


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IS200WETBH1B | 印刷电路板 | IC693PWR331D | IS210RERCH1RBB 

零件编号 IS200WETBH1B



功能描述 :WETB 顶盒 B 板组件



IS200WETBH1B  |  印刷电路板  |  IC693PWR331D |  IS210RERCH1RBB 


零件编号 IS200WETBH1B

功能首字母缩略词 WETB公司

功能描述 WETB 顶盒 B 板组件

PCB涂层 三防漆


除了本IS200WETBH1B印刷电路板的功能描述和功能首字母缩略词外,该产品不存在原始的、特定于产品的说明或识别信息。这可能是由于该IS200WETBH1B PCB 独特的串联布局所致。IS200WETBH1B印刷电路板最初是由GE能源公司制造的,

如上所述,网上没有关于此IS200WETBH1B板的可用信息,仅供参考本产品的功能描述。该印刷电路板可更明确地定义为 WETB Top Box B 组件。虽然可能有助于描述IS200WETBH1B PCB 在更大的 Mark VIe 风力涡轮机系列驱动器组件中的位置,但这种功能描述对于从以 IS200 系列标签开头的IS200WETBH1B部件号中检索的信息没有多大帮助。



虽然该 PCB 具有常规的 IS200 系列标签, 如果它要具有 IS210 或 IS215 系列标签, 它将具有特殊的组装版本.

AX Control 是否还有其他 WET 顶盒组件可供购买?

是的。在AX Control,我们很高兴提供广泛的新的和过时的GE PCB产品;包括 WETC WET 顶盒 C 组件和 WETA WET 顶盒 A 组件。


Part number IS200WETBH1B

Functional acronym WETB Inc

Function Description WETB top box B board components

PCB coating three anti-paint

Product description

No original, product-specific description or identifying information exists for this product other than the functional description and functional acronym of this IS200WETBH1B printed circuit board. This may be due to the unique series layout of the IS200WETBH1B PCB. The IS200WETBH1B printed circuit board was originally manufactured by GE Energy,

As mentioned above, no information about this IS200WETBH1B board is available on the Web and is provided only for reference in the functional description of this product. The printed circuit board can be more clearly defined as a WETB Top Box B component. While it may be helpful to describe the location of the IS200WETBH1B PCB in the larger Mark VIe wind turbine series drive assembly, this functional description is not much helpful for information retrieved from the IS200WETBH1B part number that begins with the IS200 series label.

Faqs about IS200WETBH1B

What series label will designate this IS200WETBH1B printed circuit board as having a specially assembled version?

While the PCB has a regular IS200 series label, if it is to have an IS210 or IS215 series label, it will have a special assembled version.

Are there other WET top box components available for AX Control?

Yes. At AX Control, we are pleased to offer a wide range of new and outdated GE PCB products; Includes WETC WET top box C assembly and WETA WET top box A assembly.


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