


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CPU782RR | 可扩展的浮点 CPU | IC697MLX000 具有很高的可靠性



模块类型:可扩展的浮点 CPU

插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.6 安培

点数: 12K 输入和输出(任意混音)

支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O



IC697CPU782RR  |  可扩展的浮点 CPU  |  IC697MLX000  具有很高的可靠性



模块类型:可扩展的浮点 CPU

插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.6 安培

点数: 12K 输入和输出(任意混音)

支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O


IC697CPU782RR  是一款可编程逻辑控制器,设计用于安装在单个机架插槽中。 它能够实时控制机械和物料搬运系统。机架式背板使该器件能够与各种 I/O 模块进行通信。要操作和控制此设备,请使用运行/停止控制开关或带有相应软件的连接计算机。该IC697CPU782具有16MHz微处理器,能够以0.4微秒的性能速度执行浮点计算。该器件可以处理高达 12K 输入和输出以及 8K 模拟 I/O 的各种混合。

IC697CPU782 需要存储器扩展板来存储用户数据和程序信息。此扩展板提供高达 512 KB 的易失性存储器和 256 KB 的闪存。易失性存储器由CMOS RAM电池维护。要安装此扩展板,必须首先由连接的计算机初始化 CPU。IC697 LAN 接口模块、IC660 和 IC661 总线控制器、众多协处理器模块、各种通信模块以及 IC697 系列的所有分立和模拟 I/O 模块都与 IC697CPU782 兼容。

IC697CPU782RR  PLC模块通常具有以下特点:






Technical specification

Product model: IC697CPU782RR

Module type: scalable floating-point CPU

Number of slots: 1 (single slot)

Required current: 1.6 amps

Points: 12K input and output (any mix)

Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O

Product description

The IC697CPU782RR is a programmable logic controller designed to be installed in a single rack slot. It provides real-time control of machinery and material handling systems. The rack-mounted backplane enables the device to communicate with various I/O modules. To operate and control this device, use the run/stop control switch or a connected computer with the appropriate software. The IC697CPU782 has a 16MHz microprocessor capable of performing floating-point calculations at a performance speed of 0.4 microseconds. The device can handle various blends of up to 12K inputs and outputs and 8K analog I/O.

The IC697CPU782 requires a memory expansion board to store user data and program information. This expansion board provides up to 512 KB of volatile memory and 256 KB of flash memory. The volatile memory is maintained by a CMOS RAM battery. To install this expansion board, the CPU must first be initialized by the connected computer. The IC697 LAN interface module, IC660 and IC661 bus controllers, numerous coprocessor modules, various communication modules, and all discrete and analog I/O modules of the IC697 family are compatible with the IC697CPU782.

The IC697CPU782RR PLC module usually has the following characteristics:

High reliability: PLC modules generally have high reliability because they are designed to work in harsh industrial environments and have undergone rigorous quality control and testing.

Simple programming: PLC modules can be programmed using a variety of programming languages, including ladder diagram, Boolean logic, function block diagram, etc. These languages are usually very intuitive and easy to learn and use.

High flexibility: PLC modules can be expanded and configured according to needs, including the addition of digital or analog input/output modules, communication modules, etc. This allows the PLC to adapt to a variety of different application scenarios.

Easy maintenance: PLC modules usually have a self-diagnostic function to quickly detect and locate faults. In addition, the PLC module is also easy to remove and replace for easy repair and maintenance.

Energy efficient: PLC modules typically have a low-power design that reduces energy consumption. In addition, PLC can also improve energy efficiency and reduce waste by optimizing control algorithms.


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