


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IS200ISBBG2AAB | 印刷电路板 | EX2100型

这款IS200ISBBG2AAB 印刷电路板最初由 GE Industrial Systems 制造,GE Industrial Systems 是行业领导者通用电气的空壳公司,负责制造其 EX2100 励磁控制系统系列产品。本产品作为原始IS200ISBBG2母印刷电路板的修订版存在;通过包含两个 A 级功能修订版和一个单一的 B 级插图修订版进行修改。该印刷电路板或 PCB 可以更详细地定义为 InSync 总线旁路板, 。



IS200ISBBG2AAB  |  印刷电路板 | EX2100型

IS200EROCH1ABB (1).jpg


系列 :EX2100型

零件编号 :IS200ISBBG2AAB

功能描述 :InSync 总线旁路

PCB涂层: 普通涂层


这款IS200ISBBG2AAB印刷电路板最初由 GE Industrial Systems 制造,GE Industrial Systems 是行业领导者通用电气的空壳公司,负责制造其 EX2100 励磁控制系统系列产品。本产品作为原始IS200ISBBG2母印刷电路板的修订版存在;通过包含两个 A 级功能修订版和一个单一的 B 级插图修订版进行修改。该印刷电路板或 PCB 可以更详细地定义为 InSync 总线旁路板, 如最初制作的有关该板的说明手册材料中所述。


在深入研究使这款 IS200ISBBG2AAB InSync 总线旁路板独一无二的各种硬件组件和规格之前,了解产品的真正预期功能非常重要。很遗憾,此 PCB 在原始 EX2100 系列手册材料中的定义仅定义为 InSync 总线旁路板,因为有关此产品功能的任何其他定义材料似乎都无法在线获得。话虽如此,有关IS200ISBBG2AAB板模块的大量信息是现成的,可以通过对零件进行勤奋的目视检查以及对其个性化通用电气产品编号的解释来访问。

IS200EROCH1ABB (1).jpg

Manufacturer: GE Industrial Systems

Series: EX2100

Part number: IS200ISBBG2AAB

Function Description: InSync bus bypass

PCB coating: Ordinary coating

Product description

The IS200ISBBG2AAB printed circuit board was originally manufactured by GE Industrial Systems, a shell company of industry leader General Electric that manufactures its EX2100 line of excitation control Systems. This product exists as a revised version of the original IS200ISBBG2 mother printed circuit board; Modified by including two Level A feature revisions and a single Level B illustration revision. The printed circuit board or PCB may be defined in more detail as an InSync bus bypass board, as described in the instruction manual material originally produced for the board.

Hardware tips and specifications

Before delving into the various hardware components and specifications that make this IS200ISBBG2AAB InSync bus bypass board unique, it is important to understand the true intended functionality of the product. Unfortunately, the definition of this PCB in the original EX2100 series manual materials is only defined as an InSync bus bypass board, as any other defining materials regarding the functionality of this product do not appear to be available online. Having said that, a great deal of information about IS200ISBBG2AAB board modules is readily available and can be accessed through diligent visual inspection of the parts and an explanation of their personalized GE product numbers.



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