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IS200RCSAG1ABB | RC 缓冲板 | 每块板有两个相同的电路


这款IS200RCSAG1ABB RC 缓冲器组件由工业巨头零售商通用电气制造,更具体地说是由他们的 GE 工业系统外壳制造商制造的,该制造商负责所有 EX2100 励磁控制系统系列产品的创建。这种特定的 PCB 或印刷电路板是原始IS200RCSAG1父板的修改版本;具有三个重要的产品修订,分别被评为A级、B级和B级。IS200RCSAG1ABB PCB 可以更好地定义,因为它的手动指定功能描述为 RC 缓冲板,这恰好与 RCSA 功能产品首字母缩写完全一致。



IS200RCSAG1ABB  |   RC 缓冲板  |  每块板有两个相同的电路

IS200VVIBH1CAC 3.png


这款IS200RCSAG1ABB RC 缓冲器组件由工业巨头零售商通用电气制造,更具体地说是由他们的 GE 工业系统外壳制造商制造的,该制造商负责所有 EX2100 励磁控制系统系列产品的创建。这种特定的 PCB 或印刷电路板是原始IS200RCSAG1父板的修改版本;具有三个重要的产品修订,分别被评为A级、B级和B级。IS200RCSAG1ABB PCB 可以更好地定义,因为它的手动指定功能描述为 RC 缓冲板,这恰好与 RCSA 功能产品首字母缩写完全一致。


在尝试解释或识别贴在该 IS200RCSAG1ABB RC 缓冲板基板上的各种可用硬件组件之前,首先要了解该板的全部预期功能和应用。创建该IS200RCSAG1ABB板的主要目的是为 1800 或 1000 创新系列非再生源的 SCR 或二极管型模块提供缓冲电路。该RCSA缩写板的另一个应用可以在其适用于栅极驱动电路的噪声隔离中识别。

在描述此创新系列板的功能之后,应充分了解其某些硬件组件。IS200RCSAG1ABB RC Snubber 组件采用的一个主要突出显示的硬件组件是其两组 SCR 和二极管连接,它们包含在该板的组件中,目的是考虑创新系列中物理可行的 1800 和 1000 框架单元之间的物理差异。如上所述,这块IS200RCSAG1ABB RCSA板使用一系列缓冲电路;每块板有两个相同的电路。其中一个缓冲电路对应于该板的 SCR 连接,而另一个对应于前面描述的二极管连接。每个缓冲器电路都具有不同的脉冲宽度、频率和峰值电压值,具体取决于电路的电容测量电阻状态。需要注意的是,该 RCSA 缓冲器组件不使用任何可手动移动的跳线或可定制的硬件组件,尽管其组件中包含四个工厂钻孔以用于安装目的

IS200VVIBH1CAC 3.png

Product description

The IS200RCSAG1ABB RC buffer assembly was manufactured by industrial giant retailer General Electric, and more specifically by their GE Industrial System Housing manufacturer, which is responsible for the creation of all EX2100 excitation control system family products. This particular PCB or printed circuit board is a modified version of the original IS200RCSAG1 parent board; It has three significant product revisions and is rated as Grade A, B and B respectively. The IS200RCSAG1ABB PCB can be better defined because its manually specified function is described as RC buffer board, which happens to be exactly in line with the RCSA functional product acronym.

Hardware tips and specifications

Before attempting to explain or identify the various available hardware components attached to the IS200RCSAG1ABB RC buffer board substrate, it is important to understand the full intended functionality and application of the board. The main purpose of creating the IS200RCSAG1ABB board is to provide a buffer circuit for the 1800 or 1000 innovative series of non-regenerative SCR or diode type modules. Another application of the RCSA abbreviated board can be identified in its noise isolation for gate drive circuits.

After describing the features of this innovative series board, some of its hardware components should be fully understood. A major highlighted hardware component of the IS200RCSAG1ABB RC Snubber assembly is its two sets of SCR and diode connections, which are included in the board's components in order to account for the physical differences between the physically viable 1800 and 1000 frame units in the innovative family. As mentioned above, the IS200RCSAG1ABB RCSA board uses a series of buffer circuits; Each board has two identical circuits. One of the buffer circuits corresponds to the SCR connection of the board, while the other corresponds to the diode connection described earlier. Each buffer circuit has a different pulse width, frequency, and peak voltage value, depending on the capacitance measurement resistance state of the circuit. It is important to note that this RCSA buffer assembly does not use any manually removable jump-wires or customizable hardware components, although four factory holes are included in its assembly for installation purposes


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