


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200MDL741 | 分立式输出模块 | 24 伏直流额定正逻辑输入模块

零件编号: IC200MDL741

产品描述: 分立式输出模块

模块 ID vFFFF8080

点数:16 输出


输出电压 :18 至 30 VDC,标称 24 VDC

组间隔离 :没有


LED指示灯:每个点一个 LED,以及“OK”和“FLD PWR”LED

背板电流消耗: 5 伏,75 毫安

保护 短路、过流、续流二极管

外接电源: 18 至 30 VDC,标称 24 VDC



IC200MDL741  |  分立式输出模块  |  24 伏直流额定正逻辑输入模块

零件编号: IC200MDL741

产品描述: 分立式输出模块

模块 ID vFFFF8080

点数:16 输出


输出电压 :18 至 30 VDC,标称 24 VDC

组间隔离 :没有


LED指示灯:每个点一个 LED,以及“OK”和“FLD PWR”LED

背板电流消耗: 5 伏,75 毫安

保护 短路、过流、续流二极管

外接电源: 18 至 30 VDC,标称 24 VDC

GE Fanuc IC200MDL741分立输出模块是属于 Versamax 系列产品的 24 伏直流额定正逻辑输入模块。它带有带电子过流保护和短路保护的源极型输出。IC200MDL741分立输出模块上的输出通过向负载提供电流将负载切换到外部直流电源的正极。每个点的 LED 指示灯显示各个点的开/关状态和过载状态。模块的最大负载电流为 0.5 安培(30 伏直流),输出电压为 18 至 30 伏直流。最大开/关响应时间为 0.5 毫秒。

对于组合式分立式输入输出模块,其具体设计和实现方式可能因应用需求和技术标准的不同而有所差异。一般来说,IC200MDL741 组合式输入输出模块可能将多种输入/输出功能集成在一个模块中,以提高系统的集成度和灵活性。而分立式输入输出模块则可能将不同的输入/输出功能分别设计在不同的模块中,以实现更高的模块化和可维护性。

此外,IC200MDL741 组合式分立式输入输出模块在实际应用中还具有一些优势。例如,通过组合不同的输入/输出模块,可以灵活配置系统以满足不同的应用需求。同时,分立式设计使得各个模块之间相对独立,便于进行故障排查和维护。

Part number: IC200MDL741

Product description: Separate output module

Module ID vFFFF8080

Count :16 output

Number of groups :1

Output voltage :18 to 30 VDC, nominal 24 VDC

Inter-group isolation: No

Point-to-point isolation: No

LED indicator: One LED per dot, as well as "OK" and "FLD PWR" leds

Backplane current consumption: 5 volts, 75 MA

Protection of short circuit, over current, continuous current diode

External power supply: 18 to 30 VDC, nominal 24 VDC

The GE Fanuc IC200MDL741 discrete output module is a 24 volt DC rated positive logic input module of the Versamax family. It has a source type output with electronic overcurrent protection and short circuit protection. The output on the IC200MDL741 discrete output module switches the load to the positive terminal of the external DC power supply by providing current to the load. The LED indicator at each point shows the on/off status and overload status at each point. The module has a maximum load current of 0.5 amps (30 volts DC) and an output voltage of 18 to 30 volts DC. The maximum on/off response time is 0.5 ms.

The specific design and implementation of the combined discrete input/output module may vary according to the different application requirements and technical standards. In general, the IC200MDL741 combined input/output module may integrate multiple input/output functions in a single module to improve the integration and flexibility of the system. Separate input/output modules may have different input/output functions designed in different modules to achieve higher modularity and maintainability.

In addition, the IC200MDL741 combined discrete input/output module has some advantages in practical applications. For example, by combining different input/output modules, the system can be flexibly configured to meet different application requirements. At the same time, the separate design makes each module relatively independent, easy to troubleshoot and maintenance.


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