


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IS200TVBAH1AAA | 振动端子板 | 为各种传感器供电并检测开路


电压 0-5V,+6%(仅 3700A)


输入点数量 32、差分、直流耦合

隔离点 无

输入 更新速率 55 ms

分辨率 12 位

精度< FSR 的 0.15%

0°至 60°C

输入电阻(负载)30 MΩ(DC),最小值

断电电阻 30 KQ (DC),典型

共模抑制 -80 dB(DC-100Hz)



IS200TVBAH1AAA | 振动端子板 |  为各种传感器供电并检测开路


电压 0-5V,+6%(仅 3700A)


输入点数量 32、差分、直流耦合

隔离点 无

输入 更新速率 55 ms

分辨率 12 位

精度< FSR 的 0.15%

0°至 60°C

输入电阻(负载)30 MΩ(DC),最小值

断电电阻 30 KQ (DC),典型

共模抑制 -80 dB(DC-100Hz)


IS200TVBAH1AAA 是GE公司开发的振动端子板。它是Mak Ve控制系统的一部分。该板用作!/0包Mark Ve PVIB或Mark VleS WVB的信号接口


接口。瞬志抑制保护通过两个24点螺丝端子进入的端子板输入信号免受电气干扰引起的高压影响。跳线JPxA和IPxC位于37针/0 pack连接器的左侧



IS200TVBAH1AAA 输入信号通过右侧的37针连接器路由至I/O组件。TVBA适用于单工和TMR应用。TMR应用将信号分布在三个!0包中。输入信号的缓)中输出被路由

至9和25引脚DIN连接器,以馈入Bently Nevada 3xoxx监控系统。

每个缓冲输出还包括一个卡口螺母连接(BNC),用干为第一方监控设备供电。使用37引脚/0 pac连接器左侧的PxB跳线为相应的传感器配置蝓

出缓冲器。//0包的通道1至13和14路由至外部使用的缓冲输出。1/0包由客户提供的+28 V电源供电。

IS200TVBAH1AAA WNPS子板仅向TVBAH#A端子板的Bently Nevada传感器提供所需的-28 V电源,一个用于单工配置,三个用于TMR配置。可移动子板将电源的

+28 V电源转换为-28 V电源。


该板接受14个传感器输入,这些输入直接连接到两个24点!/0端子板。每个块由两个螺固定在一起,可接受高达12 AWG的电线。



Voltage 0-5V, +6%(3700A only)

Type TMR, AI

Number of input points 32, differential, DC coupling

Isolation point none

Enter update rate 55 ms

Resolution 12 bits

Accuracy < 0.15% of FSR

0° to 60°C

Input resistance (load)30 MΩ(DC), minimum value

Power off resistance 30 KQ (DC), typical

Common mode rejection -80 dB(DC-100Hz)

Function description

The IS200TVBAH1AAA is a vibration terminal board developed by GE. It is part of the Mak Ve control system. The board is used! /0 packet Mark Ve PVIB or Mark VleS WVB signal interface

Board. Integrated output (speed) sensors for eddy current (position and speed), seismic (speed), speedometer and accelerometer with direct vibration interfaces. It also provides a dynamic pressure to the charge amplifier

Interface. Instantaneous suppression protects the terminal board input signal entered through two 24-point screw terminals from high voltage caused by electrical interference. Jumpers JPxA and IPxC are located to the left of the 37-pin /0 pack connector

And 24 point screws end up on the right side, powering various sensors and detecting open circuits.


The IS200TVBAH1AAA input signal is routed to the I/O component through the 37-pin connector on the right. TVBA is suitable for simplex and TMR applications. TMR applications distribute the signal in three! In packet 0. The output of the input signal is routed

To 9 and 25 pin DIN connectors to feed the Bently Nevada 3xoxx monitoring system.

Each buffer output also includes a bayonet nut connection (BNC) with a stem to power the first-party monitoring device. Use the PxB jumper on the left side of the 37-pin /0 pac connector to configure the slugs for the corresponding sensor

Exit the buffer. //0 Packet channels 1 to 13 and 14 are routed to the buffer output for external use. The 1/0 package is powered by a +28 V power supply provided by the customer.

The IS200TVBAH1AAA WNPS subboard provides only the required -28 V power supply to the Bently Nevada sensor of the TVBA #A terminal board, one for the simplex configuration and three for the TMR configuration. Removable subboard will power

The +28 V power supply is converted to a -28 V power supply.

Installation, operation, and jumper configuration

The board accepts 14 sensor inputs, which are directly connected to two 24-points! /0 Terminal board. Each block is held together by two screws and can accept up to 12 AWG of wire.

Each patch board has its own shielded end connection. The I/0 packet can only handle 13 of the 14 channels, and the 14th channel is routed to the buffer output stage for Bentley Nevada devices (equipped withTVBAH2A, H2B, S2A or S2B) is used


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