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IC200CHS022B | 紧凑型盒式 I/O 载体 | 用于容纳实心或绞合铜


产品类型 :紧凑型盒式 I/O 载体

产品描述 :I/O 载体模块

盒式端子: 36

产品描述; I/O 载体模块

端子排数量: 三 (3)

尺寸 高度:167.89 毫米(6.61 英寸) 长度:66.80 毫米(2.63 英寸)

载体模块样式 紧凑型 I/O,盒式

终端数量 :36端子



IC200CHS022B  |  紧凑型盒式 I/O 载体  |   用于容纳实心或绞合铜



产品类型 :紧凑型盒式 I/O 载体

产品描述 :I/O 载体模块

盒式端子: 36

产品描述; I/O 载体模块

端子排数量: 三 (3)

尺寸 高度:167.89 毫米(6.61 英寸) 长度:66.80 毫米(2.63 英寸)

载体模块样式 紧凑型 I/O,盒式

终端数量 :36端子

IC200CHS022B 是 VersaMax 产品系列中的载体模块,由 Emerson Automation 制造 该模块与 VersaMax I/O 模块结合使用,根据安装的模块类型提供用于端接输入和输出设备的接线端子。

IC200CHS022B也可以称为终端底座。它具有 36 个螺钉型端子,设计用于容纳实心或绞合铜,范围为 AWG # 14 至 AWG #22,用于单线连接,AWG #18 用于在单个端子中连接两 (2) 根线,以实现端子短路。载体的终端标记为 A1 - A18 和 B1-B18,以便正确分组。每个端子的额定值为 0-264 VAC,每个端子 2 安培,每个接地和电源段 8 安培。每个端子还设计为可承受高达 300 VAC 的瞬态电压。

IC200CHS022B I/O载体模块在工业自动化系统中扮演着重要的角色,它通常作为连接其他I/O模块的基础模块,允许用户根据需求灵活地配置和扩展系统的输入输出功能1。以下是关于I/O载体模块的一些关键信息和特点:


通信接口:IC200CHS022B I/O载体模块通常配备有通信接口,如以太网、串行接口等,用于与主控制系统进行数据交换和通信,实现信息的实时传输和处理。



Product model: IC200CHS022B

Product Type: Compact cassette I/O carrier

Product Description: I/O carrier module

Box terminal: 36

Product description; I/O carrier module

Number of terminal blocks: three (3)

Dimensions Height: 167.89 mm (6.61 in) Length: 66.80 mm (2.63 in)

Carrier module style Compact I/O, box type

Number of terminals: 36 terminals

The IC200CHS022B is a carrier module in the VersaMax product family, manufactured by Emerson Automation. The module is used in combination with the VersaMax I/O module to provide terminals for terminating input and output devices, depending on the type of module installed.

IC200CHS022B can also be called terminal base. It has 36 screw type terminals designed to hold solid or stranded copper and ranges from AWG # 14 to AWG #22 for single wire connections and AWG #18 for connecting two (2) wires in a single terminal to achieve terminal short circuits. The terminals of the carrier are labeled A1-A18 and B1-B18 for proper grouping. Each terminal is rated 0-264 VAC, 2 amps per terminal, and 8 amps per ground and power segment. Each terminal is also designed to withstand transient voltages up to 300 VAC.

IC200CHS022B I/O carrier module plays an important role in industrial automation systems, it is often used as a base module to connect other I/O modules, allowing users to flexibly configure and expand the input and output functions of the system according to needs. Here are some key information and features about the I/O carrier module:

Module expansion: As a carrier, it can accommodate multiple sub-modules, such as analog input module, analog output module, digital input module and digital output module, so as to expand the overall input and output capacity of the system.

Communication interface: The IC200CHS022B I/O carrier module is usually equipped with a communication interface, such as Ethernet, serial interface, etc., for data exchange and communication with the main control system to achieve real-time transmission and processing of information.

Real-time monitoring: These modules can monitor the status of the connected I/O modules in real time, and transmit the data to the control system for processing and control, to ensure the stable operation and efficient work of the system.


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