


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CPU731RR | 微处理器 IC695HSC308




插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.0 安培

点数:512 个输入和输出(任意混音)

支持:IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O



IC697CPU731RR  |   微处理器     IC695HSC308




插槽数量:1 (单插槽)

所需电流:1.0 安培

点数:512 个输入和输出(任意混音)

支持:IC660/IC661 I/O 和 IC697 I/O


GE Fanuc IC697CPU731 是一款使用 80C186 微处理器的 12 MHz、32 KB 中央处理器。该 CPU 的单个插槽位于 PLC 机架内。IC697CPU731 使用 MS-DOS 或 Windows 编程软件(通过以太网 TCP/IP 或通过 SNP 端口)使该模块执行正确的编程和配置。没有提供用于配置的跳线或 DIP 开关。在通电和运行时,此 CPU 执行配置验证。报警功能可以报告实际和编程配置中的偏差。

IC697CPU731的功能包括控制流程、机器和系统以实时处理材料。CPU 可支持高达 8K 的模拟 I/O 模块,包括 IC697 的分立和模拟模块系列。它使用 VME C.1 的标准格式与智能选件模块和 I/O 进行通信。用户可以使用三位操作模式开关或编程软件来控制模块操作。存在三个绿色 LED,指示 CPU 状态。

IC697CPU731 微处理器的基本组成部分包括寄存器堆、运算器、时序控制电路,以及数据和地址总线。其中,控制单元负责指令的解码和执行,算术逻辑单元执行各种算术和逻辑操作,而寄存器组用于存储数据和指令。微处理器通过时钟信号进行节拍控制,从而按照指令序列有序地执行任务。

根据应用领域,IC697CPU731 微处理器大致可以分为四类:通用高性能微处理器、嵌入式微处理器、数字信号处理器和微控制器。通用高性能微处理器主要用于个人计算机和服务器,如英特尔的X86系列和AMD的Zen系列。嵌入式微处理器则强调处理特定应用问题的高性能,主要用于运行面向特定领域的专用程序,如汽车电子、物联网设备等,如ARM的Cortex系列。数字信号处理器主要用于音频、视频等数字信号处理,如TI的DSP系列。微控制器主要用于家电、工业控制等控制领域,如STM32系列。

Technical specification

Product model: IC697CPU731

Module type: CPU

Number of slots: 1 (single slot)

Required current: 1.0 amp

Count: 512 inputs and outputs (any mix)

Support: IC660/IC661 I/O and IC697 I/O

Product description

The GE Fanuc IC697CPU731 is a 12 MHz, 32 KB CPU using an 80C186 microprocessor. A single slot for the CPU is located within the PLC rack. IC697CPU731 uses MS-DOS or Windows programming software (via Ethernet TCP/IP or via SNP ports) to make the module perform the correct programming and configuration. No jumpers or DIP switches are provided for configuration. When powered on and running, this CPU performs configuration verification. The alarm function can report deviations in actual and programmed configurations.

The capabilities of the IC697CPU731 include controlling processes, machines and systems to process materials in real time. The CPU can support analog I/O modules up to 8K, including the discrete and analog module families of the IC697. It uses the standard format of VME C.1 to communicate with intelligent option modules and I/O. The user can control the module operation using a three-position mode switch or programming software. There are three green leds that indicate the CPU status.

The basic components of the IC697CPU731 microprocessor include the register stack, the arithmetic, the timing control circuit, and the data and address bus. Among them, the control unit is responsible for the decoding and execution of instructions, the arithmetic logic unit performs various arithmetic and logic operations, and the register group is used to store data and instructions. The microprocessor performs beat control through clock signals, thus executing tasks in an orderly sequence of instructions.

According to the application area, IC697CPU731 microprocessors can be roughly divided into four categories: general purpose high-performance microprocessors, embedded microprocessors, digital signal processors, and microcontrollers. General-purpose high-performance microprocessors are mainly used in personal computers and servers, such as Intel's X86 series and AMD's Zen series. Embedded microprocessors emphasize high performance for application-specific problems and are primarily used to run specialized programs for specific domains, such as automotive electronics, Internet of Things devices, etc., such as ARM's Cortex family. Digital signal processors are mainly used for digital signal processing such as audio and video, such as TI's DSP series. Microcontrollers are mainly used in home appliances, industrial control and other control fields, such as STM32 series.


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