


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC693CPU323RR | 10 插槽基本 Turbo CPU | 具有低 I/O 数量的入门级应用程序

GE FanucIC693CPU323RR  是一款 10 插槽基本 Turbo CPU。本机具有12 Kb的用户程序存储器。90-30 系列 PLC 系列包括控制器和 I/O 系统以及专用模块。这些都是专门为用户提供更通用和更广泛的工业应用和过程控制系统而设计的。由于可用的模块范围很广,因此很容易将自动化流程引入您的业务。该系列包括 14 个功能强大的 CPU 单元。IC693CPU323 是标准 CPU,最适合具有低 I/O 数量的入门级应用程序。由于 CPU 嵌入在背板中,因此所有 I/O 插槽都可供使用。运动控制和以太网等高级模块可用于此 CPU。



IC693CPU323RR  |  10 插槽基本 Turbo CPU  |  具有低 I/O 数量的入门级应用程序




处理器速度 : 10兆赫

I/O 积分 : 320

寄存器存储器 : 2KB字节

浮点数学: 不

16 位系统 是的

处理器: 80188


GE FanucIC693CPU323RR  是一款 10 插槽基本 Turbo CPU。本机具有12 Kb的用户程序存储器。90-30 系列 PLC 系列包括控制器和 I/O 系统以及专用模块。这些都是专门为用户提供更通用和更广泛的工业应用和过程控制系统而设计的。由于可用的模块范围很广,因此很容易将自动化流程引入您的业务。该系列包括 14 个功能强大的 CPU 单元。IC693CPU323 是标准 CPU,最适合具有低 I/O 数量的入门级应用程序。由于 CPU 嵌入在背板中,因此所有 I/O 插槽都可供使用。运动控制和以太网等高级模块可用于此 CPU。

IC693CPU323RR  控制器的具体功能和种类包括:

通过控制硬件操作,IC693CPU323RR 确保计算机系统的正常运行和高效性能。






Technical specification

Model: IC693CPU323RR

Processor speed: 10 MHZ

I/O score: 320

Register memory: 2KB bytes

Floating point math: No

16-bit system Yes

Processor: 80188

Product description

The GE FanucIC693CPU323RR is a 10-slot basic Turbo CPU. The unit has 12 Kb of user program memory. The 90-30 series PLC series includes controllers and I/O systems as well as dedicated modules. These are specifically designed to provide users with more general and wider industrial applications and process control systems. Due to the wide range of modules available, it is easy to introduce automated processes into your business. The series includes 14 powerful CPU units. The IC693CPU323 is a standard CPU that is best suited for entry-level applications with low I/O counts. Since the CPU is embedded in the backplane, all I/O slots are available. Advanced modules such as motion control and Ethernet are available for this CPU.

The specific functions and types of the IC693CPU323RR controller include:

By controlling the hardware operation, the IC693CPU323RR ensures the normal operation and efficient performance of the computer system.

Manage various software programs in computer systems, including operating systems, application software, drivers, etc., load, unload, schedule and optimize software to ensure the effective execution of software and rational use of resources.

Receive a variety of instructions and data input by the user, and pass it to the corresponding software or hardware equipment for processing, but also the computer system processing results can be output to the user, to achieve the interaction between the user and the computer system.

Provides interfaces to interact with external devices and systems so that different hardware and software can communicate and collaborate effectively.

Monitor and manage the various parts of the computer system to ensure their safe and reliable operation.


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