


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC693CPU352RR | 单插槽CPU模块 支持RTU从站和SNP或SNPX从站


处理器速度 : 25兆赫

I/O 积分 : 2048

寄存器存储器 : 240KB字节

浮点数学: 是的

32 BIT系统



IC693CPU352RR  |  单插槽CPU模块  支持RTU从站和SNP或SNPX从站

IC693CPU374 5.jpg


该IC693CPU352RRIC693CPU352是GE Automation and Controls为90/30系列PLC系统制造的单插槽CPU模块。 每个系统的底板总数为 8 个,其中包括一个用于 CPU 的底板,以及 7 个远程和扩展。电源的负载要求为890mA,采用+5V直流电源供电。处理器类型是 80386EX,处理速度为 25Mhz。系统的最佳工作温度在 0 摄氏度到 60 摄氏度(32 华氏度到 140 华氏度)之间。该规范也称为环境温度。对于每 1K 逻辑(即布尔触点),典型的扫描速率为 0.22 毫秒。

自 9.0 版固件发布以来,用户的最大程序内存为 240K 字节。但是,用户程序存储器的有效可用大小取决于可配置类型的字存储器的配置量。离散输入和输出点各为 2048 位,内部线圈为 4096 位,全局存储器为 1280 位,临时输出线圈为 256 位,总共 128 位(%S、%SB、%SA、%SC,每个有 32 位)作为系统状态的参考。有%R(寄存器存储器)、%AI(模拟输入)、%AQ(模拟输出),所有这些都可以以 128 个字的增量进行配置。

IC693CPU352RR有 2000 多个定时器/计数器,并且还有移位寄存器。内置三个串行端口,支持RTU从站和SNP或SNPX从站,SNP或SNPX主站或从站,以及串行输入/输出(在端口1和端口2上)。通信支持LAN(支持多点)、以太网、Profibus、FIP、GBC、GCM+选项模块。闪存和 RAM 是可用的存储内存类型。Logicmaster 配置和编程软件支持 CPU352。


处理器速度 : 25兆赫

I/O 积分 : 2048

寄存器存储器 : 240KB字节

浮点数学: 是的

32 BIT系统

IC693CPU374 5.jpg

Product description

The IC693CPU352RRIC693CPU352 is a single socket CPU module manufactured by GE Automation and Controls for the 90/30 series PLC system. The total number of backboards per system is eight, including one for the CPU, and seven for remote and extension. The load requirement of the power supply is 890mA, and the power supply is +5V DC. The processor type is 80386EX and the processing speed is 25Mhz. The optimal operating temperature of the system is between 0 ° C and 60 ° C (32 ° F to 140 ° F). This specification is also called ambient temperature. For every 1K of logic (i.e., Boolean contacts), the typical scan rate is 0.22 milliseconds.

Since the release of version 9.0 firmware, the maximum program memory for users is 240K bytes. However, the effective available size of user program memory depends on the amount of configurable word memory of the configurable type. The discrete input and output points are 2048 bits each, the internal coil is 4096 bits, the global memory is 1280 bits, and the temporary output coil is 256 bits, for a total of 128 bits (%S, %SB, %SA, %SC, each with 32 bits) as a reference to the state of the system. There is %R (register memory), %AI (analog input), %AQ (analog output), all of which can be configured in 128-word increments.

The IC693CPU352RR has over 2000 timers/counters and also has shift registers. Three built-in serial ports support RTU slave and SNP or SNPX slave, SNP or SNPX master or slave, and serial input/output (on ports 1 and 2). Communication supports LAN (multi-point support), Ethernet, Profibus, FIP, GBC, GCM+ option modules. Flash and RAM are the types of storage memory available. The Logicmaster configuration and programming software supports CPU352.

Technical specification

Processor speed: 25 MHZ

I/O score: 2048

Register memory: 240KB bytes

Floating point math: Yes

32-bit system


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