


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200UDR164 | 电源模块 | 具有以正逻辑或负逻辑工作的输入

GE Fanuc Versamax IC200UDR164 电源模块具有以正逻辑或负逻辑工作的输入。该模块上多达 8 个输入可专门用作高速计数器输入。另一方面,Micro PLC 电源可用于所有连接的输入设备,并且每个输入也使用 8 毫安。IC200UDR164电源模块的电压范围为 100 至 240 伏交流电,频率为 50 至 60 赫兹。该装置在 10 至 85 伏交流电电压范围内的保持时间为 100 毫秒。其他规格包括 40 安培的浪涌时间,持续 2 毫秒,输入电源电压为 26 伏。



IC200UDR164  |  电源模块  | 具有以正逻辑或负逻辑工作的输入



Micro 系列 VersaMax 控制器外形紧凑,功能出色。


IC200UDR164需要以紧凑外形提供强大的功能时,Micro 系列控制器是您的正确选择。它采用模块化设计,可提供您应用所需的功能和灵活性,并具有较短的扫描时间、可靠的指令集和可扩展内存,使编程选项成倍增加。

它们支持易于使用的内存模块,可轻松连接到控制器,以下载最新程序变更,而无需 PC。用户可通过在线编程轻松修改逻辑,而无需停止控制器

IC200UDR164小尺寸 VersaMax Micro PLC 的模块化设计提供了灵活性,并具有一系列内置功能,包括最多支持 64 个 I/O 点(可扩展到 170 个 I/O 点)、较短的扫描时间、可靠的指令集和可扩展内存,使编程选项成倍增加。

IC200UDR164模块是一个电源模块,具有 64 个 I/O 点,包括 40 个输入点和 24 个继电器输出。它由 GE Fanuc Automation 制造,是 Versamax 产品线的一员,专为自动化行业的应用而设计。IC200UDR164电源模块具有输出和输入,专门设计用于各种匹配良好的 I/O 设备。本机在 100 至 240 伏交流电的标称输入电压下运行,专为 PLC 操作而设计。该GE Fanuc电源模块的输出通常是开放式的,并且还带有1极以及投掷机构。这些类型的输出旨在帮助控制不同的负载设备。主要负载装置的示例包括电机起动器、螺线管和指示器。输出具有 2 安培的开关容量,并且应为外部设备安装外部电源。

GE Fanuc Versamax IC200UDR164 电源模块具有以正逻辑或负逻辑工作的输入。该模块上多达 8 个输入可专门用作高速计数器输入。另一方面,Micro PLC 电源可用于所有连接的输入设备,并且每个输入也使用 8 毫安。IC200UDR164电源模块的电压范围为 100 至 240 伏交流电,频率为 50 至 60 赫兹。该装置在 10 至 85 伏交流电电压范围内的保持时间为 100 毫秒。其他规格包括 40 安培的浪涌时间,持续 2 毫秒,输入电源电压为 26 伏。

Model: IC200UDR164

Product description

Micro Series VersaMax controllers are compact and functional.


When the IC200UDR164 needs to deliver powerful functionality in a compact form factor, the Micro series controller is the right choice for you. With a modular design, it offers the functionality and flexibility you need for your application, and features short scan times, a reliable instruction set, and expandable memory to multiply programming options.

They support easy-to-use memory modules that can be easily connected to the controller to download the latest program changes without the need for a PC. Users can easily modify the logic through online programming without stopping the controller

IC200UDR164 Small size VersaMax Micro PLC's modular design offers flexibility and a range of built-in features, including support for up to 64 I/O points (scalable to 170 I/O points), short scan times, reliable instruction set, and expandable memory. Multiply your programming options.

The IC200UDR164 module is a power supply module with 64 I/O points, including 40 input points and 24 relay outputs. Manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation, it is part of the Versamax product line and is designed for applications in the automation industry. The IC200UDR164 power module has both outputs and inputs and is specifically designed for use with a wide range of well-matched I/O devices. The unit operates at a nominal input voltage of 100 to 240 volts AC and is designed for PLC operation. The output of the GE Fanuc power module is usually open, and it also has a pole and a throwing mechanism. These types of outputs are designed to help control different load devices. Examples of major load devices include motor starters, solenoids, and indicators. The output has a switching capacity of 2 amps, and an external power supply should be installed for external devices.

The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200UDR164 power module has inputs that work with positive or negative logic. Up to 8 inputs on the module can be used exclusively as high-speed counter inputs. Micro PLC power supplies, on the other hand, are available for all connected input devices and also use 8 mah per input. The IC200UDR164 power supply module has a voltage range of 100 to 240 volts AC and a frequency of 50 to 60 Hz. The device has a holding time of 100 milliseconds in the 10 to 85 VAC voltage range. Other specifications include a 40 amp surge time lasting 2 milliseconds and an input power supply voltage of 26 volts.


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