


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

DS200TCQBG1BCB | 扩展模拟 I/O 板 模拟输入/输出(I/O)

OEM代工: GE通用电气

原创系列 :马克五世

功能部件号 :DS200TCQBG1BCB

功能部件说明 :RST 扩展模拟 I/O 板

功能部件缩写 :TCQB系列

PCB涂层类型 :普通涂层

组装类型 :正常装配.

DS200TCQBG1BCB 扩展模拟I/O板是一种用于扩展计算机或其他信息处理系统的模拟输入/输出(I/O)能力的板卡。这种板卡通常配备有模拟信号接口,可以接收和发送模拟信号,以实现对模拟量的采集、转换和控制。



DS200TCQBG1BCB |  扩展模拟 I/O 板     模拟输入/输出(I/O)


OEM代工: GE通用电气

原创系列 :马克五世

功能部件号 :DS200TCQBG1BCB

功能部件说明 :RST 扩展模拟 I/O 板

功能部件缩写 :TCQB系列

PCB涂层类型 :普通涂层

组装类型 :正常装配.

DS200TCQBG1BCB 扩展模拟I/O板是一种用于扩展计算机或其他信息处理系统的模拟输入/输出(I/O)能力的板卡。这种板卡通常配备有模拟信号接口,可以接收和发送模拟信号,以实现对模拟量的采集、转换和控制。

DS200TCQBG1BCB 模拟I/O板的应用非常广泛,涵盖了制造业、能源、交通运输、环境监测等多个领域。在制造业中,模拟I/O板常被用于自动化生产线上,实现对生产过程的精确监测和控制。在能源领域,模拟I/O板被用于监测电力设备的状态以及实时数据的采集。此外,在交通运输、物流、环境监测等领域,模拟I/O板也扮演着关键的角色。




第一组 Mark V 系列产品分组

A B级主要功能产品修订版


A B级艺术品配置产品修订版



OEM: GE General Electric

Original series: Mark V

Function part number: DS200TCQBG1BCB

Function description: RST extended analog I/O board

Function abbreviation: TCQB series

PCB coating type: Normal coating

Assembly type: Normal assembly.

The DS200TCQBG1BCB Extended Analog I/O board is a board used to extend the analog input/output (I/O) capability of a computer or other information processing system. The board is usually equipped with an analog signal interface, which can receive and send analog signals to realize the acquisition, conversion and control of analog quantities.

The application of DS200TCQBG1BCB analog I/O board is very wide, covering manufacturing, energy, transportation, environmental monitoring and other fields. In the manufacturing industry, analog I/O boards are often used in automated production lines to achieve accurate monitoring and control of the production process. In the energy sector, analog I/O boards are used to monitor the status of power equipment and to collect real-time data. In addition, in the fields of transportation, logistics, environmental monitoring, analog I/O boards also play a key role.

Some other specific DS200TCQBG1BCB board hardware elements highlighted in the DS200TCQBG1BCB Feature Product number include:

TCQB Functional Products acronym

A thick plain style coating for printed circuit boards

The first group of Mark V series products

A Grade B Major functional product revision

Grade C Secondary Function Product revision

A Class B Artwork Configuration Product revision


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