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IS200JPDFG1A | 电源模块 用于重型涡轮机管理

IS200JPDFG1A是作为Mark VI系统的一部分制造的GE组件。 该系统是通用电气为燃气/蒸汽轮机管理而创建和开发的长期运行的 Speedtronic 系列的一部分。三十多年来,带有 Speedtronic 名称的各种系统一直用于重型涡轮机管理。Mark VI是最后发布的系统之一,包括以太网通信和基于Windows PC的操作员界面。



IS200JPDFG1A   |  电源模块   用于重型涡轮机管理


IS200JPDFG1A是作为Mark VI系统的一部分制造的GE组件。 该系统是通用电气为燃气/蒸汽轮机管理而创建和开发的长期运行的 Speedtronic 系列的一部分。三十多年来,带有 Speedtronic 名称的各种系统一直用于重型涡轮机管理。Mark VI是最后发布的系统之一,包括以太网通信和基于Windows PC的操作员界面。

IS200JPDFG1A是IS2020JPDF电源模块的一部分,该模块由电路板、带直流断路器的钣金结构、输入滤波器、限流电阻和串联二极管组成。 如果需要,IS200JPDFG1A为两个DACA模块提供连接。IS200JPDFG1A板用于将直流电源分配给大容量直流电。该IS200JPDFG1A使用带状电缆连接进行系统反馈,例如直流总线电压和通过PPDA板的接地故障检测。

该IS200JPDFG1A有六个拨动开关放置在一条线上。其中三个包括一个警告标签,上面写着“注意,断电后,等待 30 秒,然后再重新通电。IS200JPDFG1A 有 18 个具有独立额定功率的保险丝。它有 14 个插头连接器,包括 2 位插头 (10)、12 位插头 (2)、9 位和 5 位插头。

IS200JPDFG1A包括金属膜电阻器、盒式电容器、陶瓷电容器、TP 测试点和晶体管。组件标有参考标号。有关该板及其组件的更多信息,请参阅GE出版物GEI-100613。

Product description

The IS200JPDFG1A is a GE component manufactured as part of the Mark VI system. The system is part of the long-running Speedtronic family created and developed by GE for gas/steam turbine management. Various systems bearing the Speedtronic name have been used for heavy-duty turbine management for over thirty years. Mark VI was one of the last systems to be released and included Ethernet communication and a Windows PC-based operator interface.

The IS200JPDFG1A is part of the IS2020JPDF power module, which consists of a circuit board, sheet metal structure with DC circuit breakers, input filters, current limiting resistors and series diodes. The IS200JPDFG1A provides connectivity for two DACA modules if required. The IS200JPDFG1A board is used to distribute DC power to large capacity DC power. The IS200JPDFG1A uses ribbon cable connections for system feedback, such as DC bus voltage and ground fault detection through the PPDA board.

The IS200JPDFG1A has six toggle switches placed in a line. Three of them included a warning label that read, "Beware, after power failure, wait 30 seconds, then power back on." The IS200JPDFG1A has 18 fuses with independent power ratings. It has 14 plug connectors, including 2-bit plugs (10), 12-bit plugs (2), 9-bit plugs and 5-bit plugs.

The IS200JPDFG1A includes metal film resistors, box capacitors, ceramic capacitors, TP test points, and transistors. Components are labeled with reference labels. For more information about the board and its components, see GE publication GEI-100613.


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