


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200ALG230A | 模拟量输入模块 | 提供模拟量转485功能



电压类型 :双极或单极

通道数 :四 (4) 个模拟输入

默认电压类型 ;双

模拟输入信号 :模拟输入信号



IC200ALG230A  |   模拟量输入模块  |  提供模拟量转485功能




电压类型 :双极或单极

通道数 :四 (4) 个模拟输入

默认电压类型 ;双

模拟输入信号 :模拟输入信号

GE Fanuc IC200ALG230模块是 Versamax 产品线的一部分。它是一个模拟输入模块,兼容 4 个电流输入或 4 个电压输入。IC200ALG230模拟量输入模块不需要外部电源,因为它从 Versamax PLC 背板中的电源获取电源。它旨在为商业或工业环境中的 Versamax PLC 或可编程逻辑控制器系统提供接口。它的所有 4 个输入都是单端的,它们排列在 1 组中。IC200ALG230模拟输入模块在 5 V 输出电压下消耗 125 毫安的背板电流。默认情况下,其输入电压为 +/- 10 伏直流双极电压,但也可以配置为具有 0 至 10 伏的单极电压。

IC200ALG230A 模拟量输入模块是一款用于将远程现场的模拟量信号采集至计算机的设备1。它利用RS-485总线作为数据通信线路,提供模拟量转485功能,能够同时将模拟量输入至模块,并通过RS-485总线传输至计算机1。模拟量模块分为模拟量输入模块(A/D模块)、模拟量输出模块(D/A模块)和数字量模块三种2。

IC200ALG230A 模拟量输入模块通常用于采集和表示事物的电压、电流、频率等参数。它支持多种采集量程和各类组态软件对接,并且可以支持多种采集模式,如电流或电压切换采集1。此外,模拟量输入模块还具有多种功能特点,例如支持宽电压供电、支持导轨安装等1。


Product model: IC200ALG230A

Product type: Analog input module

Voltage type: bipolar or unipolar

Number of channels: four (4) analog inputs

Default voltage type; double

Analog input signal: analog input signal

The GE Fanuc IC200ALG230 module is part of the Versamax product line. It is an analog input module, compatible with 4 current inputs or 4 voltage inputs. The IC200ALG230 analog input module does not require an external power supply as it draws power from the power supply in the Versamax PLC backplane. It is designed to provide an interface to Versamax PLC or programmable logic controller systems in commercial or industrial environments. All 4 of its inputs are single-ended and they are arranged in 1 group. The IC200ALG230 analog input module consumes 125 mA backplane current at 5 V output voltage. By default, its input voltage is +/- 10 volts DC bipolar, but it can also be configured to have a unipolar voltage of 0 to 10 volts.

IC200ALG230A analog input module is a device used to collect analog signals from remote field to computer 1. It uses the RS-485 bus as a data communication line to provide analog to 485 function, which can simultaneously input analog to the module and transmit it to the computer 1 through the RS-485 bus. The analog module is divided into three types: analog input module (A/D module), analog output module (D/A module) and digital module.

IC200ALG230A analog input module is usually used to collect and represent the voltage, current, frequency and other parameters of things. It supports a variety of acquisition ranges and various configuration software docking, and can support a variety of acquisition modes, such as current or voltage switching acquisition 1. In addition, the analog input module also has a variety of functional features, such as support for wide voltage power supply, support for rail installation, etc. 1.


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