


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200ALG260B | 模拟量输入模块 | 可用作 8 个电流输入


产品类型 :模拟量输入模块

输入数量: 8

通道数 :八 (8) 个模拟输入

输入类型 :单端

模拟输入信号: 模拟输入信号



IC200ALG260B  |  模拟量输入模块  |   可用作 8 个电流输入


产品类型 :模拟量输入模块

输入数量: 8

通道数 :八 (8) 个模拟输入

输入类型 :单端

模拟输入信号: 模拟输入信号

IC200ALG260输入模块是 GE Versamax PLC 系列的 GE Fanuc 模拟输入模块,可用作 8 个电流输入或 8 个电压输入的接口设备。它的所有 8 个输入都是单端的,它们排列在一个组中。IC200ALG260模拟输入模块在额定电压为 5 伏时,从背板消耗 130 毫安的最大电流。该模块由背板中的电源供电。它不需要来自外部电源的电源,除非它连接了收发器设备。该模块也没有热降额功能。IC200ALG260模拟量输入模块上有 2 个 LED 指示灯。其中一个是绿色的INT PWR LED,向操作员显示模拟场侧电路有现场电源,另一个是绿色OK LED,向操作员显示模块具有背板电源。




过程控制系统:IC200ALG260B 用于过程控制系统,收集数据以实时监测和控制过程变量,确保一致的产品质量和高效运行,并提供模拟输出信号来调节


制造自动化:IC200ALG260B 集成到制造自动化系统中,从传感器收集数据,监测机器状况,如振动、速度和扭矩,并提供模拟输出信号来控制机器运



Model: IC200ALG260B

Product type: Analog input module

Input quantity: 8

Number of channels: Eight (8) analog inputs

Input type: Single-end

Analog input signal: analog input signal

The IC200ALG260 input module is the GE Fanuc analog input module of the GE Versamax PLC series, which can be used as an interface device with 8 current inputs or 8 voltage inputs. All eight of its inputs are single-ended and they are arranged in a group. The IC200ALG260 analog input module consumes a maximum current of 130 mA from the backplane at a rated voltage of 5 volts. The module is powered by the power supply in the backplane. It does not require power from an external power source unless it is connected to a transceiver device. The module also has no heat derating function. There are two LED indicators on the IC200ALG260 analog input module. One is a green INT PWR LED that shows the operator that the analog field side circuit has field power, and the other is a green OK LED that shows the operator that the module has backplane power.


Industrial Automation systems: Mainly used in industrial automation systems, analog data is obtained from sensors that monitor various process parameters, such as temperature, pressure, flow and level, and executed for control

Devices such as valves, motors, and heaters provide analog output signals.

Process control systems :IC200ALG260B is used in process control systems to collect data to monitor and control process variables in real time, ensure consistent product quality and efficient operation, and provide analog output signals to adjust

Procedure parameters.

Manufacturing automation: The IC200ALG260B is integrated into manufacturing automation systems to collect data from sensors, monitor machine conditions such as vibration, speed and torque, and provide analog output signals to control machine movement

Rows for predictive maintenance and performance optimization.

Environmental monitoring systems: Used in environmental monitoring systems to capture data on environmental parameters, such as air quality, water quality and noise levels, and to provide analog output signals to control ventilation systems, pumps and other equipment to ensure environmental protection and regulatory compliance


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