHM501H  |  手持式监视器  |  提供长达 6 小时的运行时间









支持的功能: 硬件配置、故障清除、I/O 强制和总线选择。

工作温度: 0-60 摄氏度(32-140 华氏度)

储存温度: -40 至 70 摄氏度(-40 至 158 摄氏度)

所需交流电源: 115 至 230V AC,47 至 63 Hz

充满电的操作: 6小时

显示字符: 4 行,每行 16 个字符

键盘: 20 个密封钥匙

显示语言: 英语, 德语, 法语/意大利语

数据速率: 153.6 Kbaud 标准

工作温度: 0 至 60 摄氏度

重量(含表壳): 1.8千克

GE Fanuc IC660HHM501 是一种手持式监视器 (HHM),允许用户与各种 GE Fanuc 设备连接。该 HHM 具有 LCD 显示屏,支持显示 4 行信息,每行十六 (16) 个字符。它有可选的语言,如英语、德语、法语或意大利语。它有一个 20 键密封薄膜键盘,使用电池组、115VAC 或 230VAC 外部电源操作。

该模块的键盘由功能键、小数键和操作键组成,用于提供可靠的操作。 IC660HHM501 手持式显示器配有电池组,可在不连接电源的情况下提供长达 6 小时的运行时间。它已通过跌落测试,在跌落测试中,它从 4 英尺的高度跌落到混凝土地板上。可以为手持显示器单独购买的一些可选配件包括外部 HHM 连接器,可在 genius Bus 上提供永久 HHM 连接、230 伏交流额定电源适配器、额外的 HHM 键和电池充电器。可以使用随附的金属安装支架将模块安装在面板后面。如果以这种方式安装,用户必须安装一个额外的 D-shell 连接器,该连接器也随模块一起提供。IC660HHM501手持式监视器是一种可靠的操作员界面设备,用于显示任何连接设备的 I/O 数据。这些数据包括总线数据、诊断数据、CPU 的内存数据、总线扫描时间和全局数据地址。

Model: IC660HHM501H

Category: Handheld monitor

Finish: New, not new

Warranty: One year

Stock: Yes

Brand: GE

Dimensions: 10.85x4.30x2.25 inches

Product Description: Handheld monitoring

Supported functions: hardware configuration, fault cleaning, I/O forcing, and bus selection.

Operating temperature: 0-60 degrees Celsius (32-140 degrees Fahrenheit)

Storage temperature: -40 to 70 degrees Celsius (-40 to 158 degrees Celsius)

AC power required: 115 to 230V AC, 47 to 63 Hz

Fully charged operation: 6 hours

Display characters: 4 lines, 16 characters each

Keyboard: 20 sealed keys

Display languages: English, German, French/Italian

Data rate: 153.6 Kbaud standard

Operating temperature: 0 to 60 degrees Celsius

Weight (including case) : 1.8kg

The GE Fanuc IC660HHM501 is a handheld monitor (HHM) that allows users to connect to a variety of GE Fanuc devices. The HHM has an LCD display that supports the display of four lines of information, each of sixteen (16) characters. It is available in optional languages such as English, German, French or Italian. It has a 20-key sealed film keyboard and operates with a battery pack, 115VAC or 230VAC external power supply.

The module's keyboard consists of function keys, decimal keys and operation keys to provide reliable operation. The IC660HHM501 handheld display is equipped with a battery pack that provides up to 6 hours of operation without being connected to a power source. It has passed a drop test, in which it fell from a height of 4 feet to a concrete floor. Some optional accessories that can be purchased separately for handheld displays include an external HHM connector that provides permanent HHM connectivity on the genius Bus, a 230-volt AC rated power adapter, additional HHM keys, and a battery charger. The module can be mounted behind the panel using the included metal mounting bracket. If installed in this way, the user must install an additional D-shell connector, which is also supplied with the module. The IC660HHM501 handheld monitor is a reliable operator interface device for displaying I/O data from any connected device. This data includes bus data, diagnostic data, CPU memory data, bus scan times, and global data addresses.

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