


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200MDL750E | 支持正负逻辑接线配置 | 高密度分立式输入模块


系列 :VersaMax I/O

输入组数: 四 (4)

产品描述: 离散输入模块

通道数: 三十二 (32)

每组通道数: 八 (8)

点数 :32 输入

组数: 四 (4)

输入信号,标称: 24 伏直流电

输入信号,量程: 0-30 伏直流电



IC200MDL750E  | 支持正负逻辑接线配置 |  高密度分立式输入模块


系列 :VersaMax I/O

产品类型 :离散输入模块

输入组数: 四 (4)

通道数: 三十二 (32)

每组通道数: 八 (8)

点数 :32 输入

组数: 四 (4)

输入信号,标称: 24 伏直流电

输入信号,量程: 0-30 伏直流电

该IC200MDL750E是GE VersaMax I/O平台的高密度分立式输入模块。该模块具有三十二 (32) 个输入通道,支持正负逻辑接线配置,分为四 (4) 组,每组八 (8) 个输入通道。该模块具有额定 250 VAC 的组间隔离、连续和 1500 VAC 的连续隔离,持续时间为 1 分钟。这种类型的模块通常用于各种工业应用,主要用于集成输入设备,如按钮、辅助触点、限位开关、液位开关、接近传感器和类似的二进制或开/关设备。

IC200MDL750E的输入通道设计为接受 0-30 VDC 的输入电压信号范围,标称输入为 24 VDC。该模块的导通状态电压为 +15 至 +30 VDC,关断状态电压为 0 至 +5 VDC,而导通状态和关断状态电流额定值分别为 w.0 至 5.5 mA 和 0 至 0.5 mA。对于开到关和关到开的信道状态转换,响应时间通常为最大 0.5 ms。此外,输入通道还提供可配置的输入滤波时间,可用于消除去抖动、误报和误负信号。具体而言,可用的过滤器设置为 0 ms、1.0 ms 和 7.0 ms,默认设置为 1.0 ms。

IC200MDL750E 离散输入模块的主要功能包括:


转换信号类型:IC200MDL750E 离散输入模块将检测到的离散信号转换为数字信号,以便在数字系统中进行处理。


Part number: IC200MDL750E

Series: VersaMax I/O

Number of input groups: 4 (4)

Product Description: Discrete input module

Number of channels: 32 (32)

Number of channels per group: 8 (8)

Points: 32 input

Number of groups: 4 (4)

Input signal, nominal: 24 volts DC

Input signal, range: 0-30 volts DC

The IC200MDL750E is a high density discrete input module for the GE VersaMax I/O platform. The module has thirty-two (32) input channels, supports positive and negative logic wiring configuration, is divided into four (4) groups, each group of eight (8) input channels. The module is rated for 250 VAC inter-group isolation, continuous and 1500 VAC continuous isolation with a duration of 1 minute. This type of module is commonly used in a variety of industrial applications, primarily for integrating input devices such as buttons, auxiliary contacts, limit switches, level switches, proximity sensors, and similar binary or on/off devices.

The input channel of the IC200MDL750E is designed to accept an input voltage signal range of 0-30 VDC, with a nominal input of 24 VDC. The module has on-state voltages of +15 to +30 VDC and off state voltages of 0 to +5 VDC, while on-state and off state current ratings are w.0 to 5.5 mA and 0 to 0.5 mA, respectively. For on-off and off-on channel state transitions, the response time is typically a maximum of 0.5 ms. In addition, the input channel provides configurable input filtering times that can be used to eliminate de-jitter, false positives, and false negative signals. Specifically, the available filter Settings are 0 ms, 1.0 ms, and 7.0 ms, with the default setting being 1.0 ms.

The main functions of the IC200MDL750E discrete input module include:

Detect the status of the input signal: The discrete input module can detect the status of the input signal from buttons, switches, sensors and other devices, such as on or off, high level or low level.

Conversion signal Type: The IC200MDL750E discrete input module converts the detected discrete signal into a digital signal for processing in a digital system.

Transmission of digital signals: The converted digital signal can be transmitted via discrete input modules to the control system or other modules for further processing or operation.


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