


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CPU732RR | 单插槽可编程控制器CPU | 能够实时控制工业设备和过程




插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.0 安培

点数: 512 个输入和输出(任意混音)

支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O



IC697CPU732RR  |  单插槽可编程控制器CPU |  能够实时控制工业设备和过程




插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.0 安培

点数: 512 个输入和输出(任意混音)

支持: IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O


该IC697CPU732RR 由GE自动化制造,是一款单插槽可编程控制器CPU,能够实时控制工业设备和过程。 为了与 I/O 和“智能选件”模块通信,该器件使用机架安装的连接背板。 该器件具有 12 MHz 80C186 微处理器,能够以每个布尔函数 0.4 微秒的速度进行浮点十进制计算。该器件支持高达 8K 的模拟 I/O,以及 512 个输入和输出的任意组合。

该IC697CPU732RR支持 IC697 LAN 接口模块、IC697 分立和模拟 I/O 模块、多协处理器和通信模块、I/O 链路接口模块以及用于 IC66* 模块的总线控制器。 该器件的配置是通过将模块连接到编程器计算机并运行 IC641 编程软件来完成的。DIP 开关和跳线不用于本产品的配置。为了安全起见,配置设置受密码保护。用户存储器、编程数据、日历和时钟由锂 CMOS 电池维护。

IC697CPU732RR支持 8 线串行多点配置。此配置中允许的可编程控制器数量由电缆长度决定。在此设置中,应使用 24 AWG 30V 串行电缆将控制器连接到计算机。警告:对于多点配置,不应在传输线中使用端子排或备用连接器。要操作IC697CPU732,请使用三位开关或运行 IC641 编程软件的连接计算机。有关正确的安装说明,请参阅产品手册。连接设备前关闭电源。将三位操作开关置于 STOP 位置。将电池放入其中一个电池连接槽中。将设备连接到插槽 1。打开设备电源。

Technical specification

Product model: IC697CPU732RR

Module type: CPU

Number of slots: 1 (single slot)

Required current: 1.0 amp

Count: 512 inputs and outputs (any mix)

Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O

Product description

The IC697CPU732RR, manufactured by GE Automation, is a single-slot programmable controller CPU capable of controlling industrial equipment and processes in real time. To communicate with the I/O and Smart Options modules, the device uses a rack-mounted connection backplane. The device has a 12 MHz 80C186 microprocessor capable of performing floating-point decimal calculations at 0.4 microseconds per Boolean function. The device supports analog I/O up to 8K and any combination of 512 inputs and outputs.

The IC697CPU732RR supports IC697 LAN interface modules, IC697 discrete and analog I/O modules, multi-coprocessor and communication modules, I/O link interface modules, and bus controllers for IC66* modules. The configuration of the device is done by connecting the module to the programmer computer and running the IC641 programming software. DIP switches and jumpers are not used in the configuration of this product. For security reasons, configuration Settings are password protected. The user memory, programming data, calendar and clock are maintained by the lithium CMOS battery.

The IC697CPU732RR supports 8-line serial multipoint configuration. The number of programmable controllers allowed in this configuration is determined by the cable length. In this setup, the controller should be connected to the computer using a 24 AWG 30V serial cable. Warning: For multipoint configurations, terminal blocks or spare connectors should not be used in the transmission line. To operate the IC697CPU732, use a three-digit switch or a connected computer running the IC641 programming software. Refer to the product manual for proper installation instructions. Power off before connecting the device. Set the three-position operating switch to the STOP position. Place the battery in one of the battery connection slots. Connect the device to slot 1. Power on the device.


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