


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC693MDL752 | 分立式输出模块 | 90-30系列

零件编号 :IC693MDL752

系列: 90-30系列

产品类型 :数字 I/O

产品描述 :分立式输出模块

通道数 ;三十二 (32)

兼容性 :GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC

IC693MDL752 分立式输出模块在不同领域有不同的应用和特点。



IC693MDL752  |  分立式输出模块  |  90-30系列


零件编号 :IC693MDL752

系列: 90-30系列

产品类型 :数字 I/O

产品描述 :分立式输出模块

通道数 ;三十二 (32)

兼容性 :GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC

IC693MDL752 分立式输出模块在不同领域有不同的应用和特点。

在音频设备中,作为HiFi用途,IC693MDL752 分立式电路具有便于调整最佳工作状态和更好的输出功率及韵味表现等优点。相较于高度一体化的集成电路,分立式电路可以更加方便地调整不同的工作点状态,尤其是对于细节的微调,可以达到更加完美、更加接近于理想状态的效果。同时,分立式电路采用功率管进行放大,在音色上会更加温暖而具有感染力,让声音更加润泽,也可以更好地驱动设备。




Part number: IC693MDL752

Series: 90-30 series

Product type: Digital I/O

Product description: Separate output module

Number of channels; Thirty-two (32)

Compatibility: GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC

The IC693MDL752 discrete output module has different applications and characteristics in different fields.

In audio equipment, as a HiFi use, the IC693MDL752 discrete circuit has the advantages of convenient adjustment of the best working state and better output power and flavor performance. Compared with highly integrated integrated circuits, separate circuits can be more convenient to adjust different operating point states, especially for fine tuning of details, can achieve more perfect, closer to the ideal state of the effect. At the same time, the separate circuit uses a power tube for amplification, which will be warmer and more infectious in the timbre, make the sound more moist, and can also better drive the equipment.

In the industrial field, the specific application of the IC693MDL752 discrete output module may be different. For example, Dongtu Technology's high-performance industrial network solutions include the application of discrete output modules. Based on network infrastructure such as 5G, TSN, Wi-Fi, industrial Ethernet, and industrial PON, the solution is designed to meet the communication requirements of multi-scenario communication with low delay, high reliability, and large bandwidth in the industrial field. IT builds a hybrid networking capability for industrial sites, and realizes IT/OT integration, cloud-edge integration coordination, and network lifecycle management. Meet the differentiated communication requirements of different services and scenarios.

In general, the specific application and function of the IC693MDL752 discrete output module depends on the system and domain in which it is located.


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