


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CPU772RR | 单插槽PLC CPU | IC693BEM321



模块类型:可扩展的浮点 CPU

插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.2 安培

点数: 2K 输入和输出(任意混音)

支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O



  IC697CPU772RR | 单插槽PLC CPU  |  IC693BEM321




模块类型:可扩展的浮点 CPU

插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.2 安培

点数: 2K 输入和输出(任意混音)

支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O


该IC697CPU772RR 是由GE Automation and Controls制造的具有可扩展内存的单插槽PLC CPU。 它能够实时控制工业机械和过程。安装在机架上的背板用于与各种 I/O 模块进行通信。该IC697CPU772具有 12MHz 80C186 微处理器,能够以每个布尔函数 0.4 微秒的速度进行浮点计算。该器件支持高达 8K 的模拟 I/O,以及 2K 输入和输出的任意混合。

除了 IC697 LAN 接口模块、IC660/IC661 总线控制器模块和链路接口模块外,该器件还支持各种协处理器和通信模块。该器件还支持 IC697 系列的所有分立式和模拟量 I/O 模块。

IC697CPU772RR由从连接的计算机运行的软件进行配置和编程。此器件不需要通过双列直插式封装开关和跳线进行配置。可以使用 MS-DOS 或在 Win 95 或 Win NT 上运行的程序通过串行、并行或以太网连接对设备进行编程。







Technical specification

Product model: IC697CPU772RR

Module type: scalable floating-point CPU

Number of slots: 1 (single slot)

Required current: 1.2 amps

Points: 2K input and output (any mix)

Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O

Product description

The IC697CPU772RR is a single slot PLC CPU with expandable memory manufactured by GE Automation and Controls. It enables real-time control of industrial machinery and processes. The rack-mounted backplane is used to communicate with various I/O modules. The IC697CPU772 has a 12MHz 80C186 microprocessor and is capable of performing floating-point calculations at 0.4 microseconds per Boolean function. The device supports analog I/O up to 8K, as well as any mix of 2K inputs and outputs.

In addition to the IC697 LAN interface module, IC660/IC661 bus controller module and link interface module, the device also supports a variety of coprocessors and communication modules. The device also supports all discrete and analog I/O modules of the IC697 family.

The IC697CPU772RR is configured and programmed by software running from the connected computer. This device does not need to be configured with dual in-line package switches and jumpers. Devices can be programmed using MS-DOS or programs running on Win 95 or Win NT via serial, parallel, or Ethernet connections.

Peripheral expansion: Add more peripheral ports, such as USB, serial ports, and network ports, to the CPU module by adding interface cards and expansion slots.

Software enhancement: The software functions of the CPU module are enhanced by upgrading the operating system, installing drivers, and developing dedicated software to improve its performance or add new functions.

Firmware upgrade: Updates the BIOS firmware or microcode of a CPU module to optimize its performance, fix vulnerabilities, or add new features.

Hardware upgrade: Improves the hardware performance of CPU modules by replacing more powerful processors, adding memory, and expanding storage capacity to meet more complex computing requirements.

Network extension: Improve the network connection capability of CPU modules by adding network interface cards and expanding network bandwidth to support more network applications.


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